Mystic Dominator

Chapter 989 Contest

"What? There are too many monsters underwater to count?"

"It has been confirmed that the number of those attacking us explorers underwater is at least twenty."


The man who escaped back to the shore and the personnel who responded to him repeatedly confirmed the news.

The continuous results made the magicians around the port feel more and more nervous.

According to this explorer.

Under the water outside Capone Port, countless deep-sea monsters have gathered, and according to the last scene he saw before leaving - in the direction of the more distant deep sea, there is a steady stream of ocean monsters continuing to come here. Come on!

This doesn't feel like a simple revenge at all.

On the contrary, these deep-sea behemoths plan to start a war between two species against humans!


"Sir, things don't look good."

"Take your time, let's see what happens on both sides."

At the same time, Costart and Ronald, who were standing far away, discussed in a low voice.

Although the two of them are not on the front line.

But their excellent perception ability ensures that they can also understand everything happening in the distance simultaneously.

It's just that Ronald responded calmly when faced with Costa's question.

But deep down in his heart, he thought of the library behind him, and his expression inevitably became nervous.

If things are really like what this man said, and there are a steady stream of deep sea monsters coming to Capone - to be honest, this situation is too serious.

One or two waves of attacks are not impossible for a spellcaster of Ronald's level or even a lesser original holder to deal with. But attacks continue to appear from the deep sea...

By then, it's not just Capone that's in danger.

I am afraid that even many coastal areas need to rely on maritime navigation for a living.

They will also be greatly affected by the occurrence of this kind of thing.

After all, it is impossible to be on every ship going out to sea.

Several spellcasters who can deal with such attacks can be equipped to protect the ship.


At this moment, a violent roar erupted from Shen Riyang's direction.

A few more minutes passed, and the sea beasts lurking under the water finally completed their preparations for the attack.

Following this roar full of anger and desire for revenge.

A vortex of water flow large enough to cover the city finally appeared on the sea surface. The rapidly rotating seawater was driven around the vortex, and began to form waves tens of meters high, surging toward the city overwhelmingly. come over!

Face this scene.

The person standing at the front presiding over the magic circle had no time to continue asking about the situation. He shouted and fully activated the defense jointly constructed by many spellcasters:

"Be prepared for the first wave of impact, and inform those behind you not to forget to continue strengthening your defenses!"

"Everyone, Capone's life and death is at stake!"


After a few seconds.

Towering waves crashed onto Capone's harbor.

But what is reassuring is that the defensive spells constructed by the casters led by the [Dawn Spell Society] are very effective. Just like resisting the smaller wave before, although the water was more turbulent and exaggerated this time, it was still completely offset by the effect of the spell.

Just waiting for the waves to sweep over the ground.

When the water recedes from the shore, it will be found that except that the streets have become very wet, there has been no damage to any extent.

Everything protected by the spell is completely obscured by the concealment effect, and its posture on the ground does not change at all.

at the same time.

Costat, who was next to Ronald, also spoke briefly and commented:

"The attack of this kind of wave is far from exceeding the upper limit of the spell's defense."

"If those marine creatures can only achieve this effect by making waves, then the victory tonight should belong to the human side."

Regarding Costart's judgment, Ronald shook his head slightly. His thoughts were not as optimistic as the maid's:

"Costat, I think their attack may be more than just waves."

"According to the little brother who just came back from the water, it is absolutely impossible for such a large number of sea beasts to gather..."


Before Ronald finished speaking, another roar erupted from the sea in the distance.

The casters on the shore completely resisted the crisis from the waves. The sea beast in the whirlpool at the moment certainly discovered this.

Face the fruitless results of your own attacks.

These monsters lurking under the water were roaring unwillingly, and at the same time, a very obvious wave of magic power finally emitted.

Immediately, the center of the huge vortex began to emit a little light.

Look carefully——

In fact, a yellow liquid containing extremely strong magic reaction emerged from these glowing places.

After just a few seconds, the color of the seawater was completely changed by these substances.

And the yellow wave, which had regained its magical properties, pounced over for the second time at this moment!


The waves crashed mercilessly on the city.

If you look closely at the colored seawater, you can see that it obviously has the characteristics of corrosive objects, and you can also smell a faint sour smell.

But it's a pity - the waves with new effects are still ineffective.

The magic circle hosted by the [Dawn Spell Society] still plays its role stably. Even though the nature of the waves has changed, from a pure physical collision to a corrosive magical effect, the city itself is still firmly protected by spells and is not at all affected by such attacks.


It was completely ineffective against the sea monster's second attack.

The caster standing in front and presiding over the entire magic circle couldn't help laughing:

"You stupid dead fish, do you think you can destroy the spells we have studied carefully for many years with just a few abilities?"

"Arrogant and arrogant thing!"

"The world of magic is not as simple as you think!"


The vortex on the sea is still spinning at high speed.

But the atmosphere at this moment felt inexplicably quiet.

Although the people of the [Dawn Spell Society] shouted with an extremely arrogant attitude, their perfect defensive spells gave him the confidence to do this.

Although human beings are shouting, it is impossible to achieve perfect communication with fish in the deep sea. But this attitude clearly conveyed the intention of the caster to the sea beasts who were brewing an attack under the sea surface.

And more realistic.

Even the sea beasts under the water became extremely angry because of this.

But it can't threaten the city.

It means the failure of their tactics.


Under such circumstances, the sea water was suddenly broken by a black shadow.

These sea beasts, which were still maintaining the rotation of the vortex, actually made surprising moves.

There was an extremely huge deep-sea fish that jumped out of the water, then aimed its body at the position where the casters were standing, and hit it hard!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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