Mystic Dominator

Chapter 371: Research Council's view


Spencer did not comment on Ronald's explanation.

Standing in place for a moment of silence, he waved to his fellow investigator on the side:

"Robert, bring the body."

"Let's go to [Weiss University]."

"Since the technology there detected the strangeness in the corpse, there should be more discoveries after consulting."


Robert nodded and immediately wrapped the body in the white cloth that had previously covered it.

Then the two investigators picked up the bodies and walked out of the warehouse.


Seeing the two highly motivated investigators preparing to leave, Ronald naturally followed.

"I'll go too."

"In addition to providing some information to help, I myself need to be responsible for this matter."

Spencer nodded in agreement:

"No problem, let's go together."

After going out to explain that the body will be returned, the three of them rushed to [Weiss University] in the carriage of the Investigation Bureau.

Probably for the convenience of investigators, the carriages on the investigation bureau’s side are different from the rental carriages that can be seen on ordinary streets. The closed rectangular compartment is spacious and concise, and even with three corpses, it does not appear too crowded.

And sitting in the car, Ronald could also clearly perceive the magic power lingering inside the compartment wall.

This is obviously a defensive technique equipped by the Bureau of Investigation for elite investigators.

Compared with the carriage that Ronald saw temporarily called by the investigators in Springs last time, the one used by Spencer was obviously much more advanced.

At a fairly fast speed, the three of them rode the carriage to [Weiss University] without hindrance.

Parked directly at the back door of the library used for transporting items, Spencer greeted Ronald to enter together, and Robert was responsible for staying on the side of the carriage to watch the corpse.

Going to the second floor of the library with a clear goal, Spencer chatted with Ronald by the way:

"Ronald, how do I feel that I can meet you guy in many things."

"The spells of your school won't have the effect of making the user fall into trouble, right?"

Ronald smiled wryly and shook his head:

"If it's really a spell problem, that's a great solution."

"This kind of probability thing, how could it be the result of my spell."


While chatting, the two also came to the office set up by the [Book Research Association].

When the two of them pushed the door and went in, the two leaders, Oppenheim and Muri, were sitting inside to work and rest.

Noticing the two Ronalds who pushed in the door.

Oppenheim had a suspicious look on his face, but a clearness quickly appeared in his eyes:

"Ronald... Mr. Spencer?"

"You two are here, is there anything we can help here?"

"That's right." Spencer nodded and stepped forward to Oppenheim's desk, "Mr. Oppenheim, there was a very special murder case at the train station, according to Mr. Ronald's information, so I'm here for some help..."

Spencer methodically explained the entire event.

It also highlights Ronald's claims, as well as his own investigations to no avail.


After listening to Spencer's description, Oppenheim visibly frowned.

I saw the old man think seriously for a few seconds, and then shook his head regretfully:

"This situation is beyond my knowledge."

After stating the conclusion first, Oppenheim turned his attention to Ronald:

"Ronald, your method of exploration is based on that book. Are you sure there is no problem?"

Ronald replied in a definite manner:

"There's absolutely nothing wrong with my way, unless it's the..."

Before Ronald could finish speaking, Muri in the office suddenly whispered:

"The "Research on the Primitive Sacrifice of the Fell People" is the "Research on the Primitive Sacrifice of the Fell People" in the following document records."

"I remember there was a recording of this original exploration technique on it."

"And when it was included, it was also verified that this technology was reliable."

"If it weren't for the fact that the precision of magic power control is extremely high when it is used, and it is too difficult to perform, then this technology may also be promoted."


Hearing Miao Li speak, several other people in the office turned their attention to the girl.

At the same time, Miao Li's face was slightly red, and she immediately lowered her head and did not dare to lift it up.

In this case, she is still the timid girl.

Looking at the situation of the other party, Ronald took the initiative to walk up to Miao Li and said in the gentlest voice possible:

"Miao Li, four people have already died under the influence of this spell this time."

"If you know anything else, can you tell me?"


Hearing Ronald's words, Muri raised her head and glanced at him, and finally she mustered up the courage to continue speaking.

"This kind of detection ability should belong to the 'variable value detection system'. Although I don't understand it in detail, I know some generalities."

"It is not looking for the traces of magic power left after casting a spell in the ordinary sense, but for the purpose of exploring the special changes that have occurred in a certain place."

Hearing this, Spencer immediately understood everything:

"So the enemy's spells are of the type that make the affected things not show any magic power."

"With all due respect, since working as an investigator, I have never encountered a school of this quality."

Spencer's doubts caused Muri to lower her head even further.

Almost in the smallest voice, Muri murmured:

"But that's what's written in the book..."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the room began to become subtle.

At this moment, Oppenheim, who frowned and thought, seemed to remember something.

I saw the old man immediately stood up from the chair, turned his head and trotted out of the office:

"Wait, you wait first!"

"I seem to know something, give me a quarter of an hour."


The voice fell, and Oppenheim disappeared from the door of the office.

The old man walked in such a hurry that he didn't even remember to close the door of the office.


In the silent office, Spencer also seemed to feel that his tone was inappropriate.

She nodded slightly towards Miao Li and said "sorry".

The investigator also found a chair and sat down, and began to wait quietly for Oppenheim to and Ronald simply stood by Muri's side.

He remembered everything he encountered in the underground research institute before. Under the disguise of Miao Li's character, there was actually a rather 'strong' personality.

So Ronald continued to comfort him in the gentlest voice possible:

"After all, it's a matter of human life. Spencer doesn't have any opinion on you."

"do not worry about it."

Hearing Ronald's comfort, Muri didn't look up now.

Just shake the body with a small amplitude:


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