Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 126: rout, chase

(Xiaoyu encountered something today and was in a bad mood. I only coded a chapter. Please bear with me. Xiaoyu will definitely adjust it as soon as possible. Thank you for your support!)

On the afternoon of January 18, Ivan's headquarters in Bialystok.

Since the failure of the attack on the 88th Army of the French Army, Ivan suffered a huge blow, and his original fighting spirit was completely shattered. His belief that he had always insisted on defending Bialystok was also shattered at that moment. It can be said that he spent these days in decadence.

"General, the French 3rd Army, 5th Army and Cavalry Corps have now appeared around Bialystok, and they have completely surrounded us now."

"Are you here so fast?" Ivan said a little lonely. Although he had expected such a day to come, he did not expect this day to come so soon. It seemed that the combat effectiveness of the French army was indeed much higher than he had expected. It was not Ivan's original intention to defend Bialystok. In fact, he advocated temporarily avoiding the edge of the French, and then fought the French decisively after the national strength was restored. However, there are too many diehards in the country, and his claims have been completely refuted, and even he has been implicated. If it weren't for his hard work, I am afraid that if he is not careful, he will be sentenced to the country.

After failing to attack the 88th Army Corps of the French Army, he also planned to follow the advice of his friend Karbayev to abandon the city and return home, but this decision was opposed by a large number of other officers. They were all loyal to the Tsar. Obeyed the czar's order to let them stick to Bialystok. As a last resort, Ivan had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​saving them in the end. At the same time, he still has a little luck in his heart, that is, the severe winter has arrived, and the French simply cannot adapt to this icy and snowy environment, which is much colder than France, while the Russians have to adapt much more than they do all year round They are completely used to living in this environment. As soon as the weather cools down, the supply lines of the French army will inevitably be full of loopholes. As long as they seize this opportunity to attack the supply lines of the French army, they will have to retreat at that time. After all, it is very difficult to maintain the consumption of nearly 100,000 people. However, what he didn't expect was that it took only a week for the French army to clear the rear of Bialystok, and he originally estimated that the French army would take at least half a month, which made Ivan There is a feeling of being caught off guard. Has God really abandoned his pious people? Ivan thought with some horror in his heart, if it weren't for this, how could the great Russian Empire lose so badly?

"Let me tell you generals, get ready for the battle. The French attack is imminent. It's up to them whether they can hold Bialystok." Ivan said helplessly. Since he exposed his plan to abandon the city, his generals have basically opposed him, and his rights have been completely emptied and become a puppet. But it is obviously unrealistic for those foolish idiots of theirs to hold Bialystok. Fighting is not just about brute force. Unless a miracle happens, Bialystok will It is inevitable to be broken by the French army.

On the morning of January 19, while Ivan was still asleep, he was awakened by a loud explosion. He got up abruptly and murmured, "Has the French attack started? I don't know how long they can resist? An hour? Two hours? Or half a day?"

The sound of the guns became more and more intense. After more than half an hour, Ivan had just gotten up and packed up when someone came to tell him: "General, something is wrong. The wall of the west gate was blown down by the French, and now they are rushing into the city." Woolen cloth."

"Half an hour?" The French army did have a big "surprise" for Ivan. Ivan listened carefully, and sure enough, there were faint gunshots coming from the west.

The first to attack Bialystok was the elite 1st Regiment of the 88th Army. The moment the wall of Bialystok collapsed, they jumped out of their positions and rushed up. This time behind them, some people were also sent to carry several heavy machine guns and mortars. Vape's experience tells them that when they break through the city, the enemy will definitely block the enemy frantically nearby. Due to the influence of the terrain, the attacking side cannot invest much force at all. In that case, the attacking side is likely to be defeated Suppress the possibility of even being kicked out of the city. And this kind of situation can only be solved by fierce firepower or someone goes to the pile. Xiao Jie's army had a small number of people, so they definitely couldn't choose the extravagant method of employing people to pile them up. They could only use advanced weapons to solve this problem.

Sure enough, when the 1st regiment first rushed into Bialystok, it was immediately blocked by countless Russian troops. They were not afraid of death, and rushed frantically at the French army that broke into the city. The French army couldn't resist for a while, and the troops that broke into the city were quickly overwhelmed by the Russian army, and had no choice but to retreat outside the city. But before the Russian army had time to be happy, the heavy machine guns and mortars behind the French army finally arrived, set them directly on the ruins, and swept wildly at the densely packed Russian army in front, and suddenly the Russian army was like cutting wheat. fall down. Knowing that it won't be good if it goes on like this, the Russian army retreated immediately, and a large number of people receded like the tide, while the French mortars kept bombing their **** indiscriminately, making them cry. He hated his parents for giving him two missing legs. My God, the French shells are coming again, run away.

The French army also took advantage of this opportunity to rush in again, began to expand to both sides, and slowly cleared the nearby Russian army, occupying a position. At this time, the 2nd Regiment of the 88th Army also rushed into Bialystok following the footsteps of the 1st Regiment. The two regiments radiated into the city together, constantly encroaching on the places controlled by the Russian army. The 3rd Regiment had suffered huge losses in the last battle and had never recovered, so Xiao Jie had no choice but to keep them.

But the Russian army is also fighting back desperately at this time. They know that if they cannot defeat the French army, then the only result waiting for them is death. Anyway, I'm going to die, so it's better to die on the way to charge. In this case, maybe my family can get a little pension after my death. If I surrender to the French, I'm afraid my family in the country will be greatly implicated. For various reasons, the resistance of the Russian army was extremely fierce, causing the French army to pay huge casualties on the way of attack.

Under the crazy counterattack of the Russians, the French army had to compete with them for every street, every house, and every ruin in the city. It can only be occupied after fierce competition in the hands. By entering an opera house in the west of the city, the French army and the Russian army actually fought with each other five times. Often, one side just occupied it, but was taken away by the enemy before long. In the end, after the French army reoccupied the opera house, Two heavy machine guns and two mortars were set up outside the door, which smashed countless Russian attacks. Probably in the end the Russian army also exhausted their strength and had to choose to retreat.

Some Russians shamelessly hid in civilian houses, and then attacked the French army, causing a lot of casualties to the French army. As a last resort, the French army had no choice but to attack all the places they thought might hide Russian troops. Avoiding the casualties of many innocent civilians.

In order to maintain the strength of the attack, Xiao Jie had to put a large number of troops into the battlefield one by one. Finally, at the end, 16 regiments and 40,000 people were sent to Bialystok, including the 88th Army The two regiments, 7 regiments each of the 3rd Army and the 5th Army, maintained their absolute advantage over the Russian army, slowly compressed the living space of the Russian army, and gradually advanced from the west of the city to the east of the city. Half of Bialystok was not occupied until evening. At this time, the soldiers were already very tired, Xiao Jie had no choice but to order the soldiers to stop attacking, and to attack again tomorrow after a rest. However, all troops are required to make defensive preparations to avoid surprise attacks by the Russian army at night.

On the Russian side, the fighting during the day has basically exhausted their strength, and almost no one thinks that they can hold Bialystok, so someone proposed to retreat openly, and the strange thing is that this time No one came forward to accuse. It seems that these idiots still know how to cherish their own lives, and Ivan can't help but despise these guys in his heart.

Since no one objected to the retreat, they prepared to gather their troops and retreat, but at this moment, Ivan said, "You think you can retreat safely in this way. If there are no troops on the front line to resist the French army, can we rush out?"

Everyone also understands this truth, but no one is willing to give up their troops. After all, this is where their strength lies. If there are no troops loyal to them, then others can rub them down at will.

"Hmph, if none of you are willing, then I don't think you need to retreat. You can just stay here and die." Ivan said coldly.

In the end, in order to save their own lives, those shameless generals thought of a way, which is to trick those extremely patriotic soldiers, telling them that the motherland has reached a critical moment, and they need to sacrifice their lives to save them, and ask them to take advantage of the night to save their lives. Launched a deadly attack on the French What is surprising is that there are really such fools, and there are many, there are more than 3,000 people. So these fools obeyed the arrangements of the generals and launched a surprise attack on the French army at two o'clock in the middle of the night. Despite their precautions, the French were caught off guard. However, because the Russian army did not attack many people, although it caused a lot of casualties to the French army, it was quickly wiped out.

And those Russian generals took advantage of this opportunity to lead their army to sneak out, and ran all the way east. But they were unfortunately discovered by Murat's cavalry regiment stationed in the east of Bialystok. The one who made great achievements was almost in sight. Murat frantically ordered his soldiers to attack the fleeing Russian troops. Violent attack. In order to escape, the Russian army had to leave the remaining nearly 9,000 cavalry to contain the French cavalry corps, and the others fled eastward without daring to stay at all.

It wasn't until the next day that Xiao Jie knew that he had been duped by the Russian army and escaped by them. While scolding the Russians for being despicable and shameless, Xiao Jie ordered all the legions to start chasing the fleeing Russian army. Especially those generals.

(To be continued, if ** knows what will happen next, please log in to .F., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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