Mystic Dominator

Chapter 511: Discovery in the Manor

Heidi, who returned to the ground, stopped talking.

She didn't even ask who Heloise was.

As if she had lost something important, she just followed Ronald and the two without saying a word.

Walk a distance to the gate of the manor.

Ronald thought about it again and again, and finally turned his head and asked the other party:

"Heidi, why don't you go back first?"

Ronald's ideas are straightforward.

The condition of Rumir was confirmed tonight, and the caster, who was dragged from the slum by herself, proved her honesty. In this case, Ronald really didn't want the other party to continue to suffer here.


"I see."

Heidi's response was as direct as Ronald's.

There was only a flash of surprise in the godless eyes, and then there was no hesitation or unnecessary inquiries. Heidi turned around slowly and walked in the direction of Springs alone.

At this moment, Heloise reached out and patted Ronald on the back:

"Ronald, any thoughts?"

Ronald sensed the girl's concern for him, so he pulled out a slightly fake smile:

"It's just an idea, it doesn't matter."

"Let's continue."

At the same time as the voice came out, Ronald took the lead into the manor.

Heloise looked at the back of the man in front of her, and in the end she just followed silently.

Next, Ronald and Heloise began to inspect the place.

As the location where Rumier had set up his ambush, the manor itself was actually an abandoned building, as evidenced by the gardens outside the manor that were obviously hastily groomed and most of them were poorly trimmed.

Go further inside and enter the interior of the building.

The people who were previously subdued by Ronald with the black fog of **** also began to appear in front of them sporadically. Most of these people maintained their pre-coma work clothes, some leaning on the ground or lying down.

Ronald and Heloise tried to wake a few people for questioning.

But the result...

There was no exception among the people who were awakened, and they were all ordinary people who did not have the mark of the school on their bodies, nor did they use magic power. Further questioning, they didn't even know anything about Rumil.

After getting the exact same answer after several inquiries, Ronald simply gave up and continued to ask:

"All of them are ordinary people who are controlled..."

Heloise explained:

"If you have spells such as charming humans or mind control, this is indeed a relatively common behavior of spellcasters. The ordinary people in this manor, we really don't need to ask any more questions, they are just unlucky guys."

When it comes to Rumir's spell, the doubts in Ronald's heart can't help but emerge.

"The Divine Comedy - Purgatory" has long been activated by him.

However, until now, after obtaining the last part of "The Divine Comedy", Ronald had never had a chance to activate the spell. What he had in his hand was only the last enhancement that was automatically given after the collection of the original tome.

This is completely inconsistent with the activation process of the previous "Divine Comedy".

To be honest, Ronald is still quite curious about the spells in "Purgatory".

If there is no problem with your own inference, then at least there are physical changes, human control, invisible attacks...

It's a pity that he has not activated these spells now.

I don't know if it was above Montenegro, what the [Nine Rings Secret Society] did to this part of the original script, or what unexpected changes happened during the period when it was held by Lumir.

While Ronald pondered, the two also found the favorite basement of the mysterious side.

Heloise skillfully destroyed the basement's defensive spells.

The two entered it together immediately.

It was night time, not to mention the light-tight, closed environment of the basement. Even though both of them have very good eyesight, they can only see the outline of the room here.

"Ronald, lighting."


When Heloise spoke, Ronald snapped his fingers lightly.

Just activate the power of the sun radiance covering the part of the hand, and the bright magic light will shine here transparently.

The basement of the manor is large.

And in order to meet his own needs, Lumire also excavated the soil again at the original size, and then used the wooden structure as a support to turn the entire basement into an area of ​​the level of an underground residence.

That is, in such a spacious environment, a large number of wooden blocks were thrown on the floor of the surrounding rooms, and only the workbench on the side of the wall remained clean.

Take a look around the basement.

Ronald and Heloise then looked at each other tacitly.

"Does Rumir take this as his own magic laboratory?"

"Looking at the puppet guards she made before, it should be right. And with such a large number of wood fragments, it seems that this is also a new spell she obtained."

With that said, Ronald bent down slightly and picked up a piece of wood from the ground.

Although the magic in the wooden blocks has long since dissipated, they can still be identified by their shape and color as belonging to Rumir's creation. Ronald recalled the scale of the puppet he had seen before, and an idea instantly came to his mind.

"What this guy stole from [Twelve Witches], wouldn't it be an original book?"


When Ronald asked, Heloise also became hesitant.

She thought about it again and again, and then said her judgment:

"I don't think so."

"[The Twelve Witches] is an old-fashioned organization on the mysterious side, and it attaches great importance to the original text. With the ability shown by Rumir, it is not easy for one person to steal the original text."

Ronald nodded silently.

Heloise's analysis is very practical and makes sense, and he also supports and accepts it. But in Ronald's heart, there was such a hunch.

- Take advantage of the ability to change shape.

——Rumier successfully stole an uncontrolled original from the hands of the [Twelve Witches].

——This matter is not even related to the Great Witch Teresa.

for the rest of the time.

Ronald continued to examine the puppet fragments in silence.

With the convenience of the black fog of hell, he classified the puppet fragments in the basement according to the degree of new and old, hoping to see some clues of this spell system.

Heloise came to the and still skillfully destroyed some of the defensive spells left by Rumir, and she still checked the area around the workbench. It didn't take her long to find two small manuals from the tool table.

It was at this moment that Ronald noticed several new friends on the ground.

"Heloise, someone is here."

"An enemy?"

"Not quite like it."


It didn't take long for Ronald to remind Heloise that the two investigators skillfully jumped into the basement and aimed their pistols at the only two people there.

"Listen, the Bureau of Investigation has taken over everything here now!"

"Everyone immediately..."

"Alas! Ro... Mr. Ronald?"

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