Mystic Dominator

Chapter 271: visiting friends

The door to the apartment was not closed today.

So when Ronald went down the stairs, he saw a little boy hiding behind the gate in the courtyard, looking out carefully.

And outside the apartment...

Ronald's excellent hearing could detect the sounds of other children playing, who should be playing a game of hide-and-seek.

That is, in such a courtyard, a familiar shadow is here.

——It was indeed Patricia.

However, it was different from when they met Burrenwich. Now Patricia's long white-blond hair has been tied into a princess braid in a classical way, and only a simple light yellow headband is tied to the hair. .

As for the specific dress...

In the city where Patricia lives, she does not see any trace of weapons, not even a sword, and she wears simple and easy to move.

Look at it as a whole.

The dress of the girl in front of her always matches her character.

At this moment, Patricia stood upright and half leaned against the wall, looking at the boy at the door with a smile in her eyes.

She still seems to like the play of children.

As Ronald came down the stairs, the girl sensed the sound before turning her eyes away from the door.

Watching Ronald walking towards her, Patricia also left the wall and greeted the friend in front of her with a brisk tone:

"Ronald, long time no see"


Ronald also showed a smile:

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a while."

Patricia continued to ask:

"How about it, what about Springs' living habits?"

Faced with this question, Ronald recalled his life in Springs these days, and then said in a complicated tone:

"how to say……"

"It's a habit..."

Looking at Ronald's expression when he spoke, Patricia couldn't help laughing:

"Ha ha."

"I've also heard about your affairs in the past two days. It really doesn't sound easy."


While chatting with Patricia like you and me, the two also walked out of the gate and went out into the street.

In the riverside area in the early morning, many young people can be seen walking to school.

Children can also be seen playing on the roadside.

Walking in such a peaceful atmosphere with Patricia felt very good.

They walked about two or three hundred meters along the Wes River, and after seeing that there was no one on the embankment, the two tacitly shifted the topic to the mysterious side.

The first question was Patricia:

"Ronald, I heard what happened to you these days."

"However, regarding the specific circumstances of these, did you really meet the two original holders?"


Patricia's source of intelligence is really reliable.

Ronald originally thought that she only knew one of the two battles, but Patricia didn't expect to know all of them. This is probably the convenience brought by the noble status.

With that in mind, Ronald didn't hide Patricia's intentions either.

He immediately explained:

"I met the original holder twice, and the process was a bit coincidental. The first was the second night when I came to Springs..."

Ronald spoke quickly and smoothly about his experience.

Patricia, on the other hand, listened to him quietly.

After the encounter in the past few days was probably finished, the girl nodded thoughtfully, and then changed the topic:

"Ronald, are you planning to find a job in Springs?"

"In your current capacity, can I find a way to introduce you to some relatively good positions?"

Ronald lowered his head slightly and thought:


To be honest, he didn't mind Patricia introducing him to the job.

However, in Springs, I still have more important things to do, so it’s better to put things aside first.

So, he shook his head to Patricia and replied:

"In terms of work, I have no plans for this recently."

"Come to Springs, some things are better dealt with as soon as possible."

Hearing Ronald's rejection of her suggestion, Patricia had no objection, and replied in the same tone of voice:

"If that's the case, then I wish you all the best in these things."


A topic ends.

After walking for a while, this time Ronald took the initiative to speak:

"By the way, Patricia."

"In the case of Springs, do you have any good ideas for gathering intelligence, or finding people, or understanding some mysterious ways to side with the past."

As soon as the question came out, Patricia raised her eyebrows.

The question Ronald asked was a bit sensitive, and even for the mysterious side, weaker schools or individual magicians were not easily accessible.

But since the person who asked was Ronald, Patricia decided to answer him generously.

So walking on the embankment of the Wes River, the girl explained in a serious tone:

"The Bureau of Investigation and the Church are undoubtedly the most powerful in gathering intelligence or finding people, but considering the difficulty of contact, I think you can go to the Chamber of Commerce with the support of the mysterious side for help. Exchange intelligence for an original scripture holder. With the kindness of others, there is no reason why they would choose to refuse."

Having said that, Patricia added as if remembering something:

"However, if you choose this method, Ronald, you are very likely to come into contact with the nobles who support the Chamber of Commerce, and then be involved in the struggle between the old and new noble forces. Although there is no big problem on the surface, but this kind of thing is in We are very dangerous here."

"Take my family as an example. The prestige maintained by honor and history in the past no longer has the effect it once had. The emerging aristocrats who use their assets as their way will always be **** for tat with us."

"Even if Her Majesty is suppressing this contest, once this kind of thing gets involved, the level of trouble is still exaggerated."

The advancement of the times, the change of the social structure, the change and reorganization of the old forces.

These are things Ronald had seen in books and even experienced in some countries.

In this world, there is a person like the queen interfering, but it is not incomprehensible.

So, Ronald nodded slightly as usual:

"I So what about history?"

Hearing this question, Patricia turned her attention to the direction the two of them were walking from behind.

With a meaningful smile on her face, she slowly said:

"Ronald, knowledge is the most important thing on our side."

"And when it comes to the transmission of knowledge, there's one place in Springs that's definitely at the heart of that."

Ronald immediately understood what Patricia meant.

Immediately, he opened his mouth to confirm:

"You mean... the river bank area?"

Patricia nodded generously:

"That's right."

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