Mystery: Start with the Reader

Vol 2 Chapter 721: Bernadette who came to the door

Chorwood, inside the villa at 28 Kingster Street.

Abner originally planned to meet with the "shareholders" of the film and television company at dinner to discuss the company's affairs and follow-up arrangements.

Who would have thought that Hazel, Fanny, and Elaine hadn't come back yet, but the busiest Hugh came first.

——Hazel's father, Senator Macht, had agreed to mortgage some of his shares in several newspapers after seeing the demo; Fanny also transferred part of his grandfather's estate in Backlund to Abner's name, In exchange for the shares of the film and television company; Hugh is the custodian of the investments of Her Royal Highness Vera... In short, they are indeed shareholders.

"...Anyway, in addition to giving me these precious materials, His Royal Highness also entrusted me with a task that seems to be quite simple." After drinking the black tea prepared by Mrs. Scudder, Hugh took the After repeating it again.

It just looks simple... A task that can be equivalent to a Sequence 5 promotion ceremony must have a profound meaning...

Also, who is the Princess Vera who didn't appear in the original book? Listening to some of Hugh's previous descriptions of her behavior, she seems to have a subtle attitude towards the Loen royal family.

Abner frowned, ignoring the information about the nobles of Intis, and only took the box covered with various runes in his hand and looked at it.

"The functions and levels of these runes are very confusing, as if they were randomly posted by laymen...

"But if they were posted randomly, they wouldn't exist stably at all... not to mention that these runes do indeed serve to seal the items in the box."

Thinking of this, Abner opened the "Pure White Eye" and observed it, then put the box back on the coffee table and thought to himself:

"I can't see through this ban... unless all those runes are destroyed...

"But it's someone else's thing after all, it's not good to take it apart privately, it goes against my principles.

"What's more, the contents of the box may not be without danger..."

Seeing that Abner was silent, Hugh asked curiously, "Have you found anything?"

Abner shook his head gently and replied, "It can only be judged that the contents in the box also have the property of 'chaos', otherwise they would not be banned in this way."

Confusion... After thinking about it, I still have no clue. I have to skip this topic and ask instead, "Do you think I should complete this task?"

She herself is inclined to go, after all, Hugh doesn't think Her Royal Highness Vera will use this method to frame herself.

"I just made a prophecy, but it failed... Maybe this matter does involve the Red Angel." Abner thought for a moment, then continued, "In this way, after the meeting at night, I will go with you. A trip to Williams Street."

In Backlund, Abner, who had a lot of backstage hands and a hard backstage, was really not very afraid of Medici.

Hearing the words, Xiu declined: "Abner, this is my next mission. You don't need to take risks. If you're really worried, just lend me a few Sealed Artifacts."

Hearing this, Abner smiled and said, "Not to mention that I want to follow you, you may not find out... More importantly, I think that His Highness may really want to let me handle this. Box.

"You know, she made it clear that she asked you to come and discuss with me... and after the discussion, I will probably go with you because of my worries.

"I'm afraid it's all within his calculations."

Xio is not stupid, she recalled what Her Royal Highness Vera said in the office before, and suddenly said: "Maybe this is true!"

But then she had new doubts: "What is her purpose, Your Highness?"

"Whatever the purpose is, it should be revealed when I deliver the box to that abandoned church."

Abner replied with a smile, as if he had finalized the matter of his colleagues, and then picked up the materials prepared by Vera and read them page by page.

"There is no angel family in the Republic of Intis now, but there are demigods among the families with extraordinary inheritance, and there are currently 8.

"The Sauron family is still the first family of Intis on the bright side, with three demigods and four powerful '1' level sealed artifacts... In addition, even the '0' sealed artifact still retains one, and It's the 'Blue Thorn' numbered '0-50'...

"The Delien family is in charge of the formula for the 'Sailor' and the 'Hunter' pathway.

"The 'Sailor' pathway comes from the reward of the Church of the 'Eternal Blazing Sun', but only to Sequence 5 'Ocean Singer'.

"The two demi-gods of the Delien family in the church of 'Eternal Blazing Sun', one joined the church since childhood, starting from the 'Singer', and gradually became the 'No Dark One'. There is no feeling and sense of belonging, but praises the sun wholeheartedly.

"The other was halfway through declaring his belief in the God of Commerce, joining the church, and changing from 'Ocean Singer' to 'No Dark One'.

"The 'Hunter' pathway formula of the Delian family comes from the Sauron family, but it is not complete.

The sequence of 'arsonist' is less... However, when the ancestors of Delien overthrew the Gustav dynasty, they got the formula of 'predator' by luck, and they were successfully promoted to demigods and lived to this day.

"In There are three saints in this family, and the status of the sealed items is unknown.

"...The Fleiss family is even worse. Although they are in charge of the recipes for the first half of the demigods of the 'Hunter' and the 'Singer', the two saints of the family belong to the 'Eternal Blazing Sun'.

"Family comes after faith.

"...Finally, the Surrey family, the only demigod on the bright side has fallen, and now there is only a '1' level sealed artifact that frightens the enemies who want to pounce on the family and bite the family.

"However, the Surrey Family's Extraordinary pathway comes entirely from the reward of the Church of Steam... Only the low-rank potion formula in the Path of Knowledge.

"Even after Mr. Surrey's death, the entire Surrey family didn't even have a Sequence 5."

After reading this, Abner had a superficial understanding of the pattern of Intis, and the plan in his heart gradually improved.

At this moment, the hands of the clock pointed to six o'clock, and Fanny, Hazel, and Elaine also returned to the villa together.

Behind them, a fat orange cat stopped at the gate of the villa.

It first sniffed around suspiciously, and then seemed to have found something, plucked one from the mane at the neck and slapped it on the forehead, causing a third eye to grow there.

With the help of the "third eye", it quickly found the problem, raised its head and glanced up, then hesitated for a while, and jumped to the pea vine that was in some kind of "secret".

"Your Highness Princess." Lion Leon revealed his original body and called to the lady sitting on the swing high above the vines.


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