Mystic Dominator

Chapter 51: daily work

Today is the second Friday of Frost Snow Moon.

The origin of its name is that the first snow falls on this continent in this month.

at the same time--

It was also Ronald's first month at work at Burrenwich Station.

Sitting in his own office, Ronald crossed his hands to support his chin, his eyes swept back and forth on the "Shoreline Daily" on the table.

Although it is only a newspaper produced by relatively backward printing technology.

But the text is also clear, and it even comes with halftone photos.

[The famous actress Miss Arida's performance ended, and all the staff of the Golden Theatre expressed their admiration! 】

[Mr. Moulton, a priest in red, established a church orphanage, which was officially opened this afternoon in Berding District! 】

[Bronwich was awarded the Model City of Public Order, and the warden delivered a speech. 】

【The Virginia Private Collection Exhibition! 】


With his eyes on the black and white paper, Ronald's expression was a little dull.

Don't get me wrong, he's not thinking about things like magic books right now.

All I was thinking about was what to have for dinner tonight...

The landlady of Ronald's residence is quite good at craftsmanship, and the pension has good meals every day.

In his spare time, this is almost the most fun Ronald enjoys.

There's no way, it's not that he doesn't ask for progress.

The original scriptures in his hand have been clearly touched, and he has no ill idea of ​​finding someone to try the power of magic.

Now, with only a few minutes of work a day, you can get a pretty good income, and you can even quadruple your salary, and you can instantly become the middle class of the city.

A comfortable life numbs the heart!

Besides, the lives and mysteries of ordinary people in another world are basically irrelevant.

Just like what Ronald had inquired about before, due to the alienation of mysterious knowledge to the world, it is completely impossible for these things to be contacted by the common people. It is impossible for me to go to Swift's detective agency every day!

Whether people are there or not is another matter.

As for Arida...

Last week, Miss Actor had already completed her performance plan in Burrenwich.

Now, of course, he has left Burrenwich.

For Arida, the event in Springs after next fall is the ultimate goal.

After all, that was the capital of Grid.


Stretching out of exhaustion, Ronald's confused eyes swept across the clock in front of him.


Every pointer is circling honestly at its own rhythm.

After processing the timetable of the newly arrived train this morning, he also wound the clocks one by one.

For the next period of time, you don't need to worry about these guys at all.

With the guarantee of the internal tourbillon, the hands will do their job mechanically and faithfully.


"Let's go out for a walk."

Anyway, it is a relationship account, and no one is idle enough to want to expel Ronald from this position.

For him, work is free!

Immediately, Ronald picked up his newly bought coat from the chair beside him.

Shakingly left his office.

After a month of recuperation, the problems caused by soft tissue injuries have been basically eliminated. Now, as long as it is not a high-intensity exercise, there is no problem.


A gust of cold wind blew into the second floor of the station office building.

Feeling the decreasing temperature, Ronald couldn't help shrinking his clothes.

Autumn is completely over, and winter not only comes to nature, but even the interior of the train station is inevitably affected.

Especially in this one-sided office building, you can feel the cold wind hitting your body when you walk in the aisle.

Just two steps away, Ronald saw the thin but graceful figure of a colleague.

"Good afternoon, Martina."

This is the conference room you must pass through to leave the office building.

At this moment, there is a high-level meeting of the train station in the room. It sounds like they are discussing the maintenance of the railway after the winter. Because some disputes of interests are involved, the atmosphere can be lively.

As a member of the boss's secretary team, Miss Martina is standing at the door of the conference room right now.

She has to stay here.

Just to wait for a possible call from her boss.

She was about to wear thin clothes that the other party thought was good-looking and froze in the corridor against the cold wind.

When she saw Ronald coming from here, she naturally didn't mind chatting a few words to pass the time.

So, Martina winked at Ronald with a smile, and whispered hello:

"It's Ronald."

"Why don't you wind up that **** clockwork in your own cabin?"

"Walking around outside at leisure, be careful that your salary will be deducted."

Ronald walked over, avoiding the gaze in the conference room and said:

"Haha, these guys don't dare to provoke Arida."

"With my dear Miss Celebrity as a guarantee, I can live happily ever after!"

"Why didn't I help a big man when I was young?"

She rolled her eyes at Ronald, and after chatting for a while, Martina's expression changed, as if she suddenly remembered something:

"Ah, that's right!"

"Ronald, didn't you also come by Dongfeng?"

"It's the train where the murder happened."

"That's right." Ronald nodded, "Is there a problem?"

Martina immediately replied:

"The train ran back and forth a few times after it was repaired, and stopped at our station again today."

"If you want, you can go down and have a look later."

"Anyway, I think you are quite laid back."

"Hehe, it's actually not that leisurely."

Smirking and scratching his head, Ronald waved goodbye to Martina, left the second floor, and walked to the station below.

On this side of the hall—

The receptionist at the front desk still greeted the guests with a smiling face, and all the inspectors who were acquainted with Ronald were also used to walking Like wandering in his own backyard, Ronald came through the staff channel. Over at the train station.

Just like Martina said.

The Dongfeng, which had been away for a month, stopped on the platform again.

Because the impact of the murder case was quite terrifying, it must have been in the newspapers.

According to local media reports in Burrenwich, it is said that a gang in the border city, a gang related to a local paper company, sent killers to assassinate key military personnel.

Gangs assassinate military figures...

Honestly, this is outrageous.

But what's even more outrageous is the cause of this incident.

It was just an accidental conflict. It is said that the son of the gang leader was humiliated by the officer, and then the young gang leader sent someone to commit such a big case!

Now things are settled.

The military lost face, and the gang suffered heavy losses.

However, after the Dongfeng was murdered, nothing happened.

The steel behemoth galloping on the track didn't care what happened at all.


bang bang bang bang-

Right in front of Ronald.

After a period of material supply, the locomotive of Dongfeng began to neigh, and it was about to leave Burrenwich Railway Station again.

"Ha ha--"

With an inexplicable smile, Ronald prepared to go back.

It's time to sit and rest in the office for a while.

Sure enough, people grow up in laziness...

woo woo woo-

After only two steps, Ronald's expression suddenly changed.

Because right behind him, the roar of the train that had just left suddenly appeared again.

Exactly the same as before!

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