Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 142 Outpost

Once again set foot on the hard ground, the elves breathed a sigh of relief, but soon Kael'thas issued various orders.

"Lor'themar, you lead your ranger team to the north to explore the way. We need information on the land under our feet; Calpurnia, you lead the mage to unload our equipment from the ship and build a Defensive camp."

Following his orders one after another, all the elves started to move, and the North Sea seal lying on the ice floe basking in the sun curiously looked at this group of busy humanoid creatures.

The place they were in at this time was a fjord in the Dragonbone Wilderness of the Later Generation, which was also called the Forgotten Coast. Of course, none of the elves knew their exact location, so Aristophanes probably knew that he was in Dragonbone Wilderness, but the exact location still had to wait for the results of Lor'themar's scouting.

Soon a small elf-style camp was established by the sea, and various materials prepared on board were also quickly transferred under the spell of Calpurnia and others, and put into the warehouse.

"Talonicus, what happened to these arcane machines?"

The elf wiped the sweat off his face, and looked at the elf prince in front of him: "Your Highness, all the arcane puppets carried have been overhauled, as long as you put in the arcane crystal, they can be activated."

Kael'thas nodded, and then said: "The task of activation is entrusted to you. Go to Calpurnia for the arcane crystals. Make sure to activate them before tonight."

Then Kael'thas came to the center of the camp again, where Aristophanes was leading Passaleon and his apprentice Sebiserei to investigate the flow of the underground magic net in order to choose a suitable location for the enchantment stone.

"Pasareen, did you perceive it?"

"Yes, Lord Lord," said the blond elf, "the energy of the magic net here is more pure than that of Eversong Forest, and its flow is very regular, which is very suitable for us to set up an enchantment."

His apprentice, Sebi Cerei, looked confused. As an elf who had just come into contact with arcane magic, she was inexplicably recruited by Kael'thas, and followed her teacher to the far north.

Kael'thas also closed his eyes when he heard it, and then he sensed the surging arcane energy under his feet. He opened his eyes in surprise: "What's going on?"

Passarene saw His Royal Highness now, and quickly saluted him, and Aristophanes also nodded.

"Don't worry about the purity of the energy, how is the barrier preparation going?" Kael'thas asked.

"Your Highness, the location of the small defensive barrier node arrangement has been selected," Aristophanes said, "Now we can start to arrange it."

"Hurry up, the night is coming soon." Kael'thas looked at the sky, and then said.

Aristophanes didn't answer, and Pasarain hurriedly led Seby Selei to Calpuronia to get the enchantment rune stone.

"Your Highness, do you have a plan in mind for what to do next?" Aristophanes asked while drawing a magic circle on the ground.

"According to the tips given by the great astrologer, that traitor went deep into the snowfield," Kael'thas said while helping Aristophanes, looking at the snow-covered land in the distance, "but we know a lot about this land. Too few, trying to find Fenrir is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"I think Your Excellency Solanian should have a plan?" Aristophanes said lightly.

"Yes, Solanlian said that as long as we choose a direction to go deep into the snow field, we will definitely find what we want. But this kind of statement is too..." Kael'thas said with a wry smile.

"It's up to you, Your Majesty Kael'thas," Aristophanes said, ignoring Kael'thas' reaction, and took over the huge stone that Pasarain used to control the floating stone with a mysterious figure drawn on it. symbol.

He took over the control of the stone, carefully fixed it in the center of the magic circle, and then led Passalen and Saibi Cereb to place other small enchantment stones.

"Your Highness, you can activate the central enchantment stone!" Aristophanes, Passalene, and Saibiserei stood in front of the small enchantment stone,

Aristophanes shouted at the elf prince who was still in a daze.

Kael'thas woke up from his contemplation after hearing this, and stretched out his hand to touch the enchantment stone in front of him. The blue arcane energy gathered on the surface of the stone along with his spell, and the rune began to shine, and Ali Stofen and others also activated the small enchantment stone at the same time.

Immediately, a blue ray of light rushed out from the stone, reaching a height of about 50 meters and spreading out, the remaining small enchantment stones were filled with blue energy, and at the same time, a blue-purple rune light band began to appear in the small knot Around the boundary stone, slowly rotating.

Soon a barrier centered on the big enchantment stone and bounded by three smaller enchantment stones covered the entire camp. All the elves felt that the temperature in the camp began to rise rapidly, and the snow on the ground began to melt rapidly. The black earth was revealed. Although it can't reach the level of spring all year round, it is enough for them to take off their thick cloaks and wear thinner clothes to work in the camp.

In addition, pure arcane energy also gushes out from the magic circle under the rune stone of the great enchantment, increasing the concentration of arcane particles in the entire enchantment.

Kael'thas felt it, frowned and said to Aristophanes who came over: "Why don't you continue to increase the concentration of arcane magic? I think there is still a lot of room for the extraction efficiency of this magic circle!"

Aristophanes shook his head: "Your Highness, this is the minimum I have calculated that does not cause magic addiction. If we want to go deep into the snow field, we must first adapt to the intake of magic power in a low-concentration arcane environment."

Then he pointed to the north and told Kael'thas: "Except for the ranger, the rest of the team members are spellcasters who have lived in Silvermoon City for a long time. would devour them in an instant."

Kael'thas also knew about magic addiction, but he had never paid attention to this issue because he had plenty of arcane crystals along the way.

"Can't it be solved by carrying arcane crystals?"

"I don't think we can easily use the arcane crystals we carry unless we have to, especially since we don't know where to find Fenrir Daywalker," Aristophanes said. Saved many lives."

Kael'thas was convinced, he nodded in agreement with Aristophanes' idea.

The White Lady and the Blue Child have long since sprinkled their light on the land. On the sparkling sea in the distance, four large ships are floating with the waves; in the camp, Kael'thas and Aristophanes are listening His scouting report today:

"Your Highness, Aristophanes, today we have reached as far as five kilometers away from the camp, with snow-covered mountains to the north and plains to the east and west, and we haven't seen any signs of intelligent life. "

The two nodded and asked Lor'themar to go down to rest first. After discussing for a while, they decided to divide into two teams and continue to explore the east and west sides of the camp, hoping to find traces of Fenrir.

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