Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 109: negotiation? intimidate?

(Xiaoyu has not been in a good state these two days, and he has been entangled in mundane affairs. Please bear with me!)

"What? Support our nation-building?" the Marquis of Cacust exclaimed. This is too strange. He never thought that such a good thing would happen. Could it be that God heard the prayers of the Polish people? Praise the great Lord!

Count Kropoulos was also shocked. He never expected this situation to happen. In his mind, other countries have always regarded Poland as weak, occupying Poland's land, and plundering the wealth and resources of the Polish people. , Never really considered the feelings of the Polish people, let alone supported their re-establishment. So he was also fooled by this sudden "good news".

After a while, the two of them came to their senses from the boundless longing. The Marquis of Cacust stared at Xiao Jie and said: "His Royal Highness is not kidding us."

"Why? Don't you believe me?" Xiao Jie said with a playful smile.

"To be honest, this is really unbelievable." Earl Kropoulos said directly. He has always been straightforward, and he doesn't think about the consequences when he speaks. Sure enough, after Kropoulos said this, Cacust gave him a hard look, and he didn't want to mess up the hope that he had finally had some hope. If it weren't for the fact that Kropoulos' family is still very powerful in Poland and needs their help in the future, he would have wanted to leave this reckless guy alone.

"That's not the case, Your Royal Highness, how could we doubt your words. It's just that what you said really shocked us." Cacust said humbly.

"I can understand this point. If it were me, it might be the same. But don't worry, what I just said is completely true. France is indeed willing to support you in establishing an independent Polish kingdom." Xiao Jie said with a smile.

"It would be great if that's the case. On behalf of the entire Polish people, I would like to thank you and your country for your selfless help to us." After a brief shock, Kakust resumed his previous ability and gave Xiao Jie made a trick. He said that France selflessly helped the Polish people to build a country. If this is the case, ordinary people will definitely not regret it or ask for something. However, is Xiao Jie an ordinary person? So his wishful thinking was in vain.

"Ahem. Let me make it clear that we can support your nation-building, but it is not selfless. After all, we have suffered a lot after going through many wars." Xiao Jie said seriously. Originally, his purpose was to get benefits from Poland, and it was basically impossible for him to be taken advantage of.

After hearing Xiao Jie's words, Kropoulos looked at Xiao Jie contemptuously: I would say that they also have no good intentions. Alas, what did we Polish people do wrong, the murderous and greedy Russians are gone, and now the same greedy French are coming.

"There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. If you want to gain something, you have to pay. I think you both understand it." Xiao Jie ignored Kropoulos's contemptuous gaze and continued to say with a smile.

Of course, Cacust and Kropoulos also understood this truth. What they said before was just to get the maximum benefit from Xiao Jie. "Okay then, Your Royal Highness. Can you tell us your conditions first, and if we think it is acceptable, then we can agree to your conditions." Cacust said.

"Very good. First of all, you will provide us with all supplies except ammunition and weapons during the period when our army is stationed in Poland." Xiao Jie began to state his conditions.

"This will not work. You have already entered Poland with 100,000 troops, and Poland itself is not rich. After so many years of exploitation by Russia, we simply have no ability to provide you with supplies." Xiao Jie just finished speaking, Kropoulos jumped out, and Cacust didn't say anything about his rudeness this time. Xiao Jie knew that today, these two people are a good face and a bad face.

"Correct me, so far the army we have entered Poland is only 4 under-represented legions, less than 90,000 people. It seems that there must be something wrong with your intelligence system, although this kind of problem is not normal. It will have no big impact, but if it is during a war, it will probably bring disaster to you." Xiao Jie said after giving Kropoulos a contemptuous look.

After Xiao Jie pointed out this mistake, Kropoulos' old face immediately turned red. He knew the exact number of the French army. Jie would point it out without shame, which made him feel ashamed.

"If you want to go back to the days when you were oppressed by the Russians, we can leave Poland, and then you don't have to provide us with supplies." Xiao Jie said happily. He made a bet that the Poles, who had finally managed to be ruled by the Russians during the day, would never give up this opportunity, so he dared to be so unscrupulous.

"This..." I didn't expect the other party to be so rascal. Kakust and Kropoulos were immediately choked and speechless. They also knew that they couldn't give up this opportunity. Poland had already been ravaged. For hundreds of years, the Polish people have been crazy about independence.

"There is really no way for us to provide supplies for 90,000 people. Can you reduce it a little bit?" Kakust said sincerely.

"Don't worry, 90,000 people are just the current number. After we defeat the Russian army entrenched in eastern Poland, one of our legions will withdraw to the country, and the remaining army will only be a little over 50,000. Besides, there are With our army, you can build your country with peace of mind, without our protection, would you have the confidence to face the pressure from Russia or Austria?" Xiao Jie said without giving in at all.

Cacust also knows this truth. Without the protection of the French army, it would be impossible for them to build a country. So he had no choice but to agree to Xiao Jie's conditions.

Seeing that they had accepted the first condition, Xiao Jie continued with a smile: "The second condition is that France must have special rights in Poland in the future. French businessmen have the right to set up factories and mines in Poland first. After the founding of Poland, the army will have French judges are responsible for training, and in future international affairs, Poland should be consistent with France, and 20% of Poland's annual fiscal revenue will be provided to France free of charge as France's support for the establishment of Poland and the protection of Poland."

If the first condition is barely acceptable, then the second condition is completely beyond the ground line of Cacust and Kropoulos. If it is really what Xiao Jie said, then Poland will Don't build a country at all, it's just a French colony in disguise.

"His Royal Highness, I completely doubt your sincerity. You simply want to turn Poland into a French colony." Kropoulos said angrily.

"Really? But if we didn't drive out the Russian army, Poland would be a colony of Russia, Prussia and Austria. It's not the same. You have to know that we can also turn Poland into a French colony. There is no need to support your nation-building. " Xiao Jie said cruelly. In this era, for a weak country like Poland, they have no mercy. What awaits them is the endless plunder of those big countries.

Cacust and Kropoulos turned pale immediately. They knew very well that what Xiao Jie said was the truth. The French army now controlled most of Poland, and they wanted to turn Poland into their colony. It will be very easy. Letting them establish a country is just to win people's hearts or pure compassion.

"We Polish people will definitely continue to resist." Kropoulos gritted his teeth and said bitterly. But what he didn't know was that the knuckles of both his hands were turning white due to excessive force, as if this would give him a lot of confidence.

"Resist? Is that so? That's good. As long as there are people who dare to resist, I will kill them all, even if I kill all the people in Poland." Xiao Jie continued to pretend to be cruel. In fact, what he said was just to scare the two of them. If they really killed all the people in Poland, then why would they need Poland.

"You devil, you will be reviled by the people, and you will go to hell." Kropoulos cursed angrily when he heard Xiao Jie would be so cruel. Although Cacust was also very angry, he was not as fierce as Kropoulos. Besides, he also found that Xiao Jie was threatening them, so he kept silent all the time, but now Kropoulos dared to scold Xiao Jie, he thought that this idiot was going to cause trouble this time.

Sure Xiao Jie's face changed immediately, it was the first time someone dared to scold him like that when he was so old, although he was not the kind of **** who bullied others, but the clay figurine still had a little bit of anger? Besides, he is now the crown prince of France, so scolding him like this is tantamount to scolding France. "Guards, put this man who dares to insult the Crown Prince into prison."

Dare to insult the Crown Prince, that's fine. Two wolf-like guards walked in immediately, grabbed Kropoulos as if they wanted to catch a chick, and then grabbed a shoulder each, and directly lifted it out.

Cacust hurriedly came to dissuade him, saying that Kropoulos only said such things when he was confused, and begged Xiao Jie to let him go. But this was a matter related to the face of France, so Xiao Jie refused without hesitation. Kropoulos was also frightened, and was taken out before he even had time to beg for mercy.

"Okay, Marquis of Cacust, now we can have a good talk. In fact, our conditions are still very favorable, and you still have a lot of autonomy, for example, in the management of the country. Believe in Kakust The Marquis of Kuster will definitely understand." Xiao Jie looked straight at Cacust, as if he would let him accompany Kropoulos if he refused.

(to be continued,)

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