Mystic Dominator

Chapter 556: Well of Judgment

Ronald has always thought ahead of the foreseeable.

The question now raised by the old wizard in front of him.

Exactly what he had considered.

Ronald didn't mean to deny his identity as the holder of the original book at all, but replied without hesitation:

"The reason is actually very simple. I noticed the movements of nearby businessmen."

"A large amount of supplies began to be transported to Barrier Mountain, and there were fewer and fewer spellcasters around. Seeing such a change, as a person sealed in this ghost place, it is impossible to remain indifferent."


Ronald's explanation works very well.

After listening to his words, the old wizard even showed a very approving expression on his face:

"Excellent observation ability, good thinking wisdom, and the powerful power of the original scriptures. Mr. Drake, at this most critical time, you are the talent we need the most at Fortress Mountain!"

Hearing the old wizard's answer, Ronald knew in his heart that it was done.

But to be on the safe side, he continued to play and asked:

"So, are we really going back?"

Sacrifice as sacrifice. The old wizard smiled:

"As with all those histories that have happened, it is inevitable."

"Mr. Drake, you also know the importance of this matter. Now is the time, don't mind the two of us taking a trip?"

Ronald nodded slightly, and then his eyes turned to the ground below.

The old wizard only saw this action, and said with a clear mind:

"You can rest assured that the friend arranged for him to be with Sinovi. Now the most important thing is to have the original holder join."

Ronald nodded:

"Then I'll be fine here."


After the two landed on the ground, the old wizard simply ordered the situation and took Ronald into the horizontal door, and walked towards the passage deeper into the body.

As the position of the two deepened.

The number of practitioners around was significantly reduced, and during this period, several passes that needed to be checked for identity were also passed.

their destination.

Clearly a very important place for Fortress Hill.

During this journey, Ronald also inquired about some news.

For example, why was the old wizard able to see through the identity of the holder of his original tome, and how much research Bulwark Mountain had on occult knowledge.

The first is Ronald's identity.

The old wizard saw signs of multi-spell reinforcement in Ronald's body through a technique researched by the Academy. This kind of complex and extremely effective spell is the basis for the old wizard to dare to make such a guess.

As for Barrier Mountain's research on occult knowledge...

The old wizard didn't reveal too much.

But for Ronald, it was definitely shocking news.

First of all, the researchers at Barrier Mountain have sorted out more than a dozen language systems with different details, which can basically perfectly decipher any original text that appears in their hands.

Then in the nature of the spell.

Because being sealed in the [Infinite Negative Field] itself is a loss to the original text.

Therefore, the research institute of Bulwark Mountain proudly took out three original books to conduct destructive experiments, and made a breakthrough in the understanding of the essence of spells.

Hearing this information, Ronald was actually quite certain.

The wizards in the [Infinite Negative Number Domain] have indeed achieved amazing development in these decades of collaborative research. The environment sealed here has instead become their biggest motivation to study spells.

But in addition, there is something Ronald is very concerned about.

- Artificial gods.

The mysterious ultimate product that was described in the church books, and it must also be an artificial **** in the [Infinite Negative Realm], the old wizard did not reveal a word.

Before entering the fortress mountain.

Ronald has also tested Sinovi, either overtly or covertly.

Young apprentice wizards know nothing of the existence of gods, and are unresponsive to any temptation. Look at the attitude shown by the obviously high-ranking old wizard in front of you...

Ronald has reason to believe.

The guy who was once repelled by himself on the island is not in a good state now.

"Okay, it's the front."

"I informed some friends before, Drake, you can get to know everyone first."

When the position of the two people came to the center of this mountain.

The passage in front of them suddenly became clear.

This is a vertical passage that cuts through the mountain abruptly from top to bottom.

The blue stone bricks are embedded in the surface of the passage in a spiral pattern, forming a spiral staircase that communicates up and down. Ordinary people stand in this place and look up, the sky is a small ring; looking down, the dark tunnel is bottomless, like an endless abyss that can swallow people's hearts.

Witnessed this amazing creation running through the mountain.

While feeling emotional, Ronald also asked the old wizard:

"Are we going somewhere?"

The old wizard smiled slightly and pointed to an arch about 30 meters above the two:

"See, it's there."

"It's not a battle meeting after all, and we don't have to go to the circular courtyard at the top."

Subtract bⅹшⅹ ●С0 汜. Next, walking up the circular spiral staircase, the old wizard did not forget to remind Ronald:

"I see, this place that runs through Barrier Mountain is called the Well of Judgment."

"There is a powerful barrier that prohibits flying."

"If there is a traitor in the academy, the great wizard of the Council of Six will start a trial in the circular courtyard The guilty person will be pushed directly from the top to the bottom. If he is lucky, the council will forgive him all crimes."


Ronald couldn't help but peer into the dark abyss below.

With his unbelievably powerful vision, he seemed to see a trace of blood red from the bottom of the Well of Judgment.

"If you don't mind, I want to ask..."

"How deep is this well of judgment?"

The old wizard turned back and smiled at Ronald:

"From the top of the mountain to the horizon, a total of 4,500 kilometers."

Ronald nodded thoughtfully:

"Is that so..."

But the old wizard's words were not finished:

"From the horizon to the underground magma, there is a depth of about 20,000 meters."


Your Well of Judgment is really enough.

Putting aside the depth of more than 20,000 meters, which is absolutely fatal, there is even an equally deadly magma underneath. This condition for forgiveness of sins is simply more excessive than the witch trials in the Middle Ages.

At this moment, a question popped into Ronald's mind.

He also asked without any burden:

"You can't dig such a deep place"

Hearing this question, the old wizard instead cast an approving look at Ronald:

"If you go up, breaking through the gas layer is the dark void."

"But going down, at least we haven't dug to the limit position. Once the ground reaches a certain depth, it will be too difficult to continue to go deeper."

The old wizard finished explaining, and the two just came to the arch that they pointed out earlier.

Taking the initiative to push open the stone gate, the old wizard smiled and said:

Mi He Mi. "Mr. Drake, welcome to the Academy."


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