Mystic Dominator

Chapter 527: easy victory

Where did Laleigh go...

The doubts in my heart disappeared in a flash, and then they were completely suppressed by Ronald.

The thing he needs to care about now is not the elusive spy chief, but the Lumir who was blocked by himself in the basement.

Ronald knew exactly what to do.

Quickly analyze the current situation in your mind.

——Lumir has a high probability of finding a way to deal with the black fog of hell.

- Own an absolute geographical advantage.

——Both sides do not know the whole picture of the spell in the other's hand now.


In the silence, Ronald snapped his fingers.

The light of the sun's power was attached to the dark sword of Santa Caterina. After completing the most targeted preparations, he waved at the dark space below.



The ability of the [Chief Angel] immediately descended into the basement.

Under the premise of preventing the ground building from collapsing as much as possible, Ronald changed the shape of the space below, trying to use this method to force Rumir to face him.



Almost the second after Ronald used the spell, Rumir's angry rebuke came from below, and all the puppets charged at the same time, followed by the sound of Rumir's magical law:

"Get out of the way!"


【Guardian Angel】is still stably and faithfully protecting Ronald.

At the moment when the Rumir's decree spell took effect, the white light of the protective spell also emerged from Ronald's body, directly exempting Ronald from the interference of this decree.


How fast Ronald reacted at this time.

Before the puppet came to the entrance of the basement, he had already confirmed Rumir's state in this fight.

- This guy is getting weaker.

——The decree that was able to confront him head-on at the beginning, now has a pitiful influence on the [Guardian Angel].

After confirming this, Ronald's eyes narrowed.

The right hand that clenched the sword of Santa Caterina directly swung it out, and the arc light dotted with the power of the sun flashed across the dark office building. The puppet that just rushed out of the basement was directly smashed into four pieces by his sword.


Ronald was planning to continue to annihilate all the remaining puppets, leaving Rumil in a lonely situation. But at this moment, a dark shadow rushed out of the basement chasing the puppet.

At this moment, Ronald was stunned.

With extremely good eyesight, he naturally captured the true face of the shadow in this short period of time.

However, the truth that appeared in his eyes was something he had never thought of before.

—Lumil came out.

——But it's not quite the same as Ronald's estimate.

With a rigid body torso, dusty paint coating, and a very blunt facial camouflage, Lumir, who was hiding in the basement, was the same puppet he encountered in the outskirts.

How is this going?

Ronald, of course, knew that Rumil could make a puppet clone.

However, from the moment he entered the building, the opponent's attitude did not have the freedom of directly throwing the puppet into the battle in the suburbs. Before and after the battle, he repeatedly showed concern and caution about his own safety.

If only for the value of a puppet avatar...

Absolutely not!


Ronald turned the hand holding the Sword of Santa Caterina lightly, and at the same time that the long sword cut through the air, he also issued the law he mastered to Lumir:

"Kneel down for me!"


The decree issued by Ronald works very well.

Without any level of resistance, the puppet, which was inhabited by Rumil's consciousness, knelt directly to the ground, unable to make a decent expression on its stiff wooden face.

However, faced with such a favorable situation.

Ronald frowned.

This weak reaction made him rule out several possibilities in his mind.

The situation standing in front of you now.

There are two biggest possibilities.

——There is something very important in this building or on this puppet, so Rumir cannot choose to fight as freely as before.

- or the puppet itself has a very important meaning. Even if Ronald came to the door, Rumil couldn't let it go immediately.


Which will the result be?

What should I do now?


"Ronald, do you think my body is ugly now?" However, just as Ronald was thinking hard, Lumir, who was glaring at him, made a sluggish response.

Directly instructing other puppet soldiers to stand in front of him.

While driving magic power to form a new spell, Rumir shouted angrily at the same time:

"This ugliness that resides in a puppet, sooner or later, I will let you and your concubine taste what it tastes like!"


Such angry words.

There is no need for Ronald to make other inferences.

In fact, the Rumir in front of him is the same as what Laley said before he came, and he is the original Lord of Rumir. But what Ronald didn't expect was that Rumier had now lost his body, and had been reduced to a place where he could only live in a puppet!


Sighing softly, Ronald had no intention of arguing with the other party. He recited the incantation of "The Great Completion of Astronomy", and then used [Measure the length] to change the definition of the distance between the two.


The next second, the Sword of Santa Caterina swept lightly in front of him.

Rumir, who was hiding behind the puppet guards, was attacked head-on while preparing the spell. The blade wrapped in the power of Sun Yao slashed from the body, directly splitting her into two halves.


The wooden upper body fell to the ground.

The power of the sun immediately began to quickly devour the rest of her body.

It was only at this moment that Rumil's face made of wood suddenly woke up.

You... have already been attacked by Ronald?

What kind of magic is this?


Standing quietly in the room, Ronald's expression did not waver at the moment.

The combination of spells he possesses is extremely varied, and it is far from the situation that Lumire The instant defeat of the other party can only be regarded as a matter of course.

The current Ronald, in terms of strength, has opened a very large distance from ordinary spellcasters, and even most of the original holders.

He waved the Sword of Santa Caterina down to his side.

Seeing that Rumir's puppet body has been burned to ashes by the power of the sun, Ronald will go forward to check the harvest tonight.

But after these two steps, he suddenly stopped again.


Frowning slightly, Ronald turned his attention to the other puppet guards.

Although the lighting in the building was not sufficient, he could still vaguely perceive a scene through the light on the sword of Santa Caterina.

Right in front of Rumil's 'corpse'.

The expression on the face of the puppet guard who was originally sluggish seemed to suddenly move!

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