Mystic Dominator

Chapter 339: unexpected

There is only one dormitory for the faculty and staff of the University of St. Jolia.

It was a building with a total of three stories in height and an ordinary apartment structure, and the accommodation was generally only provided for school teachers with special circumstances.

After all, in a city like Springs, university teaching is still a fairly reliable and high-paying job, so there are very few people who will use this kind of housing, and most of them will choose to buy or rent a house by themselves.

And under this premise.

Currently only the first floor of the three-story school dormitory is fully occupied.

The second and third floors are basically vacant.

The thing that caused Ronald to turn his attention to this apartment dormitory was because on the third floor of the empty dormitory, there was a person living there suddenly and alone, which was completely inconsistent with the living plan of the dormitory.

Of course, Ronald didn't think that he had just started the search tonight, and he would be able to catch Rumir or the [Nine Rings Secret Society] spellcaster for the first time.

This kind of exploration is, at best, a step-by-step search.

It's part of a big job tonight.

But the reality is...

Never reason with people.

When people think something is not going to happen, it happens.

Ronald and Heloise bypassed the dormitory doorman normally, then turned directly to the third floor. Through the glass of the windowsill, the two of them saw the only person living on the third floor at the moment.

——This is a girl about fifteen or sixteen years old.

- A gentle face and an ordinary figure.

- Wearing a school uniform.

At this moment, leaning over the desk in front of her, there is a textbook of [Saint Julia] University in front of the girl, and she just sits there quietly reading and excerpting records.

When Ronald and Heloise appeared outside the windowsill.

The girl was still unaware.

It seems that she is just an ordinary female college student who is anxious about her studies.


This situation.

It looked suspicious to Ronald.

The reason why he feels wrong is also very simple.

Because when he and Heloise came out of the window, the figures of the two were backed by the streetlight due to the angle problem, so the shadow was accurately projected by the light into the girl's dormitory.

With the serious study that the other party is showing now.

Seeing this black shadow appear in front of you, you will definitely be alarmed, and then turn your head to investigate the situation.

But what about the girl's reaction?

She is still focusing on her studies.

Not only did he not turn his head to look at it, but he didn't even produce any psychological fluctuations.

Such behavior……

It was easy for Ronald to think of a situation.

She was guarding against the ability to detect emotions in "The Divine Comedy", so she suppressed her actions!


So, Ronald silently glanced at Heloise beside him, and the black mist that he summoned earlier in his hand immediately dripped under his feet, and then quickly spread to the second floor of the building.

In this way, the simple isolation of ordinary people can be considered complete.

Later, if someone who doesn't understand the mystery side hears the movement and comes up to check, they will definitely be directly discovered and blocked by the power of 'Rage'. The power of 'Rage' is still easy to deal with against ordinary people.

At the same time, Heloise, who saw Ronald's eyes, also acted.

Different from Ronald's practice of arranging the surroundings first, it was much more straightforward for Heloise to move.

I saw a flash of silver light.

The girl had already used the knife in an instant, severing the hinges of the window and the window sill with one blow.

Immediately, Heloise rushed into the room very skillfully, targeting the girl sitting at the table.

At this moment, the girl who was still reading books finally couldn't stand it anymore.

She stood up from the desk angrily, and her original schoolgirl-like appearance was restored, and finally became the Rumir that Ronald knew.

No one thought of it.

Ronald's first target tonight was to find Lumil directly!


"Kneel down for me!"

Facing Heloise's raid at this moment, the panicked and angry girl immediately took out her law spell, and the target was naturally Heloise who had come to a nearby place in front of her.


The spell was successfully released, and Heloise stumbled immediately.

Classic level spells are still very effective.

Although Heloise had expressed confidence in her own strength before, when the magic order of the original level of Rumir came, her legs inevitably softened, and she almost fell to the ground.

If not the body undergoes special treatment.

This time, ordinary practitioners are afraid that they can only kneel on the spot honestly, and it is impossible to straighten their knees.

And while all this is happening.

Ronald followed and rushed into the house.

Swinging the dagger that Heloise handed him, Ronald slashed directly at Rumir.

In the face of alternating attacks from the two of them.

Rumil also showed a sense of urgency.

The law immobilized Heloise, and she had no time to resist Ronald in any other way, not to mention that the two had the same original spell, so their strengths would resist each other.

In a hurry, she also raised her hands and crossed them in front of her.

Trying to use this to resist the blade in front of Ronald.


The clean and tidy school uniform was immediately torn by the dagger in Ronald's hand.

The girl's arm was not immediately opened by the sharp blade due to the protection of the spell.

But the resistance is only there.

The touch from Ronald's hand was the strength that a weak girl should have.

The strength of an adult man enhanced by "The Divine Comedy" corresponds to the physical strength a girl should have.

Comparing the two, the difference is really huge.

There was almost no room for resistance, and Rumir immediately fell behind, and then slammed into the table behind him.


A pained scream came out of his mouth.

Faced with successive raids, the girl who was suddenly attacked finally showed a painful expression on her face. Because her back slammed hard against the corner of the desk, she couldn't even bear the pain from her body, so she curled up on the ground and twitched.

"You... how did you find me?"

"Why? Obviously I just want to live a normal life!"


Ronald didn't answer the other He simply bent down, then reached out and grabbed Lumil's chin.

The black mist, the power of 'Rage' that was originally summoned, immediately pressed towards Lumir's body along the gap in his hand.

As a result, the abilities of the original spells of both sides began to cancel.

At this moment, the difference in the control of the original script is reflected.

Although they were able to resist each other, Rumil was still at a disadvantage.

Continuing at this pace, Ronald is sure to completely defeat the opponent's defense within three minutes, and then capture this guy's consciousness.

Confirming his suppression of the enemy, Ronald asked Heloise behind him:

"Thor, are you okay?"

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