Mystic Dominator

Chapter 467: research so far

Put it in the serious world, Ronald would definitely think this is the nonsense of a whimsical person.

But who said that this world itself does not conform to the common sense of earth people?

Combined with the dark age materials that Ronald saw in the church library, the research done by this old man named Xiang may be on the right research path.

"Sir, are you...?"

Looking at the contents of the sign, Ronald's attention was naturally quite devoted.

After standing in front of the old man for a while, the old man who was still writing also noticed his movement, so he interrupted Ronald's concentration at the moment.

The old man has a pair of very firm eyes.

Ronald looked down at the first glance at the other's features, and all his attention was drawn to the strong, determined look.

Bending slightly to salute, Ronald said:

"Sorry, I was the one to interrupt."

"I just saw the content of your research, which is very interesting to me personally."

"My research..."

Hearing Ronald's answer, the old man looked around subtly, and then continued puzzledly: "Sir, did you make a mistake? We are not the home of the seminar, we want to find …”

Out of respect for the researcher, Ronald immediately shook his head:

"No, no, I'm standing here because I care about your research. It's just that about your "Thinking from Orders of Magnitude", I want to know what else can be observed besides conjectures specific phenomenon?"

Ronald was very straightforward.

Without practical results in line with the theory, all assumptions and theories can only be empty talk on paper. In front of this old man with white hair and beard, can he come up with the corresponding research data?

Facing Ronald's direct-to-the-core inquiry, the old man's response was quite straightforward.

"This, of course there is, and our lives are full of true reflections of this theory. Just like a construction engineer, as long as he gets the specific data of a building, he can quickly judge things that ordinary people can't judge. You can see the clue, isn’t this the change brought about by knowledge?”

This explanation is somewhat perfunctory.

The examples of engineers and doctors, which belong to the changes brought about by normal knowledge learning, abound in real life.

What Ronald wanted to know was that by learning knowledge, he could achieve the result of possessing 'extraordinary abilities'. Naturally, it was impossible to be persuaded by the old man's answer.

A hypothesis came to mind.

As the old man who was rejected by the mainstream mystery side, the attitude of the people he met at ordinary times would not be much better. Is this perfunctory attitude towards yourself now a habitual precaution?

Thinking of this, Ronald said seriously:

"Sir, what I want to know is your view of 'knowledge'. In your research, it does not seem to be regarded as pure knowledge, but as a 'thing' that has a physical connection with the real material world. Where did you get your inspiration for this?"

What Ronald said this time is directly related to the old man's research, and it is not a nonsense that can be covered with a slap on the **** just by reading the words on the sign.

As a researcher of the theory, the old man naturally understood the meaning in an instant.

This time, the eyes of the mysterious side researcher named Xiang became serious in an instant, and he looked at Ronald's whole person like a torch.

This scrutiny lasted for nearly a minute. The old man first took out a chair from behind and put it next to him, and then said to Ronald:

"Sir, let's sit down and talk."

"thank you very much."

Seeing the change in the other party's attitude, Ronald certainly understood that the old man had made a decision. The invitation in front of him is the preview before he prepares to show the real materials.

Ronald nodded and sat on the chair the other party had brought out.

The old man immediately said:

"Sir, my school is not a type stronger than martial arts. What I am good at is actually an auxiliary system spell that can magnify objects and even observe the shape of very small objects."

Ronald shuddered instantly.

He had a premonition that he had really met a very important person!

On Earth, ordinary researchers can use microscopes and other facilities to study the microscopic world, but in this world where magic exists, if the opponent's school spell is something like microscope research...

Perhaps this spell is meaningless in combat.

But the significance in actual scientific research is simply too great to describe!

With a slightly trembling tone, Ronald asked:

"Can you observe cells...or the basic atomic structure that makes up matter?"

The old man immediately asked back: "To what extent can the spells of your school magnify things?"


The old man's reaction undoubtedly shows that he does have such an ability!

"I...I just understand some of the most superficial things." Ronald organized the language at the fastest speed since crossing, "The word of living things has the most basic cell unit, and all substances in the world follow the most basic Molecular-atomic structure..."

After interpreting the physics knowledge he had learned during his compulsory education as much as possible, the time passed by nearly a quarter of an hour. And after Ronald's narration, the state of the old man has completely entered the appearance of a researcher.

"According to what you said, my school spell actually supports me in making more detailed observations. In the hadron structure you mentioned, I found more finer constituent substances."

It's a quark...

At this moment, Ronald really wished he could tie the old man to Earth.

A person who can directly observe the internal structure of hadrons is a treasure that cannot be measured in words in any scientific research institution or country!

However, at the same time, the old man's story continues:

"This kind of matter that exists in hadrons, if it continues to decompose, it is impossible to distinguish the structure of matter. It reflects the 'nothingness' characteristic of But I think this is not the end."

"What constitutes energy is likely to be the knowledge provided by the original scriptures..."

Hearing what the old man said, Ronald couldn't help but interject:

"You mean that the energy of this world consists essentially of information?"

"Information? Well used word!"

The old man's expression is very happy now.

While affirming Ronald's answer, he continued:

"In my observation, when most of the spells on the mysterious side are cast, there will be a large amount of information gathered, which is why I am committed to this kind of research. It's a pity..."

Speaking of this, the old man's expression was a little down.

"It's a pity that my ability is not enough, and I still can't get in touch with the product that may be the materialization of information - the original text. Therefore, it is naturally impossible to confirm the last step of this theory."

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