Mystic Dominator

Chapter 59: reflection

Humans are social creatures.

Therefore, when human beings are alone, they will have a more or less "sense of strangeness" psychologically, and the difference in weight depends on individual differences.

If you gradually move from an active urban area to a desolate suburb, you can't help but feel the danger.

The number of people from more to less often means that the danger is intensified.

This is the alarm mechanism that the human ancestors left in the body instinct when they hunted collectively.

Ronald's situation.

and even worse—

I have experienced several time reincarnations before. Although the inconsistency of time makes people feel nervous, at least there are people around.

And now...

Nothing at all!

There was no trace of any humanoid creature on the empty platform, and the girl who was clearly acting with him did not appear in front of him at the moment.

The 'familiar' feeling brought by several experiences and the 'unfamiliar' feeling of the scene in front of me formed an extremely strong and shocking contrast.


Without saying a word, Ronald ran towards the end of the platform in an instant.

The pace is getting faster and faster.

He didn't want to escape this weird area, but wanted to see the head of the steam train.

In the front part of the train that requires constant control of the train driver.

Is there any...


The thick sole stomped **** the bricks of the platform, and Ronald stopped.

There is no one in the car!

But Dongfeng still accelerated normally, and then started to leave the station.

The ghost knows how this train starts!

The expression on his face became more depressed and nervous, and the hand that held Yuan Dian also subconsciously grasped more and more tightly.

"What is it..."


Before the murmuring to himself was over, the scene in front of Ronald changed again.

But this time he did not return to the platform.

The feet that were still stepping on the brick just now shifted abruptly to a piece of wood that was swaying sideways.

And in front of him is the Dongfeng that is speeding up along the tracks!


There is no need to think about this situation.

Ronald jumped sideways and jumped off the rails, then rolled to the ground.


A little more than a meter away.

The Dongfeng sailed smoothly past.

If Ronald hadn't dodged just now, it would be time to rush forward with the front of the car...

Fortunately, the scope of time warp is these.

According to the operating rules, the Dongfeng has not accelerated to the speed of response.


In silence, Ronald turned his head and looked around.

When he stood up, the rear of the train had already left in front of him, and the air rolled up behind him slapped his face.

The vigilance rising in his heart is getting more and more rapid.

This time I was suddenly thrown in front of the train, next time I was under the cast iron wheels, right?

Then you can...


The transfer came without notice!

The scenery in front of Ronald was distorted again!

The next second, the blue sky came into view, and the buildings in the field of vision were all the buildings around the station.

And this time, his feet were empty.

myself in the air—


Before he could think about it, the ubiquitous gravity firmly grabbed Ronald's ankle and dragged him down instantly.

"Ah uh—!"


Being in the air, he had nowhere to use his strength, and it was too late to adjust his posture. He fell heavily on the building more than one meter below.

Here is the roof of Burrenwich railway station.

There was a curved dome beside him, and the location where Ronald fell was right on the platform at the edge of the dome.

Within the field of vision, there is also the top entrance to the office building on the other side.

No matter to the left or right, as long as he goes up two meters, Ronald will fall directly to the ground from the top of the towering station building.

if that is the case--

The result is obvious-


He staggered up from the ground, but Ronald didn't even think about moving. In the current situation, even if you run wild, you don't know where you will be thrown in the next second.

The most important thing at the moment is to raise the alert and find a way to stop the problems that pop up everywhere.

So, this phenomenon started...


Thinking of this, Ronald instantly realized the crux of the problem.

The whole thing is its own problem!

However, at the same time, the picture in front of him began to distort again!



A loud shout.

"The Hammer of Rain and Mist" was hidden in the palm of his hand, and Ronald stood on the ground at the same time...

Standing on the train?

There are two train seats neatly lined up around, and the familiar platform can be seen through the window.

This time he came inside the Dongfeng!

woo woo woo-


When Ronald realized where he was, the familiar sound of a train starting from outside the carriage was heard.

In the empty carriage, he ran directly to the nearest place to open the window, and regardless of the pain coming from his body, he rolled over and jumped off the train.

Climbing up to the platform with the help of the wall, the train behind him sped away.

woo woo woo-


Once again, the Dongfeng was out of sight.


Dragging his aching body, Ronald returned to sit on the bench on the platform, and in the meantime took the water bottle hanging from the dining car.

While clearing the scratches on his body, he looked up from time to time to look around.


After about a quarter of an hour.

Ronald simply dealt with the abrasions on his body.

As he thought, this time he was not suddenly teleported away like before.

"The Hammer of Rain and Mist" He also temporarily escaped danger.

cluck cluck-

After drank the remaining water in the kettle, Ronald sat up on the bench and stared at the station ceiling above.

"Too confident."

"This is all my problem."

The remorse in his tone is very obvious, Ronald is doing self-examination.

Although I have encountered some troubles and crises since I crossed, in essence, I have come to the present with smooth sailing.

With the power of the original scriptures, he can easily master the magic book that the local humans regard as a secret treasure, and he has an advantage in dealing with the enemy twice, and his life problems can be easily solved.

All the experiences have accumulated, and his subconscious confidence in the vagueness is not quite right.

This is the culprit that has led to his current predicament.

The power to stop the rampage of the scriptures, in general, should first isolate this power, and then find a way to subdue the magic book.

But what about yourself?

Due to the experience of breaking the passive defense of "The Divine Comedy" in the basement of Black Mountain last time, "God Hammer of Rain and Mist", without thinking, wanted to do it again.

it is ridiculous--

This is the power of the original text after the rampage, not the passive protection of the magic book!

His previous behavior was like pouring cold water into a boiling oil pan to kill him, so it's no wonder that he was suddenly moved around.

This is the original text that repelled "The Hammer of Rain and Mist".


After finishing his thoughts, Ronald heaved a sigh of relief and stood up from the bench.

Patricia said before that she couldn't solve the runaway magic book.

Now it seems that this is an empty world.

You can only solve the problem by yourself.

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