Mystic Dominator

Chapter 1031 Entering the ruins


Although there were no other clues around him, Ronald recognized the origin of this little tree man at a glance.

After all, he kept a copy of Il's soul fragment.

It was fine that he didn't notice it at first glance before, but now he saw this little tree man directly in his eyes. With the help of this extremely special relationship, Ronald could distinguish the products of Il naturally very quickly and accurately.


El, who usually needs to be carefully looked after by him, actually left such a message to himself in this situation.

Immediately landing on the ground, Ronald's current mood was actually a bit subtle.

He was filled with both anger at the current situation and surprise at the message that El had left for him.

Just the emotion of it all.

It all disappeared after Ronald reached out and took the little tree man in his hand.

The moment he was picked up from the ground by Ronald, the little tree man made a dancing-like movement in his hands, and then lost the power to maintain it, and then scattered again into a pile of broken branches.

At the same time, Ronald also received in his heart the only message that Il conveyed to him in this way.

——There is no danger yet and you can enter.

The amount of information is not much, but it is precious in this case.

Through his ‘close’ relationship with El, Ronald confirmed that the news was trustworthy.

Now entering the scope of this ruins seems to be the most direct and fastest choice.

But Ronald didn't do that.

After confirming that these companions were not in danger for the time being, he first recited a spell and then flew to the edge of the island.

In the rainy night, he soon saw the camp where the group of people set out. The [Nikos] casters who stayed here were all normal here, and they were not aware of the changes that had occurred on the island.

Immediately, Ronald fell to the ground.

He knows who he is now.

As the leader of this operation, even if he plans to enter the ruins to find his companions, he must do so after fulfilling his obligations.

"This... Lord Ronald?"

After Ronald landed, someone quickly came out of the camp.

But when he saw that only Ronald returned, he immediately realized something, and his expression instantly became serious:

"You came back alone. Did you encounter any difficulties at the ruins?"

"The scope of the ruins has expanded." Ronald knew that time was running out, so he came up with a concise explanation, "Everyone except me was swallowed up by the ruins, but after that, my companions sent news that the ruins The interior is accessible.”

The result is that the expression of [Nikos]’s caster changes drastically:


" mean, Mr. Kolaman, Mr. Kolaman also..."

Seeing the spellcaster in front of him in such a panic, Ronald had no choice but to interrupt the other person's incoherence with an aggravated tone:

"Listen—everyone's been swallowed except me!"

“There is no exception for [Nikos] or [Gred] casters on this point.”


Interrupted by Ronald in this way, the caster finally regained some composure and remained silent for a few seconds before speaking again:

"Then what you mean now is that you want us to go in too..."

"No, you don't have to go in." Ronald interrupted again, "Next, I will enter the ruins alone, try to rescue people, and solve the problems of this ruins."

"The reason why I'm coming back now is that I hope you can send people back to inform the land side of what happened here, and at the same time, keep a close eye on the ruins during this period, and beware of other unexpected changes in it."


Ronald's order was obviously beyond the sorcerer's thoughts.

After trying hard to accept this information, the expression on the caster's face changed from confusion to disbelief:

" plan to go in personally?"

Regardless of other places, at least in [Nikos], in the environment where this magician came into contact, there was no big shot who would be the first to rush in and risk his own life after danger occurred.

What Ronald said at this moment was really beyond his comprehension.

It even gave rise to the feeling that the original holder in front of him had something wrong with his mental state.

"You heard it right, I will enter the ruins next."

Ronald continued to confirm the other party's inquiry, while his eyes drifted to the camp behind the caster.

While they were talking, other people in the camp also came out to check, and in a short while, five or six people gathered around.

So Ronald took a deep breath and then said loudly:

"Listen, this is what happened at the ruins just now. You all have to remember it..."

Next, Ronald told everyone what happened at the ruins just now.

After confirming that many people had heard his description in full, he finally patted the shoulder of the performer in front of him and said in a commissioning tone:

"These matters will be left to you."

"Let's see you later."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ronald reactivated his flying spell and rushed towards the boundary of the ruins.

This time it is related to the safety of my companions.

He did not rush directly into the center, but after returning to the exact place where everyone disappeared, he walked into the ruins on the ground.


With his feet on the wet ground, Ronald could clearly feel the soft ground and humid air. The crackling sound of raindrops falling on the plants around him was also very clear.

But in such a sober state.

Ronald, however, did not feel any magic power eroding him, nor did he have any sign that the environment was changing.

Everything was as usual, nothing unusual.

"In this case, it's no wonder that the entire army was wiped out..."

Facing everything he experienced personally, Ronald couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

Only this kind of thing without warning can successfully capture all the casters at once. On the contrary, the fact that Il can become the only special case truly reflects this guy's ability.


As Ronald sighed in his heart, he crossed the final threshold of three meters from the boundary of the ruins.

That's this moment.

Everything around him changed in an unnoticeable moment.

One second ago, Ronald was in a dark rainy night, surrounded by various plants growing on the island.

But the next second, it was sunny daytime above his head.

What we stepped on was a straight dirt road that, although backward, had clearly been smoothed by someone.

His eyes continued to move forward along this road.

A city of spellcasters that was intact and at its peak seemed to be located on the ground not far away, and people could even be seen coming and going in it.

Face this scene.

Ronald froze on the spot and hesitated for a long time before slowly speaking:

"This is... Larchmont?"

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