Mystery: Start with the Reader

Vol 2 Chapter 769: Start

Tosk, in the "Rat Road" underground throughout the city, "Black Knight" Cero Delion once again beheaded a monster from "Nightmare", looked back at his entourage, It was found that there was no one else except the old deacon wearing a monocle.

Silo stood with his sword in hand, and asked in a deep voice, "Varys, how long have we been trapped in the so-called 'Rat Way'?"

"Your Excellency, although the passage of time is difficult to detect in different nightmares, I still know that three days have passed." The old man supported his monocle and responded gracefully.

Selo nodded, then suddenly raised the black giant sword in his hand and stopped it in front of the neck of the old deacon, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? Varese won't talk to me like that! You are those The 'rat' hiding in the sewers? You think you've got me, so don't you pretend?"

"Your Excellency, I'm on your side." The old man was not afraid at all, he said with a smile, curling the corners of his mouth.

"Don't you want to say it? Then I will herd you and ask your soul directly, it's the same." "Black Knight" De Lien's arm was strong, and the black giant sword fell immediately. .

Immediately afterwards, a deep crack appeared on the "Black Knight"'s own shoulder. The sturdy black armor seemed to be torn apart by something. The injury spread rapidly, and it was about to approach the heart.

This is the "Blade of Soul and Flesh" of the "Black Knight". It can not only corrode the flesh, destroy the soul, and break the barrier, but also invalidate the defense of any creature with a corrupt idea. It belongs to the core extraordinary ability of the "Black Knight". Originated from the "fallen" realm.

But at this moment, such a powerful blow fell on him.

"What's the point of this? I wanted you to find out more about what is so special about this 'Kaspersky' that Roselle specially designed to deal with me..." The old man deliberately pretended to be "regret" Looking at Selo with an expression, he continued, "I originally thought I was very happy to cooperate... Huh?"

But at this point, he suddenly made a light "huh" because he found that the surrounding scene was rapidly dissipating, and the "black knight" who had been killed by "himself" disappeared. It fell silently.

——That was the hand that he "stealed" the fate of being beheaded and returned it to the other party.

"It turned out to be a nightmare... Has Celo Delion been captured? When? I didn't even notice... This is really interesting." The old man looked around with interest, and then used the stolen The "flesh magic" restored his left arm.

"Very good, it can actually prevent me from contacting other clones... If I hadn't summoned some to come to Tosk in advance, maybe I really couldn't crack this so-called 'Kaspersky',"

After speaking, the image of the old man began to change, turning into the figure of a young man.

This figure was wearing a robe-like black trench coat, matching black pants and black leather shoes, with a wide forehead, a thin face, a high top hat and distinctive monolithic crystal glasses, which made him look extremely gentle.

He pinched the upper and lower ends of the monocle crystal glasses, raised the corner of his mouth and said, "I found you, little mouse."


In the unknown space at the end of the "Rat Road", Abner was in the "Men in Black" base that Abner visited to rescue "Lieutenant General Iceberg" Edwina.

The young man who called himself the "Commander" looked at Celo Delean who was bound upside down on the cross on the altar, and smiled: "The Hanged Man symbolizes depravity and sacrifice. Believer, a 'black knight' to carry the 'pollution' entangled in His Majesty's body is really suitable..."

It's a pity that Celo, who was already in a coma, couldn't hear these words, otherwise he would definitely greet the youth's family cordially.

"As for another sacrifice..." The young man paused when he said this, as if he had noticed something, then shook his head and said:

"The arrangement in the 'Rat Way' is a combination of three 'mysterious reappearances' left by His Majesty, the 'Emperor of Knowledge'.

"Although both 'Nightmare Dragon's Game' and 'Rhine-Solomon's Raven's Lasso' have been solved by you... but the 'Crete Labyrinth' on the last layer is not so easy to solve.

"Your Majesty once said that the 'mysterious' prototype of this labyrinth is to trap a tauren... and Amon, who always occupies the fate of others, is also a kind of 'tauren'...

"Unfortunately... I haven't been able to unravel the meaning of His Majesty's words... but my personal experience has let me know that this 'labyrinth' is indeed very effective for the Beyonders of the 'Thief' path... It is enough to You are trapped until His Majesty needs your help to transfer the 'contamination' to the 'Black Knight'."

He glanced at the Beyonder characteristics and monocles placed on the other two altars, and the young man laughed recklessly.

He will always remember the scene when his mother suddenly put on monocle more than 100 years ago, and "parasitic" his brother, sister and father who returned from going out, put on glasses and smiled at him together.

I will always remember the scene where the chestnut-haired king personally rescued him, and later designed which Amon clone was captured to avenge him...

Therefore, even if the arrangement in the "Kaspersky" stronghold is activated immediately, Amon's clone in the "Rat Way" can be captured immediately... but he still forbears and waits for the moment when His Majesty returns.


Since the "Dreamland Labyrinth Tower" was in operation, only five people in total have been able to pass through the fourth floor and reach the third floor.

Of these five people, two of them also fell into the scene on the second floor and became part of the "Maze Tower" forever.

And in Abner and Klein. When Edwina was sucked into the top layer of the "Dream Labyrinth Tower", the three people with the highest authority on the third floor immediately received the news from the "Maze Tower" and were forcibly "teleported" into the tower.

——After the fourth floor, the real body will break through the barrier!

"There are tower climbers entering the first floor, and the final permission competition scene opens... Confirm the total number of tower climbers 5. (Only 1 person who shares the permissions together


Thales Raynor, the 'Prophet' of Sequence 4, a senior deacon of the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, he was in the library to detect the materials, but suddenly heard the notification from the "Dream Labyrinth Tower", he had to quickly talk to himself. His subordinate explained it, then retrieved the commonly used Extraordinary items, and before the countdown ended, he took the initiative to open the "Door of Dreams and Reality" and entered his lounge.

——After all, most of his equipment is actually placed here.

"How could someone suddenly reach the first floor? No one passed through the second floor before..."

He was puzzled, so before the "scenario" officially started, he prepared the ceremony and took the initiative to make a prediction.

"Assist the holder of the 'Light Chaser' to the final victory...

"The prophecy is so clear, is it the Lord's decree?"

Thales' face was stunned. He was not afraid that he would be punished for not reporting the "Dreamland Labyrinth Tower". After all, the Holy Book of the God of Knowledge actually supports hiding and guarding some knowledge and information in private, and as long as Without selling out the interests of the knowledge church, some other "two or five boys" side-by-side behaviors, such as in-depth communication with people from other churches or countries, will not be held accountable.

In addition to the official team dealing with extraordinary cases, the Church of Knowledge is quite free and open, more like a consortium of guilds composed of scholars.

In short, after judging that the "prophecy" was indeed the decree of the "Lord", Thales frowned, he hesitated for a while, then clicked on the "Exchange List" and spent all his points...


Rorsted Islands, Orawi.

After "Silent Disciple" Jakes heard the prompt of "Dream Labyrinth Tower", he immediately received another order: "Destroy the last ritual of the Labyrinth Tower."

Jakes fell to his knees, his forehead stuck to the ground, and shivered as he said, "Follow your will... the great mother tree of desire."


Trier, the "Saint of Shadows" of the Aurora Society swallowed the crushed fingers in his belly, and then humbly prostrated himself on the ground, saying in his mouth: "Follow your oracle, and I will surely win and win And destroy that blasphemous tower."


At the same time, in the scene on the first floor of the Dream Labyrinth Tower, Abner rubbed his forehead and stood up, and then he saw the words written on the ground with "blood"... It was also the task of the first floor:

"Clear mission: Win the 'Holy Grail' war and make a wish to the 'Holy Grail'.

"Optional quest 1: Summoning heroic spirits, using 'holy relics' to summon heroic spirits that belong to you.

"Optional Mission 2: Kill all 'Masters'.

"Optional task 3: Find out the person possessed by 'Russell Gustav's Phantom' and awaken it."

These words only existed for half a minute, and they turned into a "magic circle" composed of many magic symbols.

"Holy Grail War? Oh, it's really a suitable scene... No matter what the wisher made at the end, it won't be 'distorted' into resurrecting Roselle, right?

"Then what is the evil of this world in the Holy Grail? Chaos or the pollution of the 'Fallen Mother God'?

"Hey... I still have a note on my body... This is my replacement identity... Emiya Kiritsugu? I didn't expect that I was still the protagonist...

"Hehe, there really is a 'curse mark' on the wrist."

Abner complained a few words at the pattern on his wrist, and then saw Edwina push the door and walk in, but Klein was nowhere to be seen.

Edwina also took out a note and said, "I really want to replace this man named Irisviel von Einzbern..."

Edwina is not qualified as a "Tower Climber", so she can't be a "Master"?

Abner glanced at her wrist, but did not find the existence of the "curse mark", and could not help but flash other thoughts:

Kiritsugu has it, his wife has it... Then where is Kuu Maiya?

At this time, the "magic mirror" in his sleeve vibrated faintly.

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