Mystic Dominator

Chapter 663: end

Although it is indeed a trial.

But the development of things, how can it not be **** to that point?

At this moment, Ronald couldn't help but think of a lot of things, games, movies... Even if the types were different, most of the stories were about the companions who became enemies after defeating the enemy because of their interests.

Yanni just now cooperated perfectly with himself.

So now a temptation is at hand.

What will the ending be like?

Ronald was alert, then silently counted the four remaining grenades in his hand, and began to try to formulate a battle plan.

At the same time, Yanni, who was standing on the side of the ice floe, put the crossbow arrow on the ground generously, and then picked up the ring gem in front of him.


The girl's eyes wandered thoughtfully for a few seconds.

Then she looked back at Ronald opposite:

"Yang, I know what you're thinking."

"After all, I have only experienced this kind of thing just now, and I can fully understand the vigilance in my heart."

Seeing that Yanni broke his mind, Ronald immediately smirked and scratched his hair:

"You know, I'm in a trial after all..."

"Yes, you are in a trial". Ronald slowly lowered his tone, and Yanni directly followed his words at this moment, "So—what do you think now?"

"The treasures buried in the ruins are now in our hands, and the enemies we encountered before have completely disappeared along with the surrounding environment. But as a person who accepted the trial, you didn't leave here?"


Ronald was silent.

Yanni's question is the crux of the matter.

The venue constructed by the trial has been destroyed to such an extent, why hasn't he shown any signs of leaving?

There are two possibilities -

1. Ronald must get the ring gem in Yanni's hands.

2. There are still deeper hidden requirements in the trial, so even at this point, Ronald still couldn't leave here.

At this moment.

The tangle on Ronald's face reflected the struggle in his heart.

On the opposite side, Yanni was more direct. She raised the ring gem and waved at Ronald, and then said neatly:

"Old Yang, let's be direct between the two of us."

"I ask you a question, and the result of your answer will determine the ownership of this thing - declare in advance that when you get it, you will be able to get out of this trial on your behalf."

To replace yourself out of this trial...

Yanni's open and honest announcement at this time means too much.

It's just that Ronald didn't mess himself up, and he nodded solemnly and responded:

"You ask, and I will answer truthfully."

Yanni then continued to speak:

"Old Yang, things are very clear now. Whether the trial is successful or not depends on which of us will dissipate with this world. So under this premise, if you successfully complete this trial and then return to the outside world, then what will happen after that? What to do?"

"Do you really limit the spread of spells as much as possible as you said before, or do you have any other plans?"


Ronald thought about it for close to a minute, and then repeated a passage that impressed him:

"It's about wisdom."

"It doesn't matter what you're studying, or thinking about any point of view. Just ask yourself - what are the facts and what are the truths that those facts support.

Never allow yourself to be influenced by what you are more willing to believe, or what people believe will be more beneficial to society. Just look at what is the truth. "



Yanni blinked, and it took a few seconds to realize that what Ronald said was Sir Russell's famous quote on the video.

Strictly speaking, Ronald did not answer Yanni's question directly.

But he borrowed this passage to emphasize his desire to seek truth from facts and make choices based on the actual situation.

Yanni knew very well that there was actually the second half of this sentence.

That's a description of love--

"Love is wise, hate is stupid.

In this increasingly interconnected world, we must learn to tolerate each other.

We must learn to accept the fact that there will always be people saying things we don't want to hear, and only then can we possibly survive together. And if we want to coexist, not die together, we must learn this kind of tolerance and tolerance.

Because they are vital to the survival of mankind on this planet. "

Just like when Ronald answered.

Yanni was silent for a long time.

However, her subsequent reaction was still beyond Ronald's expectations.

Just getting such an answer, Yanni threw his palm high, and then threw the ring gem in Ronald's direction.


Ronald didn't even react for the first time.

When I saw the ring gems flying towards me under the starlight of the surrounding lake.

He just realized-

Yanni has made a choice in this simple conversation.

Ronald Drick took two steps to the left, then stretched out his hands towards the falling gem


Both hands hold the ring gem firmly to the chest.

At the same time, Ronald also realized that what Yanni had just said was true.

Strictly speaking, the function of this ring gem is not to immortalize people, but after sacrificing the lives of other people, it will satisfy the most desired thing in the user's heart.

as Arian before

He hated the ruins in the ice in his heart. After sacrificing Ivy, he immediately gained the ability to destroy this place, and at the same time further strengthened his physical fitness as a mercenary.

And if it's Yanni...

Knowing that this trial was a false construction, she had a strong desire in her heart, as long as she could sacrifice Ronald, she might also leave this trial world in his place!


Yanni actually gave up this kind of thing? !

Ronald immediately looked up to the opposite side, he wanted to ask Yanni why he made this choice.

But on the floe opposite.

Once again, the girl's actions exceeded all Ronald's expectations.

While Ronald took the ring gem.

Yanni was already half-kneeling on the ground, picked up the crossbow arrow she just put down, and aimed at her own throat!

"What a Yang."

"I got this thing, but the trial is still not over."

"It seems that this trial brought by "The Divine Comedy" is the only way to pass it..."

"Yani, don't do this! Maybe there is another way!"

Ronald shouted and rushed towards Yanni.

But the moment he jumped off the icy lake, the **** the ice floe opposite showed him a hopeful smile:

"Yang, the poet Dante is the first poet of the new age, and the last poet of the old age. And I—will be the first and last person you meet in this trial. ."

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