Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 137: uninvited

(Reviewing, preparing for the exam!)

On April 26, Xiao Jie received the news that Soult's army had captured Borisov, and the battle went very smoothly. The Russian army stationed there was no match for the French army at all, and it took less than two hours. It was completely defeated by the 7th Army, with countless casualties, while the loss of the 7th Army was extremely slight.

After the battle, Soult did not pursue it, but began to build a line of defense in Borisov according to Xiao Jie's request, preparing to prevent the Russians from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

After nearly four days of intense negotiations, Talleyrand and Makovsky also reached a preliminary agreement. It was also agreed that formal negotiations would be held one month later, but the negotiations at that time would be personally attended by Alexander and Xiao Jie representing Napoleon. Since the agreement is reached, the French army will temporarily stop attacking and maintain the current military posture. In contrast, the Russian army must also maintain the current posture. Except for transporting supplies, no military mobilization is allowed. As for how to end the war and restore peace between the two countries, it will have to wait until the formal negotiations between the two parties to determine.

The most intense quarrel in the negotiations was the determination of the venue for negotiations between the two big figures one month later. Originally, Makovsky proposed to set the venue for the negotiations in Borisov, because Borisov was still under their control at that time, and the safety of the tsar could be guaranteed the most when negotiating there. Although Jie went there and said that Russia would not do anything to him, it was always dangerous to be under the control of the Russian army. If the Russian army really wanted to catch Xiao Jie and threaten the French to retreat, they would have nothing to do. So this proposal was strongly opposed by Talleyrand. He proposed to set the negotiation site at Zhokino, between Minsk and Borisov, on the grounds that it is in the middle of the control range of the French and Russian troops, so that neither side will have an advantage, and it is the most fair for both parties. of.

Makovsky originally wanted to agree, but he suddenly thought that when he came to Minsk, he happened to encounter a military operation by the French army. If there is no accident, if Jino should have been controlled by the French army long ago, this scared him all over. In a cold sweat, he immediately rejected Talleyrand's proposal. I secretly called it a fluke in my heart, and almost fell into the trap of the French.

The two fell into a long-term debate on this issue. Both Talleyrand and Makovsky tried their best to persuade each other, but both of them are obviously masters in negotiating, and it took two In a matter of days, a final agreement could not be reached.

During the negotiations on the morning of the 27th, Talleyrand suddenly changed his previous tone and agreed to set the venue for the negotiations in Borisov. This surprised Makovsky. Originally, he thought that today would be wasted in the wrangling between the two sides like the previous two days, but he agreed to his proposal thinking that Talleyrand was so straightforward. Based on years of experience, he felt that this matter was very strange, and he did not dare to agree to Talleyrand's proposal, and immediately fled the negotiation venue on the grounds that he was not feeling well.

Talleyrand didn't expect that Makovsky would use such a rogue trick to scold Makovsky for being shameless. But he couldn't do anything other than vent his anger like this. Because during the negotiation, if one party is unwell, the negotiation can be temporarily terminated, but I didn't expect Makovsky to delay time without regard for his own face.

Taking advantage of this hard-won time, Makovsky finally got the news that Borisov had been captured by the French army. He couldn't help scolding Talleyrand for being despicable, and designed a trap for him to fall into. If he really agreed, wouldn't that send the Tsar to the tiger's mouth? With the current strength of the French army, if the Tsar is captured again, this battle will not be necessary for Russia at all, just surrender. Maybe France will not use this to threaten Russia to surrender, but it is certain to use it to gain more benefits in the negotiations. At the same time, Makovsky also scolded the troops guarding Borisov for their incompetence. They were defeated by the French army in such a short period of time. It is also impossible to catch it in a short period of time.

In the afternoon, negotiations continued. Talleyrand forced Makovsky to make a decision with a smile on his face. But even if Makovsky was killed, he would not dare to agree. So he had the cheek to change his original proposal. It was re-proposed to set the negotiation site at Orsha on the Dnieper River. The reason, of course, is that it is still under the control of the Russian army.

Seeing that Makovsky had actually repented, Talleyrand scolded Makovsky for reneging on his word, clamoring for the French army to immediately launch a more violent attack and directly hit Moscow. Makovsky accused the French army of being insincere and launched an attack on the Russian army during the negotiations. Talleyrand pointed out that Xiao Jie said before that military operations would stop after the negotiation reached an agreement, so there was nothing wrong with the French army's capture of Borisov. For a while, the two quarreled so much that they couldn't talk.

Xiao Jie couldn't bear to watch the endless quarrel between the two. A new proposal was made. That is to set the venue for the negotiations in the Berezina River 50 kilometers south of Borisov, and build a place in the center of the river for negotiations, while the troops of the two countries will all stay on the shore. When negotiating, people on both sides set off from both sides of the river and arrived at the platform in the middle of the river by boat. And the negotiators can only be attended by the emperors of the two countries (France has Xiao Jie representing Napoleon) and the foreign ministers of the two countries, and each side can only bring one guard.

This proposal, which pointed out a new path for Talleyrand and Makovsky, was endorsed by both parties in the quarrel, saying it was the most fair. It's just that Talleyrand had a slight slander in his heart. He believed that France had enough advantages at that time, and it would be a matter of time before Russia was forced to agree to their proposal. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is indeed still too young. I don't know if it is right for His Majesty the Emperor to let him handle the affairs here. However, Makovsky's view of Xiao Jie changed a lot, so that when he returned to China to report to the Tsar, he strongly refuted the view that Xiao Jie was an insidious person, claiming that the Crown Prince of France was an extremely upright man. people. Neither of them knew that Xiao Jie did this because he was homesick and missed Paris. Of course, what he missed most was his family in Paris and his lover Angel. In any case, he is only a little over 16 years old now, and he has been away from Paris for half a year, so it is normal to be homesick.

In fact, Xiao Jie did not come up with this proposal, because in history Napoleon and Alexander adopted such a method when negotiating. It's just that the location is different. At that time, Napoleon only attacked the Neman River, and Alexander was not as tough as he is now, and he compromised with Napoleon when Napoleon began to attack the Russian mainland. So the two sides held talks in the center of the Neman River and signed a far-reaching treaty-"Treaty of Tilsit". According to the provisions of the treaty, France and Russia stopped the war and restored peace from the moment the treaty was signed. Russia, on the other hand, joined a large number of blockade systems and fought against Britain with France, realizing a formal alliance between the two countries.

The preliminary agreement came into effect under the signature of Talleyrand and Makovsky. From this moment on, the military operations of the French and Russian troops really stopped. But whether the war can finally end depends on the formal talks a month later.

Just as Makovsky was about to leave and return to his country, an unexpected person came to Minsk. He is Count Claude, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Prussia. Originally, Xiao Jie didn't intend to meet him, but Makovsky insisted on seeing his "ally". In his opinion, although Prussia was defeated, it was worse than Russia, and even the king was driven out. Out of the capital, huddled in a very small place in the north, but the experiences of Russia and Prussia are exactly the same. They are both losers under France, in some respects. They share a common language, such as being able to support each other in negotiations with France.

"I don't know why Your Excellency the Earl came to Minsk so far away? Besides, everything from Prussia to here is within the control of our country. Don't you worry about some accidents?" Xiao Jie smiled bluntly. Said.

Claude smiled awkwardly. When the Three Kingdoms formed an alliance, he was an active figure who worked hard for it, but he didn't expect this kind of result in the end. He was beaten so hard that he had no power to fight back, and was almost wiped out. The country is gone, and even the two powerful allies have been defeated. "His Royal Highness was joking. I was considered safe when I came here, and I didn't encounter any danger. Of course, you and your army are inseparable. How could there be any accidents in your control area?" Claude replied, and gave Xiao Jie a small compliment.

But Xiao Jie didn't appreciate He turned his head to Makovsky and asked, "Is there any unfinished business for Your Excellency the Marquis? Don't you need to report the peace talks between the two countries to the emperor of your country?" result?"

Makovsky knew that Xiao Jie was driving him away, but he still said cheekily: "Don't bother His Royal Highness, just leave the report to His Majesty the Tsar to other people. Claude and I are I haven't seen an old friend for many years, and I finally met today, so of course I have to talk about the old relationship."

Xiao Jie also knew what his idea was, he just wanted to find a helper during the negotiation, as for him and Claude, it was a **** lie that they hadn't seen each other for many years. Xiao Jie had known for a long time that there were two people who participated in the negotiations when Britain, Russia, and Prussia were negotiating and forming the fourth anti-French alliance half a year ago. As for whether Prussia can participate in this negotiation, it is completely in their own hands. If they do not agree, they have nothing to do. Also, even if Prussia is agreed to participate in this negotiation, what is the use of it? Today's Prussia is no longer the European power it used to be, but a poor creature lingering under the attack of the French army.

(To be continued, if ** knows what will happen next, please log in to .F., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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