Mystery: Start with the Reader

Vol 2 Chapter 782: Mr. Fool who took a photo

With the outbreak of the "barren" power, the plants, monsters, stones, soil, and everything in the passage fell into "withering".

The "Shadow Saint" who is closest to the "Desolate" center is the first to bear the brunt!

He turned into moonlight on the "blood pattern" on Abner's forehead, so after the sword slashed into the air, the whole person was enveloped by the power of desolation and silence, and the spiritually condensed giant sword and armor began to decay rapidly, and then spread to his In body and soul, only the places polluted by black mud and crimson can barely resist this withering.

But even so, the torn body and soul caused by decay left him with irreparable injuries in an instant and died almost immediately.

On the other hand, Abner, who released the power of "Desolation", entered the "Alvin's Answer Labyrinth" in the state of "Moonlight" while Lilith's blessing had not expired.

Because of the special circumstances before entering, "Maze" charged him a "special opening fee" of 10,000 gold pounds, which made Abner have to sigh that this "Maze" is really a profiteer!

Of course, this is also related to the fact that he only has the fourth-level authority of the "labyrinth", not its real owner.

At the same time, in the ancient hall above the gray fog, Klein, who was sitting in the position of "The Fool", looked at the picture displayed by the stars symbolizing the "Tower", and couldn't help but feel astonished by the power of "Desolation".

Before entering the passage, Abner "purified" himself, so that Klein could watch the "live broadcast" above the gray fog...

"The level of this power is not inferior to that of Elder Tourette and that Roshan... No wonder the evil spirit of the original Red Angel changed his tone when he saw Mr. Tower holding the pendant in his hand!

"But this power doesn't seem to be divided between enemy and me... I don't know if Mr. Tower is okay.

"Although his 'Crimson Star' is still there, from just now, the 'signal' of the 'live broadcast' has become unstable, and he can only vaguely see that he seems to have entered a strange space..."

Klein thought for a while, and was about to open the crimson star of the "Tower". When he asked about it, his vision became clear again, and the "Tower" also returned to the passage that was already full of dead silence.

And that "Saint of Shadow" didn't completely wither under the "desolation", and part of his body remained alive, but the rest of his body was rapidly losing control, and combined with the surrounding "black mud", it was about to form a new monsters.

Since "Tower" feels that Mr. Fool has acquiesced to Lilith's plan, then if I really don't show any power, I can't justify it, and it is easier to expose "The Fool"'s weakness, and even let "Tower" give birth to "The Fool" "Maybe it's the same person's "guess" as "the world"...

And this "Saint of Shadow" has been attacked by such a terrible attack just now, I am afraid that he is on the verge of death, it is better for me to make up for this attack.

Thinking of this, Klein made up his mind and recruited the "Seagod Scepter" and "Book of Natural Disasters" from the junk pile.


Inside the passage, Abner, who came out of the "Answer Labyrinth", immediately noticed the "Saint of Shadow" who was "out of control".

"As expected of a demigod of the 'Hanged Man' pathway, the blood is really thick! The 'barren' power in 'Lilith's Tears' is theoretically beyond the reach of ordinary demigods, only those with angels Sequence 3 of the means can take over...

"Did he escape because he was contaminated?"

After Abner sighed with emotion, he would summon the "Bone Dragon" and fuse with it. Before the "Saint of Shadow" was completely transformed into a monster, he would be completely eliminated.

But at this moment, silver-white lightning fell one after another, turning into a thunder forest, completely shrouding the monster that "Saint of Shadow" became.


In the deafening thunder, half withered and half turned into a monster, the "Saint of Shadows" seemed to have lost his intelligence and had no intention of dodging, and was soon annihilated by the thunder forest with a strong aura of destruction!

Abner was stunned, and immediately guessed that Klein was deliberately showing his power, so he made a random gesture and pretended to be respectful: "Praise you, Mr. Fool."

Klein, who was above the gray fog, saw this scene, and nodded with satisfaction, thinking: "I've finally been fooled, it's not worth my spirituality to be taken away..."

He rubbed his forehead and put the Book of Natural Disasters back into the junk pile. With the blessing of this book, although the "Sea God Scepter" can be more powerful, the consumption is also several times larger.

In the passage, the thunder gradually subsided. Abner asked the "Magic Mirror" to release the devil and carefully searched for it, only to find that the remains of the "Saint of Shadow" had long since been completely shattered, leaving only a pothole hanging there. A metal wine bottle left by the power of lightning.

Observing it with "Pure White Eyes", Abner found that the bottle itself was just a container for a special solution. At this moment, it was not related to the "Black Knight" characteristics of the "Saint of Shadow" itself, as well as the "black knight" characteristics of his grazing. "Mind Reader", "Sun Priest", "Briber", "Witch of Pain", "Mystic Master", "", and "Ancient Alchemist" traits are mixed together , produced a mutation...

In addition, it is also contaminated with some "chaotic sea" and "primitive moon"...

It can be said that this thing is currently an extremely terrifying "sealed artifact". Although the ability looks good, as long as you take a sip of the liquid produced in it, you can randomly obtain seven of the above-mentioned sequence abilities, lasting for an hour...

But the side effect is that even Abner, who has "pure white eyes", dare not try it.

After all, after drinking that "liquid", the side effects are also randomly generated!

In light of it, it just praises the sun, and the mind is twisted... In serious cases, it will directly fall out of control or give birth to a child...

The only good news is that the "Black Knight" ruled over a little pollution from the "Sea of ​​Chaos", and the "Ancient Alchemist" merged with the pollution of the "Primordial Moon", barely forming a balance, so as long as you don't touch the liquid in the jug , if you just hold it, it's not a big problem...

"I don't even dare to use the 'splitting technique' to destroy the structure of this sealed artifact... Once the balance inside is broken, I am afraid that only Mr. Fool can handle the pollution...

"Well... After I go back, I will try to use the 'secret technique' to dissociate it. If it doesn't work, let Klein go to 'kill it'... After all, he killed the 'Saint of Shadow', the spoils of war. And half of him isn't it?"

With this in mind, Abner sealed the jug with a card, and then continued to walk along the "barren" passage.

Soon, he came to a deep palace with no light source.

Above the gray fog, Klein's eyes widened instantly after seeing the palace from the perspective of the "tower".

Because he has seen this palace, it is exactly the same as the picture drawn by Arrodes when he showed the state of Zarath!

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