Mystic Dominator

Chapter 481: perfection

Since the beginning of the battle, the spell that Barbaba has been preparing has been used like this.

And what this spell gave him...

The most intuitive point is the unprecedented confidence. Barbaba's eyes that had been wary of Ronald instantly became stable, and the corners of his mouth evoked a smile that he only had when he saw victory.

"Last Word?"

"Mr. Ronald, your understanding of the mysterious side of combat is still too immature. It is a very bad and serious thing to let an original holder use his spells smoothly."

As soon as the voice fell, Barbaba stood in the same place. He didn't even plan to move, he just waved his right hand.


In an instant, Ronald's figure took two steps back.

Just as Barbaba waved his hand, the magic power in his body that was used to strengthen his body was chaotic for a moment. Although not fatal, it did cause some damage.

What spell did the enemy use this time?

To be able to forcibly interfere with Ronald's own magic power!

"It must feel very bad, right?"

As if to match Ronald's current mood, Barbaba said:

"My own magic can become so unstable! Are you confused about my spell ability, thinking about whether it interferes with other people's magic spells?"


Suddenly, the black mist that had been scattered by the stone ball in the castle hall suddenly gathered up, and threw it directly on Ronald's face. There was no room for escape from the attack launched at almost zero distance, Ronald didn't have time to make any action, and the force of **** just slapped him in the face.

Even the black fog formed by the power of **** was out of control at this moment, and even directly attacked Ronald, the caster himself!

At this time, the loyal [Guardian Angel] spell unfolded, and the faint white light naturally blocked the dangerous black fog of hell.

Ronald soon realized, however.

The [Guardian Angel] technique, which was just reset, is rapidly weakening with an abnormal trend, and it has become precarious in the blink of an eye.

The light buried in the darkness of the fog has reached an imperceptible level.

Realizing the crisis, he jumped in an instant, and his body quickly jumped out of the obstruction to break through the black fog and came to the other side of the castle.

After hesitation, Ronald snapped his fingers to reset the [Guardian Angel] spell. Although the speed of weakening is unbelievable, such a defensive spell with a single function can still be used.

Soon, Ronald also sensed the existence of the power of **** again.

This loss of control is not meant to last forever.

In two or three seconds, the control of the black mist returned to Ronald again, and at the same time he stopped attacking him.


Facing such a situation, Ronald waved his hand to disperse the black fog in the castle hall.

As the battle continued, he didn't want to be hindered by his spells all the time, or even to be directly defeated by a sneak attack.

At this moment, the situation Ronald faces is very simple and clear.

The spells used by Barbaba can not only interfere with his own magic power, but also directly affect the spells that have appeared. Although it seems that the interference time is very short, this is undoubtedly a very difficult problem.

The opponent's magic power and physical quality are stronger than their own.

Now even indistinctly taking control of spells.

Such an enemy has become so troublesome that it is difficult to have countermeasures to deal with!

And watching Ronald, who jumped to the edge of the castle, the smile on Barbaba's face disappeared. Now the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] has undisguised anger towards Ronald in his eyes:

"Why, didn't you just ask my regrets?"

"Think about yourself now, I can generously give you time to think about it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ground of the castle made a screeching sound.

——The huge stone ball stagnant on the ground suddenly rolled!

And this time, the target it wants to crush into pieces is naturally Ronald standing on the edge of the hall.

Faced with this kind of attack, Ronald's reaction was not panic at all.

With his physical quality, it is not a problem to want to avoid the pursuit of the stone ball in a short time...


Suddenly, the white wings behind Ronald fluttered violently.

The Wing of Icarus also got out of Ronald's control, and flew up with Ronald's figure, and he slammed into the direction of the stone ball!

The scene when Lamer died just now is still vivid in his mind.

If he was crushed by the stone **** drawn from this hell, Ronald would not be sure of escaping safely.

Immediately remove the Solar Power from the Sword of Santa Caterina.

He waved his hand up, and slashed behind him neatly.


The sound of the sharp weapon cutting off the wings immediately sounded.

The weapon that the saint bequeathed is the most reliable thing at this moment. As Ronald was dragged towards the stone ball, it managed to sever Icarus' wings, and Ronald fell to the ground before hitting the stone ball.

He hurriedly picked up an unsightly roll on the spot, and when he could clearly see the junction between the stone ball and the ground, Ronald changed direction and fell out, finally successfully avoiding the stone ball's attack.


The next second, the out of control stone ball smashed through the walls of the castle hall again.

After making a lot of messy noises, with the sound of a heavy object falling into the water, the thing finally stopped.

"What, where did the relaxed expression just now go?"

"Now take it out and let me see it!"

The hall was full of flying gravel and dust. Standing in such an environment and constantly walking towards Ronald, Barbaba was still venting his malice.

In the face of such an enemy, in the face of the slightest carelessness, he will die.

Ronald still kept his mind under control, calmly thinking about ways to solve the situation in his mind.

Soon, a risky but very important tentative plan appeared in his mind.

After Hu Si canceled all the surrounding spells, Ronald slowly stood up from the ground and aimed at Barbaba with the tip of the Sword of Santa Caterina.

Now in his eyes, some are all determined to defeat the opponent!


"Ha ha--"

"Without full control of the original how could you possibly disobey me?"

Watching Ronald's series of movements and gestures, Barbaba frowned slightly on the opposite side. In the past battles, when the enemies he encountered faced the power of the [Complete Technique], their reaction was basically despair or escape.

A guy like Ronald who still doesn't give up and continues to resist.

belong to an absolute minority.

If that's the case... then use the opponent's power to defeat it.

Feeling the unprecedented strength in his body, Barbaba bent his knees and immediately exerted force.

The whole person is like a cannonball.

Jumped straight to Ronald's body in the distance!

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