Mystic Dominator

Chapter 80: A chance encounter after get off work

Probably discuss these things with Nicole.

Ronald was about to leave the Bureau of Investigation and go home to rest just like yesterday.

Come back tomorrow morning, he will go to perform the so-called front-line work together with this investigator girl.

However, as soon as the door was opened, Ronald was stunned on the spot.

Right in front of him, a girl with beautiful white-blond hair stood at the entrance of the investigation bureau.

——It's Patricia.

His eyes moved slowly from top to bottom. As the two looked at each other, Ronald saw the exact same envelope in the other's hand.

It was the envelope when he received the investigation, and then the transfer notice was sent. It was an exclusive letter belonging to the Investigation Bureau.

In the silent air, the two looked at each other for a few seconds.

This time, without waiting for Ronald to speak first, Patricia asked first:

"Ronald, you were also summoned by the Bureau of Investigation?"

"Similar to you, but I came earlier."

Ronald pointed to the envelope in the girl's hand, and explained in a somewhat helpless tone:

"I received a transfer notice early the next day after returning from the train station."

"As a person with little influence, of course I can only come here to work."

"That's it..."

After thinking for a few seconds, Patricia turned her head and whispered beside Ronald:

"You don't have to worry too much. The Bureau of Investigation is a regular organization, and generally there won't be any outrageous actions."

"And next, we might become colleagues."

After all, it was at the door of a special unit like the Investigation Bureau, and it was impossible for the two of them to discuss topics that were too deep.

After just a few simple exchanges, the two ended the conversation.

Saying goodbye to Patricia, Ronald turned to leave the headquarters of the Bureau of Investigation, and began to think about the meaning of this matter.

Why is Patricia also invited?

After Ronald himself entered the field of vision of the Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation, his various performances all along have vaguely proved that he is a low-level mysterious person who is relatively easy to control, so he was recruited by the Bureau of Investigation at this time.

——Look at Patricia.

This guy definitely doesn't meet this condition.

Judging from the previous experience of the two of them escaping from the train station together, this girl is not the kind of character that is easy to be controlled by others.

For what purpose did the Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation send the invitation letter to this girl?

The amount of information available is simply not enough.

Ronald finally made a few speculations, but he still couldn't determine what kind of secret was hidden in this matter.


Stepping on a street where the snow has disappeared, but the air is still moist.

Ronald strolled back to the door of the pension.

The sun had set a quarter of an hour ago, and there were fewer people walking on the streets of the residential area.

Not far from the street, Ronald saw a scene that he could see after get off work these days.

The gas street lamps erected on both sides of the road are being lit one by one by the municipal staff at this moment. Holding long wooden poles in their hands, they pushed open the lampshade first, and then lit the gas lamps one by one with the sparks drawn on the wooden poles.

Skillful movements and rapid progress.

Once lit, the top of the lamp post immediately becomes a light source that provides illumination at night.

The staff who brought the night lighting to Burrenwich are obviously experienced and old staff.

The scene in front of him was a scene that Ronald seldom saw in movie theaters in the past.

To be honest, he thought it was quite interesting.

Standing there and watching these workers for a few seconds, Ronald suddenly remembered the construction workers who replaced the electric street lights on Long Beach Street.

Soon, the street where he lives should be completely replaced.

At least on the Burrenwich side, these scenes will not be seen in the future.

And these staff who are responsible for lighting the lights every day, naturally...

Thinking of this, Ronald's heart was a little complicated.

After thinking for a few seconds, he took out the key and opened the apartment door and walked in.


"Ah, is it Ronald?"

Just as he entered the gate, the landlady, who was sitting on a reclining chair on the first floor, knitted wool, saw him.

Watching Ronald return to the apartment, the lady didn't get up.

She just nodded towards her visitor, looking friendly as always.

"I put your lunch on the table in your living room."

"I prepared some bacon tonight. They taste very good."

"Then I'll try it!"

"Thank you very much, ma'am."

Just as he was about to go upstairs, Ronald suddenly remembered something.

When he stopped, he looked back at the landlady, with a hint of apology on his face:

"Uh, that Ms. Hudson."

The landlady winked kindly:

"What's up?"

"I'm really sorry, I accidentally broke your umbrella today on the porch, because it was too broken, and I couldn't bring it back."

"Then... shall I pay for it?"


There was a long tone in the surprised tone.

The landlady had a puzzled look on her face.

In her impression, Ronald was a tenant with a good temper and character.

There is no reason for such a mild-mannered young man to break her umbrella on purpose.

The hand knitting the wool didn't The landlady thought for a while before continuing:

"Mr. Ronald, I can understand that you didn't do it on purpose."

"But after all, this is a public item of the apartment, and it needs to be replenished in time if it is damaged."

"Why not..."

"One day when you commute to get off work, drop by to buy an umbrella and put it in the rain cabinet on the porch when you come back."

"I see."

Ronald simply accepted the plan, and at the same time nodded again in apology:

"I'm really sorry about this."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, who can live without accidents?"

This time the landlady's knitting hand stopped and gave Ronald a consoling smile:

"When I was young, I actually got lost."

"it does not matter."

Finally, after expressing his thanks again, Ronald went upstairs.

Back on the second floor, he took out the key and opened his door.

As the landlady said, today's dinner is on the table in the living room.

A toasted bread, a vegetable soup.

and a nice plate of bacon.

Walking over and sitting on the chair, Ronald picked up the food and found that the baked bread was still warm.

Ms. Hudson remembered when he got off work last night.

Taking this as a reference, I figured out the time to prepare a warm dinner in front of Ronald today.

It's really heartfelt...

Silently forked a piece of bacon into his mouth, Ronald began to enjoy the dinner.

It's the same feeling as before.

Tastes great.

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