Mystic Dominator

Chapter 473: Division of labor within the factory

Birmingham industrial area, and possibly a normal residential area.

Large and small factories stand here.

As out-of-towners from London, it took the leader a quarter of an hour to find their destination in this maze.

This is a factory that processes metal parts.

The size is similar to the small and medium factories that Ronald visited.

Bricks high enough to stack up the walls separate the inside and the outside into completely different worlds.

Even in the dark and deserted streets now.

Through the fence, you can still see the fire and the sound of people in the factory.

Even now after nightfall, Mr. Matthew Bolton seems to hope that his factory can run around the clock, and workers with good resistance to fatigue are working in such an environment.

Facing this "lively" factory in front of you.

Someone in the team immediately asked:

"They are still working, are we going in like this?"

"What are you afraid of, the drawings can't be placed in the factory, and there won't be many people in the office building."

The guy in charge of the team didn't care about this issue at all, and his tone was full of confidence.

"It's not the first time we've done this. Why are you all timid tonight? Hurry up and finish this vote, and we'll be back to London and have fun!"

It's as if he should follow the leader's words.

One person in the team took the initiative to walk to the edge of the fence, and then put down the pocket he was carrying. He took out the things inside and folded them in twos and threes, and he leaned two ladders against the fence of the factory.

"Hey, the wall here looks weaker."

"Let's go in from here, shall we?"

Without waiting for anyone to interject or make comments, the leader rushed the ducks to the shelves and ordered:

"Okay, Lao Ai and Consda, you go up first. Be careful to set up the ladder. Broven and I will follow behind. Carl, you will stay here..."

He spoke very fast and skillfully ordered the order, and the people in the team moved quickly under the command of the leader. They are all people who have done more than one 'sale', and of course they don't want to cause problems at such a time.

Silently mingling with the team, Ronald followed them over the fence and slipped into the factory. Except for the person watching the ladder on the side of the fence, and the people who are in charge of watching the wind on both sides, there are actually only five people in charge of 'hands-on', and all of them are agile guys.

As for Ronald...

He is very fortunate to join the team that implements the stealing operation.

And thanks to the unremitting physical exercise during this period, his physical strength is not as weak as when he entered the maze of "Book of Daedalus", at least there is no gap with normal healthy adults.

"This Birmingham factory is no good."

"I've worked in a few factories in London, and they've all been much fancier than here!"

"You can work in the factory and still do this kind of thing?"

"Isn't that freer?"

"Come on, this guy was found in the factory with dirty hands and feet, and he ran away!"

"Don't make it short, you old bastard!"


Still following the end of the line, Ronald listened to the whispered conversations of the guys in front of him. While lamenting the 'high' professional quality of these thieves, their eyes quickly looked around the factory.

First impression is black.

In this era when electric lamps and even gas lamps were not used, apart from the illuminated interiors, the factories at night were almost completely dark outside, and people holding oil lamps could only see a very close distance.

In this environment, as long as people with heart are cautious enough.

Hidden in the dark really eludes most detection in Haiti.

That is, with the help of such a faint light, Ronald silently recorded the general shape of the factory.

Except for the main body of the factory, which occupies most of the positions.

Two other three-story buildings were built on other land within the enclosure. One of them was brightly lit even at night, and was clearly an office building used by people of high standing in the factory; the other, now quietly hidden in the darkness, was probably a building related to the workers.

A group of people moved forward slowly, clinging to the corner of the wall.

After approaching two buildings, the guy behind the leader asked:

"Head, what should we do...?"

"Let's go separately. I'll go to the dark side with Broven and Kate, and Ronald and Cons will go to the office building to see if they can find something. Let's use the nightingale's cry as a secret signal, and we'll be there when we succeed. Called twice from outside."

Just in front of Ronald, the face of Conce, who was talking and laughing just now, turned white instantly.

With a slightly trembling tone, he said:

"Head, Ronald and I are both young, this..."

The leader directly interrupted the other party's words:

"It's the two of you who are young and asked you to come over."

"When we go to this office building when we are old, we will be discovered if we are not careful. Of course, we need to be young and strong like you to do things well. Don't worry, we will not let you two take risks in vain. Individuals pay, and each of you will be paid 20%!"

Hearing the leader's words, the sad look on Kang Si's face still did not fade away:

"Head, I..."

"We're fine, that's it." At this moment, Ronald took the initiative to interrupt Cons, and answered in a serious tone, "We're all here, so hurry up and get started. If anyone is caught by any accident, everyone can't eat and walk around."

The leader's eyes suddenly darkened.

He heard the threat in Ronald's words, and had to admit that it worked. So he forced a polite smile, he nodded to Ronald and Cons and said:

"Ronald is right, everyone hurry up."


The voice fell, and the leader and the other two immediately rushed to the building in the dark. While staying in place, Ronald patted Cons on the shoulder, grabbed him and touched the other side of the office building.

The young thief was dragged out of the distance by Ronald, and he suddenly came back to his senses at this moment.

"Ronald, how could you agree to such a thing!"

"As soon as you look at this office building, you can see that there are many people If they are caught, I am afraid that they may be killed on the spot. I don't want to die in a country like Birmingham. City."

Ronald glanced helplessly at this companion who didn't even know that Birmingham was the second largest city in the UK, then lowered his voice and said:

"Cons, you can rest assured."

"We all know each other's details. Anyone caught is the result of being arrested. You look at a lot of lights in this building, but you can actually see from the window that there are not many people."

"As long as you are careful to be discovered by these guys, we may be much safer than the people over there!"

So fooled by Ronald.

Kang Si, who didn't pay attention to the situation of the office building, was immediately dumbfounded.

Half pushing and nodding, he was led by Ronald to the back of the office building, ready to enter the building.

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