Mystic Dominator

Chapter 1033 Classification

Il first recounted his first experience:

"In the first cycle, I was more careful to test the boundaries here at first. But when I got to the beach, I found that I was walking back and forth, so I simply launched an attack on the surrounding areas."

"The final result was that after I killed a lot of people, the entire space immediately collapsed and then returned to the state it was in when I entered it, while giving me a new identity."

Ronald continued to ask:

"What about the second time?"

El smiled and played with the hair on his chest a little shyly:

"Then the second time... because of the first encounter, I became a little angry. This time I didn't do any investigation. I just showed up and started attacking the city."

"But having said that, the people in this [Larchmont] do have two brushes. Some of them are called archmages and they competed with me. But after I killed the three archmages, the space was Reset again.”

Hearing this, Ronald looked at El with suspicion, and his tone of voice when he asked again was strange:

"So you are now in the third dimension after two resets? If I remember correctly, you came out of the forest?"


When Ronald asked, El's smile immediately froze on his face.

She put down the hand that was playing with her hair and scratched her cheek, looked around again, and then finally continued:

"Um... wasn't it a bit exhausting when I started doing this before?"

"Since killing someone will cause the space to reset, I simply took root and absorbed nutrients from the earth. I just sensed your aura, boss, and I rushed over here without stopping!"

"Okay, okay."

Ronald waved his hand and stopped worrying about El's statement.

This guy had such a personality, so it was only natural that he would encounter such an experience. With this information in mind, Ronald took El and continued walking towards the city.

At the same time, some new doubts began to arise in my mind.

First of all, there are only two people here, El and myself. This is easier to explain. It is most likely because I have mastered the fragments of El's soul, so there was an error in the judgment of this space.

Originally, everyone who entered the ruins should be in an independent space.

Then comes this cyclical mechanism.

Ronald experienced a similar situation at Burrenwich Railway Station at the beginning of his journey.

However, there is a clear gap between the two.

Burrenwich Railway Station will start a fixed time loop once it reaches the limit; while the ruins of [Larchmont] are in a relatively stable state.

According to El, at least in her third recuperation experience, without any damage, the operating rules of this space were very stable, and there were no signs that it was about to end or that it was ready to be reset.


Thinking of this, Ronald silently summoned the "Bradshaw Railway Guide".

The operation of this original book is normal, the passage of time maintains the same progress as the outside world, and the ability to break the interference of time and space shows no sign of activation.

Although not directly.

But this original book still told Ronald the particularity of the space he was currently in.

"Is there no interference from time and space..."

Ronald murmured quietly.

Since we are already inside, [Original Sin of Greed] cannot monitor the status of the entire ruins now, but what if we change the target?

While thinking, Ronald and El had already walked into [Larchmont].

The magic city on the sea has good security. Because of the spell warning, Ronald and Ronald, who have been 'given' identities for a long time, did not even conduct basic checks and walked on the streets very smoothly.

Therefore, Ronald randomly assigned the "Original Sin of Greed" to a passerby on the street.


——The historical silhouette left by mankind.

——[Larchmont] Ordinary residents, without the ability to cast spells.

The historical silhouette left by mankind?

It can definitely be called an unexpected surprise to receive such information as soon as I come up.

Just seeing this description, Ronald had a hunch that the strange phenomenon he encountered this time was probably the result of an original historical book.

Then transfer the [Original Sin of Greed] to others.

In the process of continuously collecting information, Ronald also discovered more interesting details.

[Larchmont] The residents of this city are generally divided into two categories.

The first type is the [historical silhouette left by humans] that he just saw, and the other type is called [the historical silhouette left by information].

The former, as the name suggests, is what ordinary residents in this city can see.

The latter is an adjective that can only be detected by people who have a surname suffix after their name and are also spellcasters.

In this ruins, the division between the two existences can be said to be very clear.

Commoners only have first names but no surnames, and are called "historical silhouettes left by human beings"; spellcasters, even those who have only learned one spell, will have surnames and are called "historical silhouettes left by information".

Ronald and Il walked all the way inside without encountering any individual exceptions.

"Boss, I quite like the architectural style here."

"When we return to Kurpis, can we make my house look like this?"

The two of them continued to move forward like this.

After passing about one-third of the city, El couldn't help but speak:

"This pointed and high roof makes people like it at first sight. If you lie down on it when you have nothing to do, maybe you can catch two birds to try?"


Ronald rolled his eyes and said casually:

"You can do whatever you want after you go back, as long as you don't harm other residents."

In fact, to be fair, the architecture of [Larchmont] is indeed beautiful.

In general, because it is also a building that existed before the Dark Ages, it is very similar to the wizard tower in Barrier Mountain in [Infinite Negative Realm]. There are actually differences in details and architectural reliefs.

But unlike Barrier Mountain, the status of civilians here is obviously much better, and they also enjoy good living security in the city.

Influenced by the architectural style of the wizard's tower, the residences of ordinary people here probably also lean towards the tower style, directly causing the entire city to look like a gorgeous architectural display area lined with tall towers.

It can only be said that Il is attracted to such an architectural style.

Then continue forward.

When they were about to cross half of the city, Ronald and Il were finally stopped.

A guard who was obviously the caster said in a very serious tone:

"You two, stop!"

"Ahead is the academy area, non-wizards are not allowed to enter!"

Almost at the same time, El also whispered in Ronald’s ear:

"The last time I got angry, it was because I was stopped by a guard like this, which finally pissed me off."

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