Mystic Dominator

Chapter 484: Rare opportunity

"Please treat me."

"Also, my defensive spells can resist most kinds of attacks."


A polite smile appeared on Lalaye's face.

"Don't worry, I am different from those quack doctors who usually only amputate limbs and bloodletting. I use the most advanced treatment technology."

The voice fell, and the man brushed his left hand over his pocket.

At the same time, he said in his mouth:

"I saw the boundless bounds of anatomy..."

Sure enough, with the exact same spell as Heloise, this guy is Entrod's spy chief!

If you can see yourself.

Ronald was sure that his eyes were extremely complicated now.

But Lalaye held this gaze with equanimity, and put his hand on his chest.

[Guardian Angel] No response.

This man was really treating Ronald honestly.

However, just as Ronald felt the injury in his body begin to recover, Lalaiye said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"Mr. Ronald, have you considered switching to Entrod?"

"Although we are not very friendly to ordinary people, we have the highest standard of excellent treatment in the world for talents, which is completely different from the situation where people with visual impairments like Springs are everywhere."

This... is going to dig people in person?

Hearing this, Ronald subconsciously looked at Oppenheim, who was still speaking, before replying in a low voice:

"Mr. Lalaiye, I have a lot of things to do in Springs right now."


Hearing the rejection in Ronald's words, Laleye smiled calmly:

"It's okay, I can understand."

"It's inevitable that you have your own ideas to be seen by that girl Heloise."

"But here, I still want to remind you."

"The spellcaster who can drag people out of the original test, the Her Majesty the Queen who has an outrageous desire for control, is probably not very willing to let him be free."

The voice fell, and Lalaye also ended his treatment.

After confirming that Ronald's body was all right, he walked towards the direction of the investigator in the castle, as if he was going to challenge the lie detector.


Watching the other party leave, Ronald stood in a helpless position.

Laleye did not deceive herself, this is a fact that has to be admitted - Her Majesty's strong desire to control.

When the other party learned of his abilities, Ronald would be targeted no matter what.

Although Lingbo Hell has a cooldown period of up to four months.

However, under the mobilization at the national level, several collective original scripture trials every year may be indispensable. Even if Ronald may get good treatment, he will inevitably face great personal restrictions at that time.

Ronald had no regrets about his exposure to spell abilities.

After all, saving lives matters.

But after this incident, he did have to think about the way forward.

With that in mind, Ronald activated the rest of the spells in order.

Before fighting with the people of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], he actually still has a backhand. Now that he has explained the situation to the other practitioners, it is time to see the effect of his preparation.

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flows down to the foot of the dark and steep cliff..."

The power of 'Rage' is back in control and released.

At this moment.

There was a 'that's it' smile on Ronald's face.

This time, he almost completely suppressed the emotional perception details of the power of "Rage", but reached the maximum detection range of the spell. In this extreme state, Springs, a few kilometers away, also faintly appeared in his perception.

Ronald's purpose succeeded.

Under such a premise, the [Astrology Chart] of "Ascension of Astronomy" recorded the results of the investigation of the power of "Rage", and the spell immediately found a very interesting target - the devil Lamer.

Combining the previous contact with the [Nine Rings Secret Society], Ronald guessed that there must be someone hiding nearby during the battle. And the spellcaster who summoned the demon Lamer was undoubtedly on the list of doubts.

The battle is over now.

With such a drastic move, Lamer nearly suicidally took back the original text of The Wealth of Nations. The summoner standing behind it will choose to summon it again no matter what, and then recover The Wealth of Nations as quickly as possible.

"Ronald, what's the matter with you?"

Almost at the same time Ronald smiled, Muri, who had stopped and watched because of Lalaiye, also came over.

With just one glance, the girl could see the mood of the man in front of her:

"This feeling, have you found something very important?"


Ronald looked at the girl who helped him out of the siege before, and nodded earnestly.

"Yes, very important."

"And thank you for your help just now, Miu Li."

Hearing Ronald's thanks, Muri immediately lowered her head:

"I, I only hope that you can be treated fairly, after all, the situation just now was very obvious..."

He stared at Muri in front of him.

Ronald was silent for a few seconds before turning his attention to the surrounding crowd of casters.

I want to deal with the troubles I may encounter later.

Right now, these guys just happen to be his natural companions.

So Ronald lightly chanted the spell and flew into the air, hovering right in the middle of the broken dome of the castle hall. Almost all the casters present were attracted by him, and then looked up.

With the starlight from the sky behind him, Ronald waved the Sword of Santa Caterina in his hand, and then said in a serious tone:

"Everyone, I left a mark on the enemy's summoned object when I fought before, and it is now being summoned again outside the city."

"The time is limited now, and the enemy will not know when to move."

"If it can keep up with my flight speed, then hopefully I can help."

When the words landed, Ronald proved his ideas with practical actions. [This round] drove the body to cut through the air, and soon flew to a higher air.


Facing this new change, the casters in the field looked at each other in dismay.

No one can make up their minds the first time.

However, at this moment Laleye suddenly laughed:


"I don't want to miss the opportunity to play against the trash of the [Nine Rings Secret Society]."

"Everyone, I'm going one step ahead!"

The voice landed, and Lalaye's figure rose directly into the air.

The spy chief from Entrod chased Ronald's back and flew over, without the slightest hesitation in his movements.


Seeing Laleye act so decisively.

Some of the casters who were still on the ground began to cast their spells and take off.

In the end, counting the number of people and counting the investigators around and past, a team of more than ten people flew into the dark night and went to the location pointed by Ronald.

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