Mystic Dominator

Chapter 71: lie detector

Returning to the first floor from the basement, Ms. Mapel returned to the second floor to continue working without any accident.

The Personnel Department of the Investigation Bureau is now on duty alone.

The intensity of the work is definitely high enough.

At least since Ronald joined the job, he has not seen the female investigator go home to rest or come to work.

——She never left the headquarters of the Investigation Bureau.

It doesn't matter two hours later.


Lie down at the front desk and let the table support her body.

Ronald yawned again in desperation.

The newly acquired 'lie detector' incantation is useful and useful, but that's what's going on right now.

In the empty investigator's hall, not even a ghost could be seen.

Even if he tried, he couldn't find the target.

Raising his head slightly, Ronald glanced at the small pocket above the hall.

The warm heating items are hung on the beams, and the warm sleepiness is just drilling into my mind.

It's a pity that this mysterious heating facility cannot be popularized.

Otherwise, in this world, there would be no room for the development of heaters.


When Ronald was thinking aimlessly, the door of the headquarters of the Investigation Bureau suddenly opened from the outside.

Two men in black coats came in from outside.

The frowning expression and the full figure were obviously two investigators busy with their work.

Walking into the hall of the Bureau of Investigation, after the two took off their hats and put them under their armpits, they all looked around the hall.

When they saw the newly hired Ronald, the two nodded friendly towards him.


The two men walked behind the investigation bureau without saying a word.

In the swift and resolute footsteps, there was no hesitation in the slightest.


Watching the two investigators leave and cross the hall, Ronald's expression was a little dull.

That's how the front office of the Bureau of Investigation works.

Investigators who are already working in the Bureau of Investigation are familiar with the situation at the headquarters and will not waste time at the front desk.

Unfamiliar people usually don't come here.

Based on a friendly suggestion from Miss Nicole.

For this job, I usually pay attention to ordinary people who break in by accident, and then send such ordinary people out.


Ronald reached out and scratched his hair, then his eyes swayed to the ceiling again.

To be honest, he now has an urge to take out The Divine Comedy.

Not that he wanted to make big news like the 'Buronwich Bureau of Investigation's Headquarters Bombing'.

But in this kind of boring environment, reading books can barely be a distraction.

It's really boring to stand alone like this!


"Three people have died?"

"This is not a joke, let's hurry up."

"Mr. Willard, we called the carriage and parked at the door. We can just go out and take the carriage."

At this moment, a few men's discussions came from behind the first floor.

Because the headquarters of the Bureau of Investigation was too quiet, their conversation even got into Ronald's warm ears. .

Sounds like...they're discussing an incident involving human life?

Listening carefully, the voice of the man's discussion gradually became clearer.

clap clap-

The sound of footsteps also appeared.

With the approach of footsteps and discussions, the two men who had just walked in not too long ago followed a man with a dignified face.

The footsteps did not stop for a moment, and the three of them were about to leave the investigation bureau.


However, just before leaving, the majestic man who took the lead stopped.

He turned his head sharply to look at Ronald, and after looking carefully to confirm that it was a new and unfamiliar face, the man hesitated for less than a second and then said:

"New boy, you remember."

"If someone asks you later whether you have seen Willard Owen in the Bureau of Investigation in the past two days, you can tell him that."

"I'm with George and Huggins today."

"I went to a small village called Celefis, five miles away from the city."

"It's a high-level event involving human life."


Speaking of this, the man was silent for a moment before continuing:

"Also, if I don't come back after a week, remember to report the matter to the director."

"Let's go."

Don't wait for Ronald to answer.

At the moment when the voice landed, the majestic man was faintly leading.

The three of them left the headquarters of the Investigation Bureau without looking back.

The moment the door of the investigation bureau was opened, Ronald could still see the taxi carriage that had been called, and it was parked outside.


Staring at the direction where the three disappeared.

After thinking about it, Ronald took out the pen and paper from the front desk and counted the time in his mind.

[Shuang Xueyue...crossed out——]

【November 13th】

[George and Hudgens returned to the Bureau of Investigation. After reporting their work, Mr. Willard led them to Celefis, five miles outside the city, for high-level incidents involving human life. 】

Looking at the text from another world that was twisted and twisted, it could almost be used as a cipher text.

Ronald smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

"That doesn't count as sabotage, right?"

Putting away the notepad, Ronald began to look around the hall boredly again.

The main hall of the Bureau of Investigation is actually not too large in size, and it is estimated that it will not exceed 200 square meters.

In addition to the brick and wood structure that constitutes the main body of the building, there are hanging handles for kerosene lamps on the surrounding walls. Lighting them together will definitely make the hall brightly It has been winter recently.

Near the gas street lights on Burrenwich Street, workers can be seen frequently. They are erecting the latest electric street lights.

After a while, the night in this city will be guarded by electric lights.

Thinking of this, Ronald recalled Joiz at the beginning of his time-travel.

In that small village, you can't even see the gas lamps.

"It's really a big gap..."

Whispering in a low voice, Ronald said out of boredom:

"Volume 11, page 260, item 6."

The hall was unusually quiet, and there was no movement in front of Ronald.

The incantation did take effect.

But there is no object in front of him, and he can't appreciate the convenience brought by this ability.

Then, Ronald went around the front desk to the door.

He carefully opened the door of the investigation bureau, revealing only a very narrow slit.

The winter sun is trying hard to get in, printing a thin line in the hall.

Standing on it, Ronald finally experienced the power of the lie detector.

Across the gate, as long as he focused his eyes on a passerby, he could vaguely sense several rhythmic fluctuations. According to the frequency of this fluctuation, it is possible to perceive the current physiological state of the person, from which a judgment can be made.

It's really how a lie detector works...

Confirming the ability of the Investigation Bureau to be given upon entry, Ronald gently opened the door.

He slowly walked back to the front desk.

He began to think in his mind—

Otherwise, when I go to work tomorrow, I can buy a chair on the way.

This stop is one day, and it's tiring...

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