Mystic Dominator

Chapter 522: visit and young people

"Eddie, I remember that [Twelve Witches] should only recruit female members, right?"

Ronald was walking down the streets of Springs in the evening.

He has a few things he has to do before the official work arrives tonight. Fortunately, the destination is not too far away, so while walking there, Ronald still has time to chat with Eddie next to him.

Ronald spoke calmly, but Eddie was less composed.

In order to distribute the personnel in the most reasonable way, Ronald and his team went to the south of Springs tonight, and Heloise and the witch Fanny went to the east of Springs.

For the first time with such a powerful original holder.

Eddie, who was obviously still a mysterious newcomer, naturally couldn't keep his mind steady.

Facing Ronald's casual question, he thought for a while before answering:

"This, this is a recent change in the school."

"I heard that the big witches made such a decision considering the rapidly changing social environment."

Ronald saw Eddie's nervousness and immediately changed the subject:

"The big witches... Speaking of which, when Ms. Teresa came to Springs before, she said that I was in charge of entertaining her throughout the whole process. She was really a gentle and helpful elder."

Hearing Ronald mentioned Fanny's teacher, and the attitude of the words was quite friendly, as Fanny's student, Eddie's nervous expression immediately eased a lot.

"Ms. Teresa, she is really a very kind elder."

"Not only is she highly accomplished in knowledge, but she also takes care of us newcomers from time to time. We all respect her very much."

A few words brought the atmosphere between the two closer, and Ronald continued to ask in-depth questions:

"By the way, Eddie, if you study with Fanny, the spell you master is also Teresa's system, right? Is it the kind of spell that has the ability to control airflow?"

Eddie nodded.

Considering that the two are going to act together tonight, and that he will definitely be taken care of by Ronald, he did not hide anything related to the battle at all:

"um, yes."

"However, my talent is relatively average. At your level of combat power, you can probably lay down a magic circle or the like."


Walking out two streets, the two of them are still in the river bank area.

Eddie, who had already understood Ronald's character through this period of conversation, also took the initiative to ask his first question at this moment:

"Mr. Ronald, it doesn't seem like we're going north. What exactly are you talking about?"

Hearing Eddie's question, Ronald smiled slightly:

"We're going to visit a learned elder. It'll be rewarding to have a chat with him."

Eddie nodded his head and replied:

"Is that so..."

The river bank is now Ronald's hometown, and his familiarity with the city has grown to a high level.

Even with Eddie behind him.

But that's it, they still walked into [Weiss University] unhindered, and then walked straight to the direction of the library.

As the night approached, most of the people in the [Book Scroll Research Association] stayed in the laboratory below the library, but there were not many people upstairs.

Taking Eddie all the way to the inside of the library, Ronald went to the same location as last time. [Book Research Association] The way of caring for the town has not changed, so the awakened old magician is still lying there.

bang bang bang --

The door was knocked three times in a polite manner.

Ronald heard a faint voice from inside, picked up the flowers he bought on the way, and then called out "Mr. Xiang, how are you doing?" and walked into the house.

There is no problem with the guarantee of the [Book Research Association].

The technology here is absolutely professional when it comes to caring for and dealing with injuries.

As soon as Ronald entered the door, he saw the town where he was sitting on the hospital bed and was about to get off. If he didn't know the reason for the other party's appearance here, it would be no problem to assume that the other party had recovered.

On the other side, the person who saw entering was Ronald.

The old man's expression was also somewhat happy.

"Mr. Ronald, you are here."

"Our experiment has just begun, and then we can... um, who is this little brother?"

After seeing Eddie, the old magician was obviously nervous.

After being suppressed by the mainstream mysterious side for many years, he will react immediately when he sees these guys, which is almost an unavoidable problem.

Ronald immediately opened his mouth to help explain:

"This is Eddie, a novice of my good friend's school, and there will be no problem."

"Eddie, this is Mr. Xiang, a very powerful mystery researcher."

After listening to this introduction, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh—that's right."


The atmosphere was silent for a few seconds, but Eddie still maintained his silence.

On the other hand, Xiang, who got up on the bed next to him, couldn't help but speak to Ronald:

"Ronald, do you still have the data from the last experiment?"

"At that time, I was suddenly stunned by magic, so I didn't have the opportunity to make some detailed records."

"I remember it all." Ronald smiled at him, the confidence on his face was clear, "Whether the magic flow or some details, I remember everything that happened that day in my mind."

"And when you are healed, I can accompany you to do experiments at any time."

Hearing Ronald's answer, Xiang also smiled:

"If you want to say that, then I can leave here now. Although the physical injury is still more troublesome, it is enough for me to take care of myself slowly."

Ronald's expression became unusually serious:

"I don't recommend that much."

"Recently, the situation in Springs City is very complicated. Not to mention ordinary spellcasters, even some of the stronger ones are not suitable for activities in the city now."

The old man continued to ask:

"It's not suitable to go out... Is there any special situation outside?"

Ronald nodded in response:

"Yes, and the cause is the same culprit as White Shore Castle."


Looking at the old man on the Ronald recounted the situation in Springs for the other party.

At a time when things were so chaotic in the city.

He really didn't want the old man to go out. If he was attacked by someone inexplicable, it would be useless to regret it.


After more than an hour, Ronald finally finished chatting with Xiang, and then said goodbye to the old man and walked out of the library.

Just walking on the road of [Weiss University], Eddie, who has not spoken much for a long time, only now speaks:

"Mr. Ronald, what you just said is really too complicated..."

"Study hard, you will be fine in the future."

Ronald recited the mantra in a steady tone while encouraging Eddie:

"From the relationship between the whole earth and the sky will begin to constitute our cognition..."

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