Mystic Dominator

Chapter 95: Raid

On the premise that the other party does not deliberately conceal his emotions, the emotional perception ability of the crime of 'Rage' is still relatively easy to use.

Except for the angry parents who educate their children at home at night.

At the location where the betrayal happened before, Ronald directly noticed the six emotional fluctuations in different situations.

Either stronger, or slightly weaker.

In short, compared to normal people, these six guys are in a state of more frequent mood swings, obviously not the state of ordinary people who are ready to rest after dark.

Besides, there is another point worth noting.

The six of them are currently moving frequently in the underground location of a villa, and there is no sign of doing anything when they bump into each other.

In other words, there is no investigator here to deal with it.

——A fish that slipped through the net.

However, this point perfectly matches what Nicole said during the day, "mostly hidden in the underground or attic".

He affirmed Nicole's explanation to himself. Before reaching the destination, Ronald did not forget to remind Patricia beside him:

"There are six of them, so pay attention later."

Patricia nodded in response:

"no problem."

As the battle approached, the conversation between the two gradually diminished.

More attention is still on the enemy that is about to encounter.


In less than a minute, Ronald and Patricia arrived at their destination.

Two blocks away from Linzhong Road, this is a residential area belonging to the middle-class people of Burrenwich.

Smaller and more spacious houses are mixed here, and at first glance it is known to be a somewhat historic neighborhood.

In front of the two of them was an ordinary two-story residence.

Standing on the outside, you can't see anything special.

Before entering, Ronald did not forget to look around to investigate the environment.

This mansion has a normal brick wall. Judging from the ability level of the mysterious people, almost any direction may become their escape target. Fortunately, there was no one around to keep the hounds that guarded the home, so there was no need to worry about being noticed by the relatively slight movements.

Eyes keep moving...

Immediately, Ronald's pupils tightened.

It wasn't that he noticed an unexpected enemy.

But at a relatively far distance, he saw two taxis parked at the corner, the driver of the carriage had disappeared, and the two horses were tied to the roadside, silently enduring the cold of the snowy night.

Seeing this scene, Ronald pointed to Patricia.

"There should be no coachman in the house..."


Patricia was also silent.


The drivers of the two carriages have been killed.

Otherwise they have no reason to let the horses freeze in the snow, which is not something a coachman who makes a living would do.

Breathing in the icy air, the white cold air appeared rhythmically in front of him.

Patricia spoke first:

"Let's go, let's get rid of the people inside as soon as possible."

The voice fell to the ground, and a silver light flashed in front of the girl to tear the air.

It was still the speed and precision that exceeded the ability of human reaction, the door lock of the mansion was instantly cut off by the sharp edge in her hand.

Metal door locks break quickly and lightly.

In the snowy night, such a subtle sound is almost imperceptible, not to mention the enemy in the basement.

But watching Patricia gently push the door in.

Ronald paused in place.

He separated a wisp of black mist and got under the two taxi carriages, and then he followed the girl's back.

Walking into the courtyard, the two of them could see that most of the rooms in the house were dark, and only the living room was lit by the fire from the fireplace.

If you didn't notice that everyone on the other side was underground, the first goal of those who came here would definitely be this hall.

The light in the room reflected in her pupils, and Patricia whispered without looking back:

"Ronald, let me go ahead."

"You should also know my abilities by now. In frontal melee combat, whether it's one or two people or four or five people, I'm completely confident to deal with it."

Ronald didn't rush to agree, but stopped the girl and pointed to his feet:

"No one is above the house, they are all underground."

"If there is no accident, my spell should be able to suppress a few by surprise."


Eyes meet.

Although she didn't speak, Patricia still looked at Ronald seriously.

After a few breaths, the girl nodded:

"Then the first attack, I'll leave it to you."

Ronald replied solemnly:

"give it to me."

Abandoning the false target on the ground, the two continued to move.

After walking around the courtyard, they soon found the cellar entrance on the side of the garden.

It is a fairly common inclined structure, and the entrance depends on the corner of the main body of the mansion.

Ronald took a step forward, and the hidden black mist instantly surrounded and covered the surroundings. A wisp of it separated, and it drilled in along the gap at the entrance of the cellar.


The next second, Ronald took a few steps backwards.

"They noticed."

He clearly noticed that at the same time as the black fog got in, the six people underground immediately stopped moving and stayed in place. Although I don't know the reason, I must have triggered the alarm system that the enemy buried at the entrance of the cellar.

These cult warlocks are still careful enough.

There is no magic formula at the door that is easy to, but an alarm is placed at this key node.

Obviously, it has been carefully considered.

At the same time, Patricia threw the umbrella behind her.

Going around Ronald, who was retreating, she stood tall and straight at the door of the cellar with a sword in one hand. In her radiant and heroic posture, the aura of being a husband came to her face!

Anyone who wants to escape from here.

You have to first ask Feng Rui in her hand if she agrees!

Without hesitation now, Ronald controlled the black fog that had sneaked into the cellar and swooped towards the enemy.

The first attack went very smoothly.

Under the sudden attack of the crime of 'Rage', the first victim lost consciousness on the spot.

However, from the second start, the situation was not right.

Through the feedback of the spell, Ronald could clearly feel that before the second person was entangled in the black mist, his emotions fell directly from normal criminals to complete madness, so the oath would not work!

And unlike this guy.

For the other four enemies who were not attacked, their mood swings quickly calmed down.

They watched the second person's reaction when they were attacked by the black mist after adjusting their state.

Among the people underground, there are definitely professionals on the mysterious side!

When only one person was knocked down, he noticed the working mechanism of the power of 'Rage' and reminded others to be on guard.

Immediately, Ronald felt that someone had rushed towards the cellar exit.

They didn't plan to run away, but chose to fight directly!

Ronald immediately reminded Patricia:

"The enemy is coming."


Right in front of the two of them, the door of the cellar suddenly burst open!

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