Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 119: The War of Quicksand (7) - Seeing Tyrande for the First Time

Half a month later, Silithus led to the canyon of the crater.

"Druids of the Claw, follow me! Shandris, there are bugs flying over from the east mountain, you lead the Hippogryphs up!" A giant bear with large and small scars on his body rushed towards The swarm in front of you.

Shandris rode the Hippogryph first into the air, followed by Aristophanes and other Hippogryph riders, charging towards the flying insects.

"Aristophanes, the left wing is in your hands!"

"Okay, Shandris!" The elf mage patted Adelina and turned around, facing the flying insects rushing from the left alone.

A thick bolt of lightning flew out from the blue-purple magic circle in front of him, and the lightning bounced back and forth among the flying insects. The ground was full of the wreckage of the flying insects that were shot down, emitting a burnt smell. Soon Aristophanes cleaned up the bug swarm in front of him, and turned to help the sentinels who were still attacking the bugs with bows and arrows.

Accompanied by a heart-pounding hiss, the living bugs on the ground escaped from the battle line and retreated under the cover of Anubisath, and the monsters made of obsidian easily resisted the attacks of the druids. Easily retreated behind the sand.

"Dozens of druids died in the attack of the bugs just now." Fandral, who had recovered his human form, said in a low tone to the Sentinel General in front of him, "We only have less than a hundred druids left. Fighting Claw Druids, if the buggers attack tomorrow morning, this line of defense will probably fall."

Shandris just got off the huge hippogryph, and took over his words: "The air force also suffered heavy losses. Although the hippogryph knights are powerful, there are too many flying insects. We can only attack them with bows and arrows. , once the Hippogryph rider is left alone, he is destined to be killed by the flying insects."

Aristophanes was listening. He saw that Namulia and Ryan Wolfwalker had also participated in the attack on the flying insects. They had just come down from the Hippogryph and greeted him with a smile.

Looking further to the north, the tall green trees of the crater are already within easy reach, and the villagers of Nanfeng Village have already begun to enter the crater forest to find food for the army.

"We are short of food, people, medicinal materials, and everything." Fandral said violently, "The bugs are about to completely occupy Silithus. When is Tyrande going to come?!"

Shandris responded tit for tat: "Your Excellency the Archdruid, we have no portals, and the number of hippogryphs is not enough to send all the reinforcements by air. The flying raptor druids and all the hippogryphs are sent here. , if you hadn't underestimated those bugs, how could we be so passive?"

As the two talked, they staged their daily quarrel again.

Aristophanes led Adelina to the place where the hippogryphs and night sabers gathered. Many of them were also injured, and Mara was leading some priests to take care of them.

The mage patted Adelina, beckoned her to play by herself, and then joined Mara's team to take care of the injured hippogryph.

"And Shandris, that elven mage named Aristophanes, why do you still keep him? Do you want to watch us make a fool of ourselves? You know, it's not for your sake, it's just to secretly instigate the migration of Nanfeng Village. , I can let someone kill him directly!"

"Then you go?" Shandris also laughed angrily, "If it weren't for him, the lives of thousands of elves in Nanfeng Village would have been lost! The enemy is not thinking about how to solve the problem, but wants to drive us away People, are you crazy?!"

"Okay, Shandris, I'm too lazy to quarrel with you! If the large army led by Tyrande doesn't come, I will retreat directly, and you lead that little white-faced mage to resist the bugs!" Fandral's purple face flushed, After finishing speaking viciously, he turned and walked into the hut where the druids were spawned.

Shandris Feather stood where she was,

She was also very anxious in her heart, hoping that her adoptive mother would hurry up, otherwise this line of defense would really be as hard to resist as Fandral said.

She looked around and saw Aristophanes who was talking with Mara while changing the hippogryph's dressing. The strange staff floated behind him, avoiding the eager hippogryph.


After hearing Shandris' call, the elf mage got up and left the animal pen: "What's the matter, general?"

"I...forget it, let's wait for Tyrande to come and talk to you, I feel like I can't talk about this matter." Shandris opened his mouth, but still didn't express his thoughts.

Aristophanes understood what she wanted to say, so he said directly: "Santis, I believe that even in ancient times, when it comes to killing efficiency on the battlefield, there are very few mages who can surpass me."

Shandris nodded: "Indeed, from my experience, there are very few arcane spellcasters like you who can release so many large-scale spells continuously without feeling uncomfortable. Are you really a mage?"

She is also a person who has lived for almost 10,000 years. Although she was a child during the War of the Ancients, as a witness, she still remembers the scenes of those battlefields.

"Strictly speaking, it's not an arcane spellcaster in the traditional sense." Aristophanes didn't really want to continue discussing the type of mage with her, "I understand your thoughts, and I want to ask if I can learn from Quelza Russ is asking for reinforcements?"

Shandris Yuyue nodded: "I know it's difficult, but Tyrande hasn't arrived yet, and Fandral is so reckless and stubborn, I'm afraid our losses will continue, and this mountain pass may not be able to hold. "

The elf mage tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "Excuse me, General. If it is an official official invitation, then I can be sure that this request will come to nothing, and may even attract all kinds of ugly ridicule; In the name of a private person, I can find some powerful mages and rangers and form a small team to participate in the battle. Although it is not enough to change the big situation, a small battlefield can play a role in turning the tide of the battle."

Shandris was a little moved, but he couldn't help sighing when he thought of the Kaldorei's xenophobia and aversion to arcane arts.

"Let me think again, Aristophanes."

"Good general." Aristophanes was about to continue, when suddenly a noise came from behind him.

The two looked in that direction curiously, and saw countless elf civilians swarming there, and a tall banner appeared above the canyon.

"It's the flag of the Sisterhood! Tyrande, here comes Tyrande!" Shandris cheered, entered the crowd and rushed towards the flag.

Aristophanes retreated to the animal pen, while stroking the long beak of the Hippogryph he had just treated, while observing the elf reinforcements.

The first to appear was the fully armed sentinel troops. They were all dressed in purple armor riding on night sabers, carrying bows and arrows and three-bladed darts. Some also carried other weapons, such as broadswords, scimitars, daggers and double Blade throwing darts etc.

Then came the members of the Sisterhood of Elune, dressed in white robes and holding wooden staffs of various shapes, also sitting on the night saber.

On the most conspicuous white leopard in the middle sits a female elf of the green law. She has a solemn expression, is dressed in fine silver-white battle armor, and holds a bow carved with intricate patterns. Aristophanes saw that Shandris was fighting with she talks.

"It seems that she is Tyrande." After confirming her identity in his heart, Aristophanes continued to look back at the heir of Cenarius who was following them.

Forest dryads and guardians surrounded the druid troops. The cheerful voices and laughter of the dryads quickly infected the surrounding elves, and the haze surrounding the camp for many days seemed to have dissipated.

At this time, Aristophanes, who was focused on observing the difference between the dryad and the guardian, did not see Shandris pointing at herself while talking, and the green-haired elf also looked at her finger, nodded, and leaned forward. He said something in Shandris' long and narrow ear, and then followed the large army into the camp.

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