Mystic Dominator

Chapter 54: platinum


"Who are you?"

Just as Ronald stared at the scene in front of him, a confident voice suddenly appeared behind him.

There was a sudden jolt, and Ronald turned around immediately.

A dazzling white gold shone into his pupils.


Is this hair dyed?

Because the things in front of him were so eye-catching that the first thought that flashed in Ronald's mind was actually this.

But you can't blame him either.

The person behind Ronald who asked was a beautiful woman with platinum blonde hair.

Reflected by the warm sunshine in winter, the white-blond hair braided behind the head, elegant with the restraint of a girl, the infinite reverie in it is even more dazzling than the stars in the sky.

Coupled with her waist-like figure and heroic facial features, the girl who is already a beauty is even more eye-catching.


Even if the actress was dragged from Springs to Burrenwich, the comparison between the two was not inferior.


Suddenly, a cold light flashed in front of Ronald.

While Ronald was still processing the jumble of information in his brain.

The girl in front of her made her move brazenly!

On the side of the girl's sky-blue coat, there was originally an inconspicuous sacrificial sword, which was an accessory only worn by nobles.

In an instant.

The unremarkable ornament was pulled from the scabbard which was also an ornament.

Immediately, he made a perfect 130° obtuse turn in the air, and swiped directly in front of Ronald.


Taking a deep breath, Ronald immediately took two steps back.

He even smelled the sharp chill on the tip of the sword!

This guy is a tough guy.

Not to mention the sword trajectory that is accurate to the millimeter differential.

Just talking about the speed of the shot that made him unable to react in front of him is enough to prove the girl's ability!

Immediately, he looked at the nervous expression on Ronald's face.

The girl Liu Mei frowned and said in a low voice:

"What, just ordinary people?"

As soon as the words came out, Ronald understood that the girl's sword was testing him, and the result was not satisfactory.

Immediately, Ronald waved his right hand to prove his identity, and then replied without squinting:

"Ordinary people can't even tell."

"It's just a trapped unlucky bastard."

Looking at Ronald's palm wrapped around the black mist, the girl stared at it for a few seconds, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Okay, first of all I apologize for the temptation just now."

"After all, some things can't be discussed with ordinary people."


At a speed that was almost undetectable to the naked eye, the girl drew her sword and sheathed it.

This time, because Ronald paid great attention, he could barely see the trail left by the opponent's weapon when it cut through the air.

too fast......

Without waiting for Ronald's thin line, the girl decisively stretched out her right hand in front of him, and there was no malice in her clean eyes.

"I hope to understand."

"It does not matter."

Looking at the sincere gaze of the other party, and the generously stretched right hand.

Ronald let the black mist retreat above his wrist, and then he took hold of this slender and powerful palm.

"Introduce yourself."

"Ronald Adler, a staff member of Burrenwich Railway Station."

"Patricia G. Nicklaus."

She nodded, and after introducing herself, the girl added:

"Just call me by my name."

Both parties informed their names.

The girl went straight to the subject without even a second of hesitation:

"Ronald, can you explain it first?"

"How did you suddenly appear in front of me?"

"I'm pretty sure you weren't on the platform before."

"It's the scope of this place." Ronald didn't intend to hide the situation at this time, he pointed to the outside of the platform and explained, "I tried to detect the scope of this time-chaotic area before, but it took me a while to walk outside the station. After the distance, he was thrown back here in an instant."

Hearing the explanation, the girl frowned and muttered:

"The whole station..."

Ronald immediately corrected and added:

"To be precise, it's a circle that completely covers the interior of the station."

"And I noticed that the time distortion here is based on the region, each place is based on 4 minutes and 48 seconds, or the time reincarnation in multiples of this time."

"I'll try it."

Hearing Ronald's explanation, the girl took the initiative to walk outside the platform as soon as her eyes lit up.

In order to ensure that the two will not lead to some unexpected results due to the difference in the 'time zone'.

Ronald followed.

It took nearly half an hour, accompanied by Ronald, Patricia also experienced the endless reincarnation of Dongfeng.

After confirming that Ronald's conclusion was correct, the two immediately returned to the platform together.

Looking at the man beside her, Patricia took the lead and suggested:

"We walked in the direction of the station, and the time doubled from 4 minutes and 48 seconds to 9 minutes and 36 seconds. Have you carefully confirmed its range and trajectory in this area?"

Ronald shook his head: "It's not too late."

Patricia made a decision: "Then let's try it now."

Just do it.

Now that they decided to summarize the rules first, the two immediately returned to the position where the time span changed. Using the Dongfeng as the most convenient time coordinate, they began to repeatedly hop across the station.

"Is Dongfeng back?"


"now what?"



"came back."

"Next location!"

With the identity of the staff of Ronald Station as a guarantee, even if someone doubts their actions, things will not develop to the later bad stage.

In this way, two people who were not affected by time were running around in the station After spending a lot of time, the trajectory dividing lines of 4 minutes 48 seconds and 9 minutes 36 seconds were measured.

This is a straight line extending diagonally from the main body of the station to the edge of the time warp area.



Ronald's stomach growled.

From the discovery of the anomaly until now, he has been in the time warp zone for too long.

Under normal circumstances, he should have finished the delicious dinner prepared by the landlady by now.

Then took a walk in the picturesque streets of Burrenwich.


"are you hungry?"

Hearing the movement on Ronald's body, Parrishia immediately cast a concerned look.

"Looking at the situation here, we are not in a hurry."

"At the station, you should know where to eat, right?"

"Of course."

Ronald nodded, then ran to the hawker selling bread and drinks on the platform and ordered two servings of food.

He didn't pay either. After checking the time, he picked up his things, turned around and left.

The peddler who knew Ronald's identity behind him saw that the customer didn't pay, and immediately asked loudly:

"Hello, Mr. Ronald?"

"You haven't paid yet!"



The next second, the time turns back to a few minutes ago.

There were as many hawkers as there were goods in the reset, and Ronald, who was not affected, came to Patricia with the things and handed out his extra portion.

"Eat too, it's manual work."

For my next companion.

He was very generous.

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