Mystic Dominator

Chapter 88: Many familiar things 11 debut

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This time.

The women on the ground couldn't resist as hard as before.

Not to mention rushing over to fight the investigator in front of you.

Even the simple action of standing up took a lot of effort to complete.

When the middle-aged woman leaned against the wall behind her, she stood up tremblingly.

Nicole pointed the pistol at the other party, and said in a cold tone:

"Corona, you should know what your actions mean, so I won't explain more."

"Now, either you will continue to resist, and then I will beat you to death here; or you can follow us honestly, and then **** to the warden to be locked up for punishment, so that you can at least live."

"Choose, this is your last power."


"Ouch, vomit—"

The woman lying on the ground was silent for three or four seconds, then bent down suddenly and started retching, looking like a patient suffering from gastroenteritis.

Nicole, who was watching her quietly, frowned:

"Give it up, I've blocked the possibility of you activating the spell."

"Whether it's suicide or resistance, it's just a delusion."

After quietly waiting for a few breaths, the tossed woman leaned her head against the wall behind her and tilted her head resentfully.

Immediately, she raised her right hand lightly, indicating that she chose to surrender.


Seeing the other party's movements, Nicole breathed a sigh of relief, then turned her head and smiled at Ronald:

"Ronald, it's over here."

"How about it, do you think the investigator's work is quite interesting?"


"I find it quite exciting."

With a slightly subtle expression, Ronald replied to Nicole, and then Ronald changed his tone:

"But just like this, it shouldn't be the end, right?"

"It's not over?"


Nicole's expression froze, but she quickly realized her mistake.


"Yes, Ronald, you are right..."

After coughing twice to cover up her embarrassment, the investigator girl turned her head, and her expression gradually became serious.

Squinting at the weak enemy, she said what she just ignored:

"Although you were successfully captured by us..."

"But if you think about it."

"There seems to be no reason for you to stay in this house and wait for us investigators to come to the door to look for trouble. At least in these three days, you definitely have enough time to leave this house, or even leave Burrenwich!"


The tone of the analysis gradually slowed down, and Nicole approached the middle-aged woman standing by the wall at the same time.

Immediately, the girl violently pressed the muzzle of the gun against the opponent's chest.

The cold muzzle slowly slid upwards, and finally pointed at the opponent's chin.

The next second, Nicole asked sharply:

"So, why do you guys stay in this place?"

"Don't tell me it's because of a family love affair!"

However, in the face of Nicole's questioning, the woman just leaned back in panic.

His expression was helpless and helpless, and his movements were like that of an innocent victim of persecution.

In order to avoid Nicole's dangerous muzzle, she even tried to squeeze her body into the wall.


Looking at the pitiful appearance of the other party, Nicole's tone was even more unkind:

"Why, do you still need to resist after all this?"

"You really think I can't get you to speak?"

Unable to watch the scene in front of him, Ronald approached the investigator girl and reminded in a low voice:

"Nicole, this guy doesn't seem to be able to speak..."


Nicole was silent.

Ronald was right at all, she just engraved the rune on this guy with her own hands.

Sensing the solidified air around the girl, Ronald immediately spoke again:

"Since this guy has been staying in the room and is unwilling to leave, it means that she is willing to take risks and go further, and it must be impossible to transfer here."

"Nicole, you should be able to find it, right?"

"Of course!"

"Of course I can find it!"

Affirming this in a smooth tone, Nicole did not forget to scold the woman in front of her:

"A guy like this who doesn't want to work with us, always thinks we'll miss something in our work."

"How naive!"

Speaking of which, Nicole suddenly shot, knocking the **** of the gun out of the woman.

Looking at the woman who collapsed to the ground, she sneered:

"Stupid cult warlock."


Looking at the investigator girl who was trying to hide her embarrassment, Ronald thought for a while, and then asked:

"Nicole, can you introduce me to these more dangerous casters?"

"As you know, I don't know much about what's going on on the mysterious side right now."

"of course can."

Nicole nodded, then immediately explained:

"In the Bureau of Investigation, schools with strong invasive abilities are generally called cult warlocks. A woman like this woman who is proficient in physical transformation and mental magic is the more common type."

"They are more powerful in their school. They can even completely lose their human form, but they can still make others subconsciously think that he is a normal human being."

Speaking of this, Nicole's eyes showed a trace of fear.

The tone has also become quite cautious.

"However, this school is actually not the most troublesome. According to the information of the Bureau of Investigation, a particularly terrifying school suddenly emerged in the mysterious side world thirty years Ronald asked:

"A particularly terrifying school, what is that?"

"How to describe it..."

Scratching her hair, Nicole dragged the woman into the house while explaining to Ronald:

"It's their school. After studying knowledge to a certain level, they will create a magic ring for themselves. If you wear it for a long time, the human soul will fall into darkness infinitely, until it transforms into an evil spirit between the virtual and the real. ."

"This kind of evil spirit has a very strong immortality. Even if it is destroyed, it will soon be resurrected after a period of time."

"If you want to solve this kind of guy, you must find the ring it forged and destroy it."


Ronald was silent.

This lich-sounding thing reminded him of a very famous fantasy work.

That thing appears in this world and becomes the original text is completely fine.

While Ronald was silent, Nicole's explanation continued:

"It's useless for ordinary mysterious people to find their kind of ring, because this kind of gold ring has a very exaggerated and sturdy quality, unless it is a big man who holds the original script, can it be destroyed quickly."

"Fortunately, someone finally discovered the weakness of this school."

"Although the Lord of the Rings is indestructible, it can be destroyed very smoothly when thrown into the crater."

"It is precisely because of this discovery that the evil school has gradually fallen under the siege of many mysterious people, and it has disappeared until today."

"Does it feel amazing?"


"It's pretty awesome."

Ronald felt that he didn't have to guess the school's canon.

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