Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 152: red light district, local snake

In this way, the problem of development funds has been perfectly solved. Xiao Jie believes that although he will encounter great difficulties at the time, as time goes by, the National Security Bureau will grow rapidly, and his own industry will also be established soon. In the end, a virtuous circle will be formed, that is, the National Security Bureau provides total protection and assistance to its industries, and those industries provide development funds to the National Security Bureau, forming a win-win situation.

As for who to send to manage these industries, Xiao Jie has no suitable candidates yet. He is thinking whether to directly transfer a group of people from his own group. In this way, he will control the source of funds for the National Security Bureau, and thus control National Security Agency, in order to achieve his ulterior secrets. It is believed that in a short period of time, restaurants, hotels and bars with the logo of the National Security Agency will bloom all over Paris and even the whole of France.

"Sikes, do you know where the red light district in Paris is? Who is the leader of Paris now?" Xiao Jie asked. From a certain point of view, in order to quickly obtain certain information, it often depends on these people living at the bottom of society. They have their unique way of life and channels to obtain information. Bureau action will be more favorable.

"Red-light district? Local snake? What is that?" Sikes asked puzzled.

"Huh?" Only then did Xiao Jie realize that this is a term used by later generations, and perhaps there is no such term in this era. So he explained: "The red light district is the most chaotic, darkest place where a large number of prostitutes and punks gather."

"Oh, so it's that kind of place? Do you still want to find prostitutes? Those women are very dirty." Sikes asked with an incredulous expression.

Xiao Jie knew that Sikes was thinking wrong, and said angrily: "Do you think I still need to find a prostitute? As long as I want to, women who want to sleep with me can definitely line up from Paris to Versailles."

"Maybe you have any special hobbies?" Sikes joked.

"Okay, no kidding. Is there such a place in Paris? Where is it? They will be a great help to our National Security Bureau." Xiao Jie said seriously.

Seeing Xiao Jie's serious look, Six also put away his joking expression, and said sternly: "Of course there are those places in Paris, it can be said that they are everywhere, but the most important ones are concentrated around Victor Boulevard. , where the Seine River flows through the lower reaches of Paris, the people living there are basically the poorest people in Paris, and it is also the most chaotic and darkest area in Paris. Most of the vagrants and gypsies gather in that area, The police station there is also the busiest in Paris, where murders, robberies and rapes happen almost all the time. It is called the **** of Paris.”

"Then who is the boss there? In other words, whose territory is there." Xiao Jie continued to ask.

Sikes thought for a while, and then laughed strangely: "The current local snake is called Napoleon, and in the future it will be Andresi."

Xiao Jie was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing. Indeed, if you want to talk about local snakes, Napoleon is the biggest local snake in Paris and the whole of France. Who in France would dare to disobey his orders? In the future, I will also take over the power in his hands and become the leader of the whole of France. "Sikes, what I want to ask now is who is the boss of Hell in Paris." Xiao Jie asked seriously.

"Uh, this one? I have to check it out." Then he left. The National Security Bureau has only just been established, and obviously there are no files on these people. If you want to know the details, you have to rely on the archives of the police station.

In less than half an hour, Six came back, and he brought back the news that Xiao Jie wanted to know. After years of fighting, the underground forces entrenched near Avenue Victor in Paris have formed two major forces, mainly composed of locals in Paris, plus French from other regions to form a large force. The leader is a A middle-aged man named Andrew. The Gypsies wandering here are the main body, plus another big force formed by other ethnic groups in Paris, the leader is a young man named Abel. However, the Gypsies were clearly at a disadvantage in the battle between the two sides. After all, they are foreigners. Although the French are not very xenophobic, the French always have an advantage when dealing with the French and other nationalities.

"Get ready, we'll go there tonight." Xiao Jie said to Six after reading the information about the two organizations.

"Go to that place? Or at night? Your Highness, you must know that it is very chaotic there, especially at night. Your safety will not be guaranteed there, so I oppose your plan. Besides, what's the matter with you?" Just ask me to go, you don't need to take this risk." Sixth refused Xiao Zhu's order without thinking. Just kidding, who knows if they will be attacked in that place called hell? Those people don't care if you're the Crown Prince or anything. If something happened to Xiao Jie, Napoleon, who was in a rage, might take him to be buried with Sikes. Therefore, for the sake of his own life, Sikes justly rejected Xiao Jie's unreasonable orders.

"Sikes, do you think you can stop what I decided?" Xiao Jie looked at Sixes and said. In fact, he is just full of curiosity about that kind of place. He has never been to that kind of place since he grew up, including his previous life. Now that he finally has such an opportunity, he certainly doesn't want to give up.

look at Xiao

His anger did not loosen, so Sikes had no choice but to change his strategy, begged with soft words, and made him feel as if he would be a sinner in France, a scum of society, and a scum of the people as long as he went.

"Is it that serious? You are too alarmist." Xiao Jie said angrily.

"Absolutely." Sikes argued hard. In fact, the main reason why he prevented Xiao Jie from going to those chaotic places was that Xiao Jie's safety could not be guaranteed there. Now Paris and even France are not peaceful. God knows where those hostile forces and royalist elements are hiding, otherwise Napoleon would not have asked Xiao Jie to set up a National Security Bureau.

"Sikes, the reason why you prevent me from going is because you are worried that my safety will be threatened?" Xiao Jie asked.

Sikes nodded too.

"So if I can solve this problem well, won't you stop objecting?"

Sikes also knew that Xiao Jie's temper was very sticky, and the things he decided were usually hard to change. If he can solve the big problem of security, he certainly won't stop Xiao Jie.

Xiao Jie rolled his eyes and said: "Sikes, is it only the two of us who know about my going there, and the people selected for the National Security Bureau are also loyal to the empire, so even if they know the news, they will not If it was leaked, then if I didn’t know the news, then those hostile elements will not know where I’m going, so is my safety guaranteed?”

Sikes nodded, but then said: "But that place is not peaceful, and conflicts may break out at any time. And we can't send troops in there with great fanfare, then those hostile elements will know. So Your safety will still be at risk."

Xiao Jie shrugged indifferently: "It's not just the two of us going, of course we have to bring some people to protect us, of course, in order not to attract the attention of others, we can't bring too many people, at most about 30 people .”

"That's right, but do you know how many people there are in that area? According to statistics, there are more than 100,000 people there. And there are at least 20,000 to 30,000 people belonging to those two organizations. What kind of conflict is really going to break out? Dozens of people are not enough for people to stick their teeth? Besides, because guns are too easy to expose, we can’t bring guns, and we can only bring some weapons such as knives that are not easy to expose. In this case, if we really want to If we do it, we will be at a complete disadvantage." Sikes analyzed all the potential threats, hoping to convince Xiao Jie.

"Well, after all, I'm also the crown prince, so they can't attack me without considering the impact." Xiao Jie said.

"Only God knows that."

"By the way, we can effectively solve the problem of weapons. A new weapon has been produced at the arsenal, which is very suitable for us to use." Xiao Jie said excitedly.

"Oh, what weapon?" Sikes also became interested.

"It's a weapon called a pistol. It's much shorter and lighter than a rifle. It's just developed by the arsenal. The only downside is that the gun's power and range are not great, but it's also very suitable for Our department and the police use it," Xiao Jie explained. Since the rifle is too heavy, it is not suitable for officers to use, so Xiao Jie started the research and development of new weapons after the establishment of the 88th Army, asking them to develop a weapon specially prepared for officers, similar to the police, and some secret departments. arms. This is the course, in the process, Xiao Jie also plagiarized the designs of later generations. He told the experts in the arsenal about the general structure of the revolver, but they still used it. It took a year to get it out, and the effective range is only 30 meters, which is not very suitable for use on the battlefield. However, considering that officers do not need to work as hard as ordinary soldiers, after returning to Paris, Xiao Jie ordered the arsenal to produce them to equip officers at all levels of the legion, so as to replace the command swords they had been using.

After consuming a lot of Xiao Jie's saliva, Six agreed that if this weapon called a pistol could effectively guarantee Xiao Jie's safety, then he would agree to Xiao Jie's plan. At that time, the government's control over guns was still very strict, and civilians were not allowed to own guns privately. If they had guns in their hands, the so-called **** in Paris would not pose much threat to them.

Seeing that Six agreed, Xiao Jie shouted excitedly. Immediately let someone take his instructions to the arsenal to fetch a hundred pistols, and bring a few boxes of bullets. And 50 people were drawn from the combatants of the National Security Bureau, and after the guns arrived, they would conduct assault training. It is not yet noon, and there is still some time until dark. This period of time was enough for these elites to get familiar with this new weapon. Xiao Jie didn't ask them to be trained as sharpshooters who could penetrate Yang with a hundred paces. He only asked them to be able to kill the enemy within 20 to 30 meters.

(s: Many people said that the protagonist is a prostitute. And expressed serious dissatisfaction with Xiaoyu. What Xiaoyu wants to say is that this was very common in the West at that time. Especially among the nobles. His. And. In the protagonist Many things that happened to him happened to Napoleon in history. Xiaoyu just applied him to the protagonist. >Login.cmfu..

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