Mystic Dominator

Chapter 575: 2 chases

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Time is running out.

The three people who have changed their faces are walking on the uninhabited land.

Only the night sky and the twisted stars were with them now.

Although not much happened subjectively, it has been four full days since Ronald and Baproul entered the [Infinite Negative Number Realm].

In other words, the time in the outside world has passed by more than a month.

It has now reached its mid-October location.

And in November a month later, that is, three days after the [Infinite Negative Field], it seems that the harvest day is already held.

As for Ronald and them.

More terrible things are more than that.

Reality is not a game where the hero challenges the demon king. There are hidden treasures on the world map that can overcome the enemy and allow them to obtain the treasures that can bring victory with a clear goal.

Three people, with spells in their hands.

That's all they have on hand to fall back on.

But what Ronald and the three had to deal with was a powerful force that unified a large number of original tome holders and also had artificial gods.

This situation can be summed up in one word.

- The future is bleak.

Probably also felt the urgency of time and situation.

When the three of them were on their way, Baproul asked Katerina with a rare emotion:

"I say the strongest."

"If we disguise like this, can we really sneak into the current barrier mountain?"

Seeing that Baproul doubted his statement, Katerina pushed back without saying a word:

"Why, are you afraid?"

Baproul nodded frankly and replied:

"Very scared, super scared!"

"I still have an unmarried daughter to support. If she can't go back, what kind of trouble she will cause, and what will happen when the public order is endangered?"

The cult warlock is there to 'show the truth'.

Katerina was completely immune to this feeling, and then added in a rather ambiguous tone:

"Don't tell me that your daughter is the same character as you?"

Baprol nodded shyly:

"To tell you the truth, the neighbors said that her temper followed her father's."


"Remember to tell your neighbors for me when you go back - you really worked hard!"

"As a guarantee of my Baproul personality, I will definitely bring this to you!"


Katerina, who has an extremely strong personality, collided with Baproul, who was not very normal. As a result, similar conversations happened between the two from time to time. Fortunately, they all know their own situation, so they won't just cast spells and compete in the wilderness.

And hear such a conversation.

Ronald, who was at the forefront of the team, couldn't help sighing.


Because of the extremely exaggerated enemy search range of the power of "Rage", Ronald is now responsible for the important task of leading the way and detecting the enemy's situation. Although it is hundreds of kilometers away from the barrier mountain, he can still roughly lock the situation there.

After being 'rescued' by Baprol this morning.

The battle at Fortress Mountain was completely under the control of the artificial gods.

Almost right after noon, all the great wizards of the opposition were annihilated by them, and the ordinary wizards who were stronger were also executed immediately; the great wizards of the neutral faction fled, died, and the ordinary wizards turned their backs immediately. .

Right now, time is also pressing for Barrier Mountain.

The artificial **** as the leader chooses a high-handed policy to reset the situation, and distributes the captured texts to the meritorious people as a reward. The stronger wizards among them now basically have ambitious aggressive intentions.

Then, something worthy of Ronald's attention appeared.

In the middle of the night, six wizards were summoned to the council of six being rebuilt on the top of the mountain, and then their mood changed immediately.


Ronald thought for a few seconds, then turned his head decisively to look at Katarina:

"Katrina, you guessed that we would encounter two groups of pursuers, isn't that correct?"

"Do you feel someone is chasing after him?" Katerina immediately broke away from the provocation with Baprol, and understood the situation from Ronald's expression in just a moment.

"Two groups of people, the first wave should be six people who arrive first, mainly responsible for locking our position and delaying the speed, and at the same time shouldering the responsibility of confirming our combat effectiveness;"

"As for the second wave...they will be a pure combination of great wizards and have only one goal - to prevent any actions that may cause the failure of the Fortress Hill plan."

Ronald nodded, then indicated the current situation:

"Pretty accurate prediction that we're going to tackle this first wave of six."

Katerina followed with a suggestion:

"Otherwise, kill them in an instant, or else find a way to prevent this group of people from passing the news back, and ensuring that we don't expose the current combat effectiveness is the best solution."

Ronald nodded affirmatively for the first time.

And then quickly realized the key hidden in Katrina's words.

- Don't reveal your current combat power.

It was only in the morning in the fort that I got into a real fight, but now I'm talking about hiding my combat power...

"You two, didn't make any effort on the barrier in the morning?"


As soon as Ronald spoke, the team fell into a brief silence.

"Ronald, it's not that I don't want to contribute!" Baproul took the lead in explaining, "In the morning, the enhanced completeness technique made me delirious, and many methods could not be used at all."

Katerina was even simpler, she just sneered.


"I don't think you want to deal with that false god. There are only a few great wizards who only have revenge in their minds. Where do I need to take serious action?"

Ronald was choked by the words of the two.

He got stuck for a long time before he squeezed a sentence out of his teeth:

"You... really have your..."

"So let me handle these six people, you two continue to hide your strength?"

Seeing Ronald's expression, Baproul's emotional intelligence was rarely online.

He first approached and said with a flattering expression:

"I'll do it, I'll do it!"

"Take it as if I'm getting used to the new spell, you don't need to continue to do it."

The voice fell, and Baproul simply took a step forward.

The location of the barrier mountain is clear to the three of them, so he does not need any guidance in the direction.

I saw his hands raised in front of his eyes, and then folded together to make a shape similar to a handprint, and between his hands, there was just an eye-like gap.

through this strange void.

With his right eye, Baprole looked into the high sky in the distance, and while the magic power on his body was quickly activated, he also began to mutter in a low voice:

"One, two, three..."

"Six, all alive!"

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