Mystic Dominator

Chapter 599: sky to land


"Didn't we say we were at sea before, did we encounter some spatial dislocation?"

"What, now even the whole city is in trouble?"

"This is not where the sun should rise."

The smile on Baproul's face did not change.

He joked about the unreasonable phenomenon in the distance, and he himself stood up directly from the chair.


Pulling off the mask from his face, Baprol turned and bowed to Ronald.

"But since the time has come to the morning... Then Ronald, it is time for us to say goodbye. I am very happy with this cooperation experience with you. I hope we can be the same as now when we meet next time."

Ronald didn't say much, just nodded and replied simply:

"Then—there will be an expiry later."


Under the eerie morning sun, Baproul finally left Ronald a gentle smile.

Then the cult warlock turned and jumped from the roof of the hotel.


A screeching scream echoed to the top of the building.

Ronald leaned out and looked down. Baproul was walking on the road, limping out of Purvik Tower by himself.


"Good for you……"

Shaking his head with a smile, Ronald immediately retracted his gaze.

Two dead souls were summoned from the blood river of **** with the power of 'rape'. Ronald used [Soul Domination] to start a control test, and at the same time, he chanted the spell lightly, activated all enhancements, and flew to the sea at the fastest speed.

The information available on land is still too limited.

I wanted to understand what was going on around me, but I had to go to the sea where the problem was always revealed.

The early morning light rose from the end of the field of vision.

Ronald felt weirder as the location moved further away from land.

Normally, when looking at the sky from the ground, the sun's trajectory is roughly a straight line, flying from one end of the horizon to the other.

But not long after it flew out, Ronald found that the sun's trajectory was extremely skewed, and it even had an angle close to the pole.


Ronald couldn't guess what the **** was going on.

But while still maintaining the flying speed, he began to spread the scope of the reconnaissance spell to the maximum, so that at least...

"The range... has become larger?"

Ronald's expression changed in the air.

He will not forget the specific effects of his spells.

At this moment, the scouting range of the spell was opened to the limit, and Ronald immediately noticed the fact that the effect of the spell was improved.

——Ronald remembered the situation in the [Infinite Negative Number Field].

The wizard who has been sealed is to use the means of spreading knowledge to continuously strengthen the human group's cognition of the mysterious side, and finally achieve the purpose of continuously improving the effect of spells.

So the world outside the seal.

Has this evolutionary process begun?

And are all the changes taking place now also related to this behavior?

Ronald flew another distance in thought.

Then, the sun, which was constantly shifting in the sky, took all his attention away again.

This is a strange sight unheard of in dreams.

The sun rose over the sea, and then flew diagonally out of an angle to the sky on the other side. It was here that the sun suddenly crossed a corner arc in the air, and then flew to the other side of the sky in the opposite direction!

Left to right, right to left.

While the sun is advancing in the sky, it is also changing its direction at an inclination angle. The trajectory is like an 'S'-shaped path that continues to expand and repeat!


Ronald didn't know how to describe his current mood.

To be honest, even in an abnormal world like [Infinite Negative Number Domain], he never encountered such a strange and bizarre phenomenon!

But the weird things don't stop there.

Continuing to fly forward, Ronald was even more speechless.


——A continuous piece of land appeared at the edge of the field of vision.

Although he can't be sure of his exact speed, Ronald also has a sense of his current speed with the experience when he left Purvika.

This flew over a distance of just over a hundred miles.

Did you see land as a result?

At the hotel in Purvikta, he carefully looked at the nearby map. According to the original flight direction, what he would see should be the vast sea.

What is this land that suddenly appeared?

It wouldn't be his unfortunate encounter with a spatial dislocation point again!


From the ground to the sea to the sun in the sky.

The messy encounters bring about messy messages that continue to collide with each other in the mind, making it impossible to touch any thoughts at all.

Ronald continued to fly in silence.

Signs of human activity can also be perceived on land that appears in view.

To understand what is happening in this world right now, it is still necessary to gather information to continue.

Silently lowering the height, Ronald entered a city with the help of spells.

Similar to Purvik Tower, which departed in the morning, the temperature here is obviously hotter.

But just take a turn around town.

It can be found that it is fundamentally different from Purvika.

In addition to the ventilation and cooling elements in hot weather, the buildings in this city also have architectural considerations for low temperature and warmth.

Just a little common sense.

You can see these buildings.

Not the type of building that should appear in the equatorial region at all!


Ronald frowned and looked at the trajectory of the sun in the sky.

Humans in the city are generally uneasy now. Through the conversations of ordinary residents on the street, he also knows that the changes since yesterday have caused serious problems in the city order.

It may be due to the lack of better support from the mysterious side forces.

In short, with the city's original security level, it is now difficult to control the situation.

The problem of looting and killing cannot be ignored.

With mixed emotions, Ronald continued his journey through the city.

On the way, he probably took a look. There is no investigation force here, so it is not safe to seek an official strategy.

About a quarter of an hour passed.

After Ronald stopped two murders and robberies in the street.

The third shot, the young boy he rescued finally did not flee in a panic, but bowed down to Ronald very politely to thank him.

Ronald said simply:

"Boy can you tell me something?"

"Sir, what I know will definitely answer."


The dialogue process is straightforward and simple.

First - the name of the city is Sekkorolo.

This is just a small border city, and the biggest commercial activities come from the marine-related industries.

And more importantly, the geographical location of Sekkolo.

She is located on the coastline of the mainland of Ilta.

If Ronald's understanding of continental geography is not wrong.

Then go straight forward in the direction of the land, cross the continent to the position of the city facing the sea on the opposite side of the land, and you can also see a city.

As for the name of that city...

On the premise that every byte is spelled correctly - it should be called Purvika!

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