Mystic Dominator

Chapter 411: Typhoon is coming


"Ronald, is this a fish?"

In the whistling White Star District, Heloise pointed to the water waves whizzing past the window, with a very excited expression on her face.

--Typhoon is coming.

After working in the White Star District for a few days, Ronald and Heloise are also used to the work here, and their relationship with the countess is also progressing steadily.

It was in this situation, however, that the typhoon made a sudden visit to Springs.

Since this morning, the violent southwest wind has raged relentlessly on the ground. Walking in the industrial area, you can't see the thick smoke coming out of the factory chimney, but the dark sky covered with dark clouds.

At the same time, the typhoon was accompanied by rather exaggerated rainfall.

Some of the more important sewer exits on the other side of the Weiss River are now almost rushing waterfalls.

Typhoon Springs, unprecedented weather experience.

This is where Heloise's excited reaction comes from.

Even though she is a capable spy, after encountering such rare typhoon weather, it is inevitable that tropical residents will react when they encounter snow. So much so that even the sea fish that was blown into the city by the typhoon made Heloise sound like a child.

However, in the face of such a situation, Ronald sat by the window with his brows furrowed.

He had moved the chair over now, and his eyes kept staring at the wind and howling outside.'s so wrong...

"Ronald, what's the matter with you? This is a typhoon. I haven't seen it since I was a child!"

"I feel strange……"

Ronald was still staring at the weather outside.

In the more than ten years of his social life, he has of course encountered typhoon weather several times, but this time in Springs, the situation was completely different from before.

Noticing the reaction of the man beside her, Heloise immediately suppressed her excitement.

"What, what did you miss?"

"This should be normal rare weather, and I haven't found any signs of mysterious sideways."

"Let me do some basic science for you." Ronald turned his head to look over, and Heloise had a completely "are you thinking too much" expression. After all, it is the limitation of the field of knowledge itself in this era, and there is no way out.

So, Ronald slowly stated the reasons for his doubts:

"Normal typhoons, of course I don't have this idea. But in fact, you need to know that the formation of typhoons or hurricanes basically takes effect on multiple factors at the same time. The rotation direction of the planet, the limitations of tropical regions, seawater Temperature and depth conditions, those are pretty important components."

"But you look at the location of Springs. It's a bit reluctant to be considered a subtropical place. The location is still in the west of the mainland, and it is not far from the east where there will be hurricanes."

"Not to mention that this hurricane is still blowing from the western waters... The probability of blowing such a large typhoon against the inertia of the planet's rotation is no longer a big or small problem..."

Heloise's knowledge of weather is not too great.

But after listening to Ronald's easy-to-understand explanation, I still understand to a certain extent that this typhoon appeared very unscientific.

Also frowning, Heloise took two steps back and came to Ronald's side, discussing in a serious tone:

"But if this typhoon is man-made, then this guy's strength is absolutely indescribable in terms of strength, not to mention that there is no trace of magic interference in this hurricane..."

Heloise's analysis is very local.

Correspondingly, it was Ronald's estimation at the moment.

His understanding of meteorology is only at the general level, and the detailed writings have no contact at all. If this typhoon was caused by man, what would the other party's original text be?

Not to mention making such a big move, this guy's purpose is definitely not simple!

Thinking of this, Ronald looked at his right hand subconsciously.

The original slate of "The Hammer of Rain and Mist" sleeps quietly inside, and the vague connection seems to remind Ronald.

- You are really strong now.

Leaving aside other aspects, in terms of combat power alone, the current Ronald is definitely the most powerful since the time of crossing, not only the series of the more commonly used originals of "The Divine Comedy", but even this original to control Thunder is also at random. status of use.

In typhoon weather, there is not even one second that does not meet the conditions of use all day long.

Does this count as being accidentally strengthened?

With their own concerns, Ronald and Heloise continued to discuss this issue.

However, the discussion is a discussion, and they have nothing to do now.

Although the typhoon came suddenly and strangely, there was no further information at hand, and there was no way to start an investigation.

At this time, still do your job honestly...

bang bang bang --

Halfway through the working hours of the there was a knock on the door from outside the office.

Then the staff of the Baixing District Office walked in.

The image of the people who came at this time was very embarrassed.

The shoes left water stains on the ground, and almost no part of the body was dry except for the position covered by the raincoat.

Walking into the office, he quickly bent over to salute. The man who had to do business on a typhoon day took out the documents that were protected from dripping water from his arms, and put them on the coffee table in the office.

"Mr. Ronald, this is a document urgently sent by the Chamber of Commerce. Please check it carefully."

The man looked in a hurry.

When the voice fell, he turned around and walked outside.

In the sound of the typhoon's raging wind and rain, Ronald vaguely heard the movement of the other party as he went downstairs and left.

Sent by Ginkgo biloba at such times.

This man's job is obviously more than just sending documents to himself.

"Ronald, work is coming."

Heloise was not surprised by this situation, she took the initiative to go over to close the door of the office, and then turned to pick up the document bag on the table.

"Do you think it has something to do with the typhoon when you send a document at this time?"

"As long as we don't ask us to find the culprit. The work of the Chamber of Commerce should have nothing to do with dealing with the typhoon manufacturer, right?"

"Then maybe..."

After a few words of conversation between the two, Heloise also opened the waterproof document bag and began to read the contents inside.

Soon, the mocking expression on the girl's face gradually became solemn.

A minute or so ago, Heloise confirmed the information on the document in her hand, and then walked quickly to Ronald:

"Ronald, you're right."

"It's not just Ginkgo biloba, this incident has been classified as a terrorist attack by the Bureau of Investigation."

"Things are troublesome."

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