Mystic Dominator

Chapter 83: leather shop

When they came to the Ron Avenue mentioned earlier, Nicole did not take Ronald directly to No. 37.

She first came to a small door with a key on the street.

Looking at the locksmith on the chair, the investigator girl approached and said in a low voice:

"Pine, the key over there at number 37."


The locksmith pulled open the drawer, then took out a bunch of keys and started rummaging.

At the same time, he unconsciously looked at Ronald who was guarding the door.

"Miss Nicole, this is..."

Nicole explained:

"He and I brought a newcomer."

"That's it."

Nodding, the locksmith found a brass-colored key wrapped in letter paper and handed it over.

"I wish you a smooth work today."

"Thank you."

Nodding her thanks, Nicole didn't stop here.

Turning to call Ronald, the two of them continued to walk down the street.

Soon, shop No. 37 on the mission document arrived.

Sandwiched between a tool shop and a shop that sells ironware, the street number 37 is a shop that handles leather and also sells it.

But at this time.

When all the surrounding shops were already open for business, only this gate 37 was closed.

"It's here."

Looking at the leather shop in front of her, Nicole muttered softly, and then walked to the door by herself.

Holding the key to the door lock, she gently inserted and twisted it.


The door opened.

In short, with the help of the previous locksmith who was an informant of the Bureau of Investigation, they easily opened the door of this shop.

Not everyone around noticed their movements, but as long as they took a look, they wouldn't dare to ask or interfere.

Ordinary people living on Ron Avenue know what kind of things they can't touch. Guys dressed up like Ronald and Nicole, who rashly contact with their social status, can easily put themselves in danger.

"Ronald, follow me."

"Let's go in and have a look."

Carefully put the key back into her pocket, Nicole greeted Ronald and stepped into the room by herself. At the same time, tearing open the letter paper that had wrapped the key, the investigator girl whispered the words on it:

"Hof Leather Processing Factory offline sales point, owned by Haywood Nelson, who completed a new large-scale order transaction three days ago. At the same time, this is his last action on the official record. . However, this store owned by him only closed yesterday."

Hearing this information, Ronald immediately asked:

"Does this sound like the disappearance of ordinary citizens?"

In this day and age, similar public security issues should be quite frequent. Isn't it necessary for the Investigation Bureau to manage every missing person?

If this is really the case, then what do the police do?

Hearing Ronald's question, Nicole immediately shook her head:

"If ordinary people go missing, it's naturally the police department who will deal with them."

"But recently, the situation is special. The problem of this store is stuck at this time, so this matter will be handed over to us."

While speaking, Nicole and Ronald passed through the front hall of the store.

When I came to the work area at the back of the store, I immediately saw that there were densely packed leathers, the most notable of which was the raw hides that were only plucked from the prey and cleaned once.

And near the outside, the final finishing work is completed, and the piece of leather that has become a good product.

According to the information, this store is a sales store of a leather factory.

However, looking at this situation, it also has the function of acquiring hides.

"Stop for a while."

Just when Ronald was still looking around and surveying the environment, Nicole raised his hand to stop him.

Immediately, the investigator girl stopped in place.

She didn't even see her chanting a spell or making some kind of spellcasting action.

Just two seconds later, she walked towards the depths of the store again.

But from this moment on, Ronald could read a very serious aura from the girl's back.

——Nicole noticed something different.

The original text quietly appeared in his hand, and Ronald immediately recited the poem in a voice that only he could hear. The black mist representing 'rage' covered his palms, and he also entered a state of battle.

But unfortunately, although the feedback of emotion detection ability is frequent, most of them come from outside Ron Avenue.

In this room, there are only his own and Nicole's mood swings.

--Keep going.

Bypassing the position of the oil-draining leather, the two came to the deeper inner side of the store.

Nicole, who was walking in front, frowned.

This place is already separated from the store itself, and further inside is a private living room.

But the living room door, which should have been locked and closed perfectly.

At this moment, it is opening unimpeded in front of him.

Because it was already deep enough, the sunlight couldn't illuminate the situation inside. The dark room gave people a sense of danger at first glance.


An air of silence hangs over the leather shop.

The investigator's eyes flashed, and without hesitation, he picked up an idle kerosene lamp from the side.

Then, an interesting scene happened.

She didn't even see her taking out the kindling. Just by rhythmically swiping her finger on the outside of the oil lamp a few times, the lamp burned violently!

——It is a spell.

Ronald instantly realized that this was Nicole using a spell.

Although he couldn't recognize the foot, his language ability told Ronald that the character Nicole's finger drew just now meant the state of [burning]!

at the same time.

Holding up the lamp, Nicole took another step into the living room.


Almost as soon as she entered, the investigator girl let out a dissatisfied exclamation:

"Hey! Are you still alive? Can you hear me?"

"Do you want to move if you're not dead?"

Ronald followed closely and also saw the scene in the house.

The space of the living room was lit by lights, and beside the shadow of the bed, a middle-aged man with a pot belly was slumped on the ground.

This guy has no strands on his and his head leans on the ground weakly.

It was the twisted quilt on the bed, telling people that this place was being used before.

And this man was probably dragged out of the quilt.

"Ronald. Hold up the lamp for me."

Looking at the man who was motionless on the ground, Nicole simply handed Ronald the kerosene lamp in her hand.

Immediately, the investigator girl took out a revolver from her spacious coat, swiped her finger on the barrel a few times, and then ejected the revolver and swiped a few times on the bullet in the gun chamber.

The whole set of movements is extremely fast, and the amplitude is also very small.

Before Ronald could see clearly, Nicole held up the revolving pistol and aimed directly at the man lying on the ground.

"Three seconds, get up quickly for me."


Without explaining much, the moment the countdown ended, the investigator girl directly pulled the trigger.


At the side of the man, the bullet flew past where it was almost touching the skin.

However, during the whole process, the gun in Nicole's hand and the bullets it fired didn't make any sound.

From the time the bullet is loaded to the moment it is fired, there is no movement at all!

It's as if this place is in outer space, and there is no medium for transmitting sound.

In contrast, there is the man who is still paralyzed on the ground.

Even when Death was passing by, he remained motionless.


"Is this the case again?"

Seeing the scene in front of her, Nicole pouted in dissatisfaction.

Immediately stepped forward, she reached out and touched the man's neck.

——People are still alive.

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