Mystic Dominator

Chapter 997 Pea Vine

"As you can see, taking care of the pea vines here is the focus of our work."

Miss Pea took Ronald into the garden.

When it came to the introduction of the work content, Miss Pea's attitude changed instantly and she became a very responsible cultivator.

Along the way, Ronald was taken through all the locations of the twenty-two kinds of peas, and then he described their growth habits and the key points of regular watering and fertilizing by the cultivators.

Miss Pea continued without forgetting her words:

"For example, if you look at this pea vine, it belongs to the long-stem peas. It must be strictly distinguished from the short-stem peas over there, and their types cannot be confused; there are also differences between the round grains and wrinkled grains here, and the color of the seed coat. Category, they are in flowering stage right now, so there is no good way to confirm. But even so, we must ensure that we absolutely use the correct way of differentiation, because once we make a mistake in this regard, all the work will be wasted..."

Ronald followed Miss Pea as she walked through the garden.

While sighing at the rigor and complexity of this work, he couldn't help but being reminded of past memories by Miss Pea.

Just like what Ronald saw in the textbooks when he was a child.

Pea plants are indeed a good experimental target for verifying genetic factors. The expression of various traits is very easy to identify and almost error-free.

It is necessary to select such good varieties from countless plants.

Even if we only talk about the effort in the selection process, I am afraid that it requires far more energy than ordinary people imagine.

These scientific workers have left their names in human history.

It's really admirable.

Just follow Miss Pea all the way.

Due to the huge difference in body proportions and those of these pea vines, almost three hours had passed after Miss Pea completed the introduction of these work contents.

After completing the task of introducing the job to Ronald, Miss Pea immediately broke away from her previous serious state.


The next second,

Miss Pea blushed suddenly, lowered her head and trotted towards the breeder's living area. And when she walked a few meters away, she stopped shyly, then turned back and greeted Ronald:

"Okay, the introduction here is over."

"Now let's go back and I'll tell you about the breeder's accommodation and some small details that need to be paid attention to in daily work."

Ronald smiled and nodded, and immediately chased after him.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right over."


Half an hour later, the two arrived at their destination.

The breeders of different plants in the garden live in different areas, but they are basically divided into the plant planting areas they are responsible for. The place where Miss Pea lives is a huge frame woven with long wooden rattans next to the pea frame.

Although the actual size of this rattan frame is only the volume of a handmade object.

But for them, whose bodies have shrunk like ants, this can definitely be called a super luxurious residence the size of a palace!

Then Miss Pea led Ronald all the way inside.

After passing through a door decorated with a homey feel, the first thing that comes into view are several backpacks hanging on the porch behind the entrance of the room.

Miss Pea's explanation followed immediately:

"These backpacks are very important tools in our work. Because those insect pollinations may cause the wrong species, we are responsible for all the pollination of the plants - I have been busy with this work recently!"

Ronald confirmed curiously:

"Are these backpacks used to carry pollen?"

"That's right!" Miss Pea nodded seriously, "And you must remember that there is a small pool in the east. Every time we carry pollen on our backs to complete a pollination, we must go there to clean the backpack first. Once, completely remove the remaining..."

Jingle Bell! ! !

Suddenly, a crisp sound of bells came from the monastery ahead.

Miss Pea's expression changed instantly when she heard this voice.

Then she ignored the importance of continuing to explain the details of the work to Ronald. Instead, she turned and rushed into the room, took out a small satchel of her own, and then ran hurriedly outside the garden.

Just before leaving, Miss Pea stopped in time and did not forget to give Ronald one last instruction:

"This ringtone is calling us, the people in charge of cultivating plants!"

"Ronald, I will leave the pea pollination work to you this afternoon. Remember, you must not make any mistakes!"

As soon as the words fell, Miss Pea's figure disappeared at the door of Yuan Mansion.

Ronald stood there and was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene.

It wasn't until a few more seconds passed and he looked around carefully that he confirmed that Miss Pea had suddenly disappeared from this world.

And look towards the area with several other plant species in the distance.

The cultivators who could vaguely see some traces all disappeared at this moment.

In other words——

At this moment, only Ronald is left in the garden in the monastery!


Facing this scene, Ronald stood there with a wry smile and shook his head, and then he suddenly realized:

"It turns out...this is the second part of the trial..."

After confirming the situation, Ronald did not hesitate.

He turned around and took down a backpack from the corridor, turned around and walked towards the area where the peas grew.

After all, Miss Pea made it very clear before she left.

His job here today is to pollinate these pea vines.

And to be fair, compared to the implicit choice test just now, the job Miss Pea left for herself this time was quite serious, and the difficulty was obvious.

As long as you listened carefully to every word when the other party explained it just now, and took note of the distinctions and precautions of different pea types, then the next work will just be to repeat the work step by step and carefully.

But if you don't listen carefully to the information given by Miss Pea.

Then this work can be said to be destined to face failure, and there is almost no test of the possibility of completion.

After all, these twenty-two varieties of peas are not just twenty-two plants.

For each plant, there are actually several pea vines that require careful selection and pollination. This is related to the accuracy of the experimental data and conclusions, and there must not be any negligence.

Fortunately, Ronald was careful enough.

He firmly remembered every detail of the treatment that Miss Pea told him on the road, as well as the pea vines that were only blooming and could not see the specific details. He firmly remembered the traits they represented.

Right now it's just a matter of putting on my backpack and pollinating these pea vines.

And don’t forget to clean your backpack in the pond to the east after each pollination——

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