Mystic Dominator

Chapter 550: fortress in the mountains

High in the sky, Ronald and Baproul flew north.

The climate and environment of the [Infinite Negative Number Domain] follows the conditions of the original world. The closer to the north, the lower the temperature of the environment.

Where is the fortress mountain.

It is already close to the geographical location of the frigid zone.

By the way, I have to mention the actual situation of [Infinite Negative Field].

Although the places Ronald and Baproul are passing through are in a calm state, this world is definitely not a safe paradise.

Except for the land that was originally preserved by the wizards, that is, nearly one-third of the area in the northwest of the Lattochoa continent. As long as you cross the border, you will instantly enter a distorted dark territory.

The normal human senses cannot play a role in it, and the detection of spells will be seriously hindered. And in addition to these, there are some mysterious creatures in the dark territory, which will attack the entrants without distinction.

In other words.

This is an island.

An island hovering over a pitch-dark world.

Except for these areas where humans can currently move, everything else is a dark world that symbolizes death!

During Ronald and Baproul's journey, Ronald was mainly responsible for leading the way and reconnaissance the environment. With the power of "Rage" greatly enhanced, he was undoubtedly very suitable for this kind of work.

And wait until the next afternoon.

When the two of them and when they could see a distant mountain range from a high altitude, Baproul said in a rare serious tone:

"Ronald, look at that."


A howling cold wind blew past his ears.

Ronald caught Baproul's voice in the wind, then turned his head to look over.


That is a mountain.

On the right side of the road the two of them were traveling, a high mountain sat quietly in the distance.

Compared with normal mountains, it has a very special situation - it does not have a top.

According to visual observation, the mountain is more than 1,000 meters away from the horizon.

A flat crack cuts off the mountain more than a thousand meters, and follows the mountain to the exposed flat land, like a man-made runway neatly covered on the top of the mountain.

- Obvious.

——This is the flatness that was cut out by people.

The wizards of the [Infinite Negative Field] can even transform natural landscapes with their own spell abilities in this environment that is extremely suitable for spellcasting!

At this moment, Baproul specifically pointed out this discovery, which was also reminding Ronald of the terribleness of this world.

His eyes lingered on this 'Pingding Mountain' for a few seconds.

Ronald turned his head and continued to look straight ahead.

"Paproul, can you do this now?"

"I... a similar effect can be achieved, but it will take a lot of work. And you know, my spells are still more effective on people, and these pure physical attacks are not very useful."

Hearing the answer from the cult warlock, Ronald nodded slightly.

He probably understood Baproul's current situation.

If you use the complete technique of the original script like last night, then under the blessing of the [Infinite Negative Field] environment, you should be able to have a more terrifying size and strength.

At that time, it will take some time to achieve the effect of changing the landscape.

In this way, the two of them don't have to be too timid.

The natural advantage of holding the original scriptures is the powerful ability they can rely on.

In the sky, the figures of the two continued to gallop past.

When the time was approaching dusk, the mountain range at the end of the original vision also came to the front.

The towering mountains that are connected into one piece cover extremely far, and the towering peaks are covered with thick snow from the mountainside. In this extreme environment, not even the shadow of a flying bird can be seen.

"Ronald, are we here?"

"That's right."

In response to Baproul's inquiry, Ronald's gaze swept below.

According to the information explained by the previous merchants, the barrier mountain should be built in this position. The power of 'Rage' that spread out in a large area shrank the range, and quickly locked the city hidden in the mountains.

So Ronald also pointed out the direction to Baproul:

"That's it."

"In the middle of the mountains, there are signs of activity of many people there."


Following the location pointed out by Ronald, Baproul cast his eyes.

The pupil structure of this cult warlock changed several times in one second, and then said with a certain emotion:

"This **** place..."

"There is absolutely no path on the ground."

Just as Baproul sighed, there is no road leading to the fortress mountain on the ground, and there is almost no sign of people moving between the mountains.

Ordinary people who can't fly want to come here.

It is necessary to walk into the tunnel opened by the wizard outside the mountains, and then go forward for most of the day in the tunnel that does not see the sun, and finally come to the underground where the fortress mountain is located.

Take advantage of the natural cover provided by the terrain.

This is definitely a super fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Then, Baproul continued to ask Ronald:

"Let's go the way of ordinary or go directly?"


"Honestly mix in."

Ronald didn't forget their identities because of the increased spell potency.

As the only two 'black households' in the [Infinite Negative Field], their actions are naturally the best.

Seeing a place where there are not many people, the two of them began to land.

The merchants I met before have already inquired about the way of communicating with these people, so the next action is also quite confident.

Walk on the road close to the mountains.

Ronald and the others quickly found the convoy that was going to enter the Barrier Mountain, and then got together in a few words. As the center of this wizarding world, there are definitely a lot of people coming and going in Barrier Mountain.

Soon, the only way for ordinary people to enter the barrier mountain came into view.

This is a huge tunnel opened directly into the mountain, and its stability is maintained by a support system reinforced by magic. People from all over the world gather here to get checked before they can get into it.

Ronald and the two dutifully lined up.

The sequence of checks came to them before time entered the night.

To be on the safe side, Ronald also specifically ordered:

"Paproul, don't talk nonsense for a while, I will be responsible for the negotiation."

The cult warlock nodded with a smile:

"It's all up to you."

Then came the guards who checked the arrivals.

This is a young girl. With the abilities of Ronald and Baprol, she can see the magic power in each other at a glance. This is obviously a professional who uses spell ability to interrogate.

Immediately, the young caster looked at the two holders of the scriptures.

With a high tone, he asked:

"The two of you, name and identity, came to the barrier mountain for the purpose."

"Tell me honestly."

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