Mystic Dominator

Chapter 241: are we friends?

Under the night, Claudia quietly looked at the sky in the distance.

That is the direction in which the spell fluctuations appear.

After maintaining the movement and staring for a while, the girl slowly turned around, with a half-smile expression on her face.

"Yo, Ronald."

"It seems that something is wrong with you..."

"If I'm not mistaken, this should have something to do with what happened to you this afternoon, the two young men at Wilderin University?"

While speaking, Claudia looked very confident in her guess.

She stared at the companion in front of her with such fiery eyes that she was just waiting for Ronald to acknowledge the answer to her inquiry, and there was no possibility of thinking about other situations at all.

And facing the girl with such an established expression.

After a moment of silence, Ronald nodded honestly.

Looking at the direction of the spell fluctuations, Ronald said in a complicated manner:

"As I said before, I've only been in Springs for a little more than a day, and it's not that exaggerated to be efficient even if I'm going to cause trouble on purpose."

"So I will use this spell in Springs, and then there are only those guys who are specifically looking for me."

While answering Claudia, Ronald also had some emotions in his heart.

When Rafael left in the afternoon, he deliberately proposed a time limit for anti-reconnaissance. In his words, he meant to remind himself to protect himself. It's a pity that Elva's action was too fast. He has been haunted by Claudia tonight. so as to not respond at all.

At the same time, watching Ronald's current expression.

Claudia stepped forward and approached, and then asked in a very flat tone:

"so what?"

"Aren't you going to explain the specifics to me in detail?"


Withdrawing his gaze from the darkness in the distance of Mufan Street, Ronald replied quite politely:

"Isa, I don't want to involve you in this matter."

This is Ronald's real thoughts.

After all, the affairs on Elva's side are not only related to himself, but the things involved are too complicated. If Nicole is asking him questions now, then of course, he can pull the other party in without caring.

But Claudia...

It's not just that this guy doesn't have much to do with this in the first place.

With her current status, it's easy to make things more complicated and even more troublesome.

Facing Ronald's answer, Claudia stood there in a daze.

Then he sneered with a rather disdainful expression.


"Ronald, you have to understand that this is Springs."

"No matter what happens, I have the right and obligation to directly intervene in it, and there is no such thing as 'involved'."

Having said that, the sneer on Claudia's face gradually eased.

Two steps to Ronald's side, she took the initiative to reach out and pat Ronald's arm before continuing:

"Ronald, I think we should be friends now?"


Ronald looked at the girl in front of him quietly.

When Claudia asked this question, her tone was very serious.

In the dark night, his own figure was reflected in the gentle blue pupils, and the atmosphere at this moment seemed to become special.

I noticed how Claudia felt when she asked this question.

Ronald, of course, knew that he couldn't be perfunctory.

After thinking carefully, he nodded calmly:

"Yes, we are already friends."


On the dark street, a crisp high-five came from here.

Hearing Roan's equally serious answer, the expression on Claudia's face suddenly relaxed, and at the same time she turned around and began to look at the dark streets around her with a smile.


Time passed quietly for two or three seconds.

The girl then continued to speak:

"Well, then, my friend?"

"With our relationship, I should be able to help you solve these troubles."


Ronald subconsciously raised his hand and scratched his hair.

Claudia is quite good at leading the conversation.

He was quite sure that he had come this far under the guidance of this young girl.

It was just that the other party did not bring any malice towards him, and Ronald was also reluctant to interrupt the other party in a messy way, and then it came to such a natural result.

This ability...

Can only praise the other party is professional.

I knew in my heart that I probably couldn't shirk the other party tonight.

Ronald simply accepted the reality, so he continued to explain:

"I came to Springs with the intention of investigating a mysterious organization, and they sent me a coded letter in Burrenwich..."

In the dark street, Ronald recounted his past experiences quickly and gently.

And Claudia chose to listen quietly.

Except for the occasional look of thought when she heard something, she never interrupted Ronald's story.

And Ronald here....

He also didn't withhold any important information from the conversation, except for a few necessary things.

This was his habit all along.

If you don't speak as clearly as possible, a lot of things often go into unexpected trouble.

Ronald breathed a sigh of relief until this introduction was over.

Looking at the girl in front of him, he continued:

"So Isa, what are your thoughts on what to say tonight?"

"Let's just wait for the other party to chase after us and then launch a counterattack, or we should find a way to do something else."

"Just like... solve this reconnaissance spell?"

"Then we will have no problem."


Claudia didn't answer right away.

After thinking silently for a moment, she finally fixed her eyes, and then said:

"Anyway, let's change the place first."

"Although this is only a slum, there are still many people living here. If some accidents happen later, then things will not be easy to settle."

Ronald nodded. As a newcomer who didn't know Springs yet, he immediately said:

"Of course it's fine."

"But what do you think is more suitable?"

"I'm so confused about I don't even know what location is convenient for activities."

Hearing Ronald's question, a smile appeared on Claudia's face immediately.

"Then let me lead the way."

"Although it's not in Mufan Street, I happen to know that there is a quite suitable location nearby."

"Whether it's trying to solve the reconnaissance spell on you, or fighting people who are chasing after you, there is the most suitable place, there is no one!"

Ronald turned sideways immediately and gave Claudia the lead position:

"Then shall I go?"

Claudia did her part to take a step forward, and at the same time nodded confidently and replied:

"Of course."

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