Mystery: The Last God’s Path

Chapter 52: Undercurrent of Tingen

When he felt the sight of his eyes leave, and the owner of his sight was also gone, Hidal let out a sigh of relief.

Although the man Hidall had never seen before, his distinctive style of dressing, the silver-white metal box he held in his hand, and the other party's unusually keen inspiration made Hidall guess who this person was. .

One of the nine senior deacons of the Church of the Evernight Goddess, Crestai Cecima!

"Why did he suddenly come to Tingen? Is it because my mission has attracted great attention from the Church of Evernight?"

"Or did the Secret Order and the Aurora Society send high-level personnel from their respective organizations because of the notes of the Antinus family, and then they were discovered, so they sent him to solve these matters?"

"Or, which of the Nighthawks is about to be promoted and asked him to come over to check on the digestion potion? Dunn?

"It shouldn't be Dunn, how long did Dunn know about the acting method, he couldn't digest it so quickly, and with Dunn's personality, when he thought that Daly told him the acting method in an unusual way, he would definitely not use the acting method. law to tell others."

All sorts of questions kept popping up in Hiddell's mind, but in the end he couldn't get an answer, so he could only give up.

But he was also fortunate that he suddenly decided to go to Backlund. He happened to meet Krestai, and Admisor happened to be there. Because of Admisol's keen intuition, he noticed the specialness of Krestai. so that you can discover each other.

Otherwise, without knowing the existence of the other party, if you let Admisor go to preach, the other party will definitely catch the flaw and take it down in one fell swoop.

This kind of true god's favored person is not comparable to a favored person like Admisor.

He glanced at Admisor and found that his situation had improved a little at this time. Hidal inspired the cross on his chest to come to heaven, picked up the cross, waved his hand, and the holy angel appeared, flew to him, and Wrap yourself up in layers.

Then he controlled his spirituality and clicked on the dream bubble representing Admisor. After Admisor, who had closed his eyes, noticed it, he hurriedly recited the honorable name of God in his heart.

The foam inflated and flickered. Heidor opened it without hesitation, waved his hand again, and the holy angel appeared and flew to Admisor, wrapping him in layers for protection.

Because I didn't use the secret contract ritual to deepen the connection and then cast shelter, the effect was greatly reduced, but at this time, the environment did not allow it, so it could only be like this.

He wrapped himself in spirituality and returned to the real world, seeing that Admisol's originally pale complexion had returned to rosy, then wiped the sweat off his forehead, and bowed gently to Hidal: "I feel the protection of God, praise God."

Sidor just nodded slightly, as if what happened just now was not worth mentioning to him.

Then, seemingly casually, he said, "Just now, that person is the favored servant of the Evernight Goddess, named Crestai Cesima. He has already noticed my mission."

"Hehe, he is still so stingy."

Him! Hearing Hidal's words, Admisor couldn't help but feel a little shocked. Could it be that the Lord and the Goddess of the Night had just communicated without anyone noticing it!

"God, do you still need to continue to do the mission after you leave?" Admisor lowered his head and asked, because he didn't know the result of the communication between God and the Evernight Goddess.

At this time, all the people in the first-class seats had already come down, and Hidal could go up. He motioned Admisor to pick up his suitcase and follow.

While walking, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "It's natural to do preaching. It's not time to stop now. I just need to keep a low profile and conceal it, otherwise it's too obvious, and it's not good for him to pretend to be invisible."

So it was... Admisor seemed to know the result of their conversation.

After arriving at the gate of the train, Admisor couldn't go up because he didn't have a ticket, so he could only put down the salute. Fortunately, someone came down to help carry the salute in the first-class compartment, and he didn't need to do it himself.

It's nice to be rich... Hidal sighed while lying comfortably on the seat of the train.

When the train started, Hiddle pulled out a book with a yellow cover out of nowhere. On the cover was written "On How to Make Every Bread".

He looked over with relish.


2nd Floor, 36 Zoetland Street, Blackthorn Security Company.

Luo Shan was working at the front desk, looking at the "Tingen City Honest News" in her hands with some fascination.

And she didn't notice that a middle-aged man wearing a black trench coat and white shirt and holding a silver-white metal box had come to her.

Crestai looked at the other side of the newspaper with great interest and didn't bother her.

At this moment, the door of the captain's office was opened, and Dunn took the kettle, ready to pick up hot water to make coffee.

So I saw this scene in front of me.

Dunn almost couldn't help but closed his eyes and patted his bright forehead. After coughing twice, he walked up to Crestai with a smile and said, "Your Excellency Cesima, you are finally here."

It was only then that Luo Shan noticed that she didn't know when someone was standing in front of her!

When I saw this person's and Dunn's words, I almost got scared and my legs went weak, and quickly said hello: "S... Your Excellency Sesima, you... You're here, why...why didn't you remind me."

Krestai didn't get angry, instead took the newspaper from Roshan's hand, smiled and comforted: "It's okay, I also like to read this kind of newspaper, it's less gimmicky, but more authentic."

Roshan became even more embarrassed when she said this. At this time, Dunn just came over and said to Crestai: "This is the only good newspaper in Tingen... Your Excellency Sesima, You go to the office to read the newspaper first, and I'll call the other team members over."

He then handed the kettle in his hand to Roshan and said, "Go and bring me the kettle of hot water to the office, we'll need it later."

"Okay." Luo Shan hurriedly took it, not daring to stay here.

Half an hour later, everyone came to the office except Luo Yao Laiting, who was on duty behind Chanis Gate.

Fran the Corpse Collector, Kernley the Sleepless, Siga Teon the Midnight Poet, Leonard, Old Neil the Secret Spy, and Dunn the Nightmare.

No one spoke, and Leonard, who was always lively, only dared to blink a few more times.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Crestai stopped wasting time and said, "I already know everything, this time I am here, not only to solve the preaching problem, but also to solve the problem that the Aurora will send here. One of the angels, and a high-ranking member of the Secret Order."

"What! The Aurora Society and the Secret Order have already sent members? And they are all high-level members." This was Leonard's voice, with obvious surprise on his face. Although the others did not say anything, their thoughts were obviously related to him. the same.

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