Mystic Dominator

Chapter 1107 Neither Life nor Death


Jumping into the water, Ronald had doubts in his mind, but he still aimed directly at the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster below.

Just a few seconds passed.

At a suitable distance between the two, Ronald waved one hand, and [Arch Angel]'s ability to control objects was immediately activated.

The enemy is now underwater and focused on finding the whereabouts of his comrades.

Ronald cast the spell only when he was in a good position, so he was just outside the range where 'True Name' could detect it immediately.


"Ugh! Ooooh!"

As the spell was activated, a large amount of seawater began to squeeze towards the 'true name'.

Although it was still daytime on the sea, the water below a hundred meters already seemed dark. In this extremely depressing environment, the fear of being suddenly attacked was extremely strong.

Although the 'real name' himself immediately activated a defensive spell to isolate himself from the surrounding sea water, he still felt a sense of fear in his heart as he felt his body being eroded by the water flow.


Ronald, who was quickly approaching his 'real name', naturally saw everything.

After thinking for a moment, he immediately canceled the emotional guidance of [Original Sin of Anger] on 'True Name', at least not allowing the fear in this guy's heart to continue to heat up and ferment.

The experience of 'Gunblade' escaping just now has sounded the alarm for him.

His purpose today is to completely kill these three original code holders of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], rather than just defeat them.

Even though the emotional guidance of [Original Sin of Anger] is extremely useful, if this spell turns the enemy into a timid person who only knows how to run away, it will actually hinder Ronald's goal.

At the same time, 'True Name', who was feeling a little relieved below, also discovered Ronald's arrival.

This young magician watched Ronald approach.

He had already felt that all the giant dragons he had summoned had been chopped to death, and he immediately had a guess - the 'Gun Blade' had also been killed by the monster in front of him.

This monster...

How can it be defeated in actual combat?

Between the thoughts of ‘true name’,

The expression on his face began to change rapidly, from fear to anger to hatred to madness and murderous intent to determination.


"You, you, I will fight with you!"

At this moment, from the perspective of 'True Name', all his companions have been lost, and he is alone and helpless in the ocean. Fight - he is determined not to be a match for the monster Ronald; escape - from the previous fight, he also understands that his speed is far inferior to the enemy in front of him.

So...can we still expect the enemy to let us go?

In this case, the results are obvious.

Since he is going to die, instead of being caught and killed by the enemy, it is better to use the absolutely taboo spell in his original book and die with the opponent at the cost of his own life!

Once such a heroic thought appears, subsequent actions become extremely smooth.

‘True Name’ only feels that his fateful moment is right in front of him.

So he seized the last chance of Ronald's arrival and recited a spell in the sea water that he had never planned to use in his life:

"You've searched, you've all searched, but no one has found it, so you've made up clever words to describe 'acceptance', 'balance', 'equilibrium' and so on between life and death. But they are just words, used to Lies to cover up failure, used to cover up your fear of death!"


Positioned above the enemy, Ronald is preparing to kill the 'True Name' below.

As a result, in the last few seconds, the other party accelerated his speech and recited a very long spell.

Then, Ronald was stunned.

In his spell perception, although the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] below was still within the spell of the [Celestial Globe], his ability to sense human emotions suddenly disappeared at this moment.

At the same time, with his excellent eyesight, Ronald can see the changes in the body of 'True Name'.

The body of this man, who was already quite young, quickly decayed after the magic power appeared. His broken body was full of pits and pits, and some dark and deep unknown things could be seen in it.


This man committed suicide using magic?

Ronald never expected that the enemy in front of him would choose such a path.

From the other person's emotional changes during his lifetime, he predicted that this guy would definitely take action, but who knew that such determination would be at the cost of his own life!

A spell that a holder of the original code cast with his life.

Faced with such a turn of events, Ronald didn't dare to be careless at all. Not only did he slow down his descent, he even didn't dare to look away from the enemy who had become a corpse.

Soon, the expected changes began to occur.

The magic power of the original spell did not dissipate with the death of the holder, but continued to brew on the body of the 'true name' with the dead breath of life.

Only a few seconds passed.

Black strange light began to emerge from around the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], and strange and piercing shouts began to come from the sea water.

Ronald's excellent eyesight allowed him to see especially clearly.

The dark holes that symbolized death and decay on the body of 'True Name' were all filled with black at this moment, and at the same time, the black light was also rapidly spreading across their distribution range.

No, we have to figure out the situation!

At this time, Ronald placed the [Sin of Greed], which had been placed on the 'Gunblade' before, but failed to find the opponent's weakness, and re-locked it on the body of the 'True Name' below.

——The soul of the dead wandering between life and death.

——Due to its ability to freely travel between the Yin and Yang realms, it is in a special state of neither life nor death.

The message given by [The Original Sin of Greed] is very simple.

Ordinary people will only think that this is a special form of existence when they see such information expression.

But Ronald was different.

As someone who has read the original "Legends of Earthsea", he is very aware of the huge crisis hidden in it.

In the story of this original book, this state of neither life nor death is caused by an evil warlock pursuing immortality, which leads to disaster after his own death. This kind of existence that crosses the boundary between life and death can make people forget their own destiny. Nothing, not even the wizardry of casting spells, could be preserved.

As this phenomenon continues to ferment, the final result will be a doomsday scenario that will make the entire world lose its balance!


At the same time, the coverage of the black light below is getting wider and wider.

Between this picture, Ronald also saw a scene that made people feel uncomfortable.

——‘True Name’ stood up again.

This body was filled with black material. It was definitely something inhuman and evil at this moment, rising up in the black light.

Then it looked directly at Ronald, not concealing the hostility and murderous intent in its heart.


"Although I don't think that one original book can destroy the balance of the entire world, you are definitely not a good person."

for such changes.

Ronald could only shake his head slightly, and then rushed directly down!


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