Mystic Dominator

Chapter 69: new recruit

Standing in the warm hall, Ronald raised his left foot and scratched his right ankle.

He's a little bored-

No matter how Ronald Ren guessed before, he never expected that the people in the Bureau of Investigation would see it so openly!

In the case of a shortage of manpower, this is my first job as a temporary worker.

I was entertaining at the front desk...

Without any ambiguity, it is the front desk of the Bureau of Investigation building.

The girl who received Ronald on the first floor before, for the sake of his kindness, gave him half an hour of education at the front desk that night, and then put on his coat and went out to perform the task.

By the way, the girl's name is Nicole Vader.

is an investigator who joined the Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation for one year and four months.

Although I don't know what school she was in before joining the Bureau of Investigation, I heard that her current level is definitely not bad, and she is the backbone of the Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation.

And it's not Nicole's bragging rights.

It was Ms. Mapel from the Personnel Department of the Bureau of Investigation, who was the one who negotiated with Ronald before, who casually mentioned it when she introduced her job.

Just like this, I worked on the post for a day.

Only then did Ronald understand why there was no follow-up to the train station incident.

In fact, on the day of the accident at the station, a few seconds before the "Bradshaw Railroad Guide" ran rampant, the city of Burrenwich was suddenly enveloped by a spell of unknown origin and full of sacred aura.

Ronald and Patricia didn't notice because they were directly dragged into the time spiral by the runaway "Bradshaw Railroad Guide".

That force appeared for a short time, but it was absolutely powerful.

One of the mysterious people in the whole city counts as one, and even some powerful items with extraordinary elements.

They all felt the presence of that holy power.

So at the same time as the power erupted, many locations in Burrenwich were immediately led to major mysterious problems.

The matter of the railway station was naturally also included.

Ronald's previous assumptions were all in vain.

It's a pity that his brand new coat with only torn cuffs was a disaster, because Ronald was too careful to be disposed of in advance.

Except for this official statement, of course.

Ronald guessed to a certain extent what was going on in Burrenwich.

That must be someone who brought the original code into the city——

And get ready to make big news!

It doesn't matter if the extraordinary items on the ordinary mysterious side are activated, the "Bradshaw Railway Guide", which has been dormant for a long time in the railway station database, can never be directly runaway by ordinary spells!

According to Ronald's acquired common sense.

At least the same level of power can do this.

This winter, it seems unlikely that Burrenwich will be peaceful.


Standing at the front desk, Ronald couldn't help yawning.

Under the influence of magic items, the office building of the Bureau of Investigation is as warm as a blanket warmed by a cat, which has a very good sleep aid effect.

——It’s okay to be warm.

——It happens that there are few things that are outrageous.

The people in the Bureau of Investigation basically go out to work at a high intensity. When they come down in the morning, the working hours of the front desk are less than a quarter of an hour.

It's easier than a clock proofreader at a railway station.

I am in another world...

Are you not destined to be a salary thief?

Thinking aimlessly, Ronald can actually understand the helplessness of the Bureau of Investigation.

The indifferent work of the front desk is usually done by someone.

However, in such a situation where the whole city is rioting and has exceeded the normal capacity of the Bureau of Investigation.

The usual idle workers like the front desk must also be put on the court.

Ordinary private units can find temporary workers at this time.

But the mysterious side is due to the rigid requirements of information control, and it must be impossible to just find a few ordinary people to come to the post.

At this time, a mysterious sideman like Ronald who is 'easy to control'.

Naturally, it became the best target for the Bureau of Investigation to be caught.

The money is given in place, and people on the mysterious side will basically not have too many complaints.

Finding a job is very easy for them.


Suddenly, Ronald heard the rushing sound of hard leather soles stepping on the planks.

Looking towards the stairs, a pair of slender thighs on long boots came down from the second floor, as if rushing to reincarnate.

——Ms. Mapel.

When the person in charge of the personnel department saw Ronald, he didn't even go to the front desk, and shouted from a distance:

"Hello, Ronald."

"Your items have been approved, come here!"

After speaking, without waiting for Ronald's reply, Mapel turned her head and walked towards the back of the first floor.


"Wait for me!"

Standing at the front desk for a while, Ronald shouted and chased after him.


Following Ms. Mapel, Ronald went around to the back of the first floor, and the two got into a warehouse together.

Then in the corner of the warehouse.

Mapel didn't know what to do with the corner of the wall. The bricks that had been empty were suddenly repositioned, and a cellar entrance that sloped downward suddenly appeared there.

With a 'click', Mapel pulled open the entrance to the cellar and ran down by herself.

After two breaths, a voice came from below:

"Ronald, hurry up and keep up?"


Ronald was a little but he followed.

Going downstairs, he realized that this cellar is unique.

There are no oil lamps or electric lamps to illuminate here, but a green pyroxene inlaid in the center of the ceiling. A bleak green glow emanated from the stone, adding an overflowing gloom and horror to the entire basement.

Even around the basement, thick metal plates surrounded the entire space. In the whole room, except for the table in the center, there are boxes locked by iron chains and sealed shelves.

To shoot a horror movie in a place like this, you can start right away without the need for a set!

In Ronald's field of vision at this moment, Miss Maple was standing in front of a shelf, just opened a drawer with a key.

He saw clearly.

Mapel took out a photo album, and then skillfully pulled out a page-sized photo.


Closing the album, Ms. Mapel walked to the table and took out a small wooden box from her pocket and threw it to Ronald:

"Come here, I'll give you the imprint of the school you joined."


Catching the wooden box thrown by the opponent, Ronald opened it with one hand.

Inside is a metal pendant engraved with complex patterns, but in the center of these patterns, a string of Earth English that can be recognized at a glance is engraved on it.

——[Volume 11, Page 260, Item 6]

Ronald asked curiously:

"Is this the school mark of the Bureau of Investigation?"

"That's right."

Ms. Mapel nodded in acknowledgement, then carefully spread the photo in her hand on the table.

"Come here, I will teach you the school knowledge of the new recruits of the Investigation Bureau."

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