Mystery: Start with the Reader

Vol 2 Chapter 676: Prelude to a new story

South Bridge, Harvest Church.

Emlyn White, wearing a priest’s robe, stood in the kitchen, directing the two sisters, Freya and Daisy, to throw different herbs into the big iron pot, while he himself focused on the preparation of the medicine in the other big pot. .

When Aitris tried her best to carry Mrs. Liv, the mother of their two sisters, out of the heavy smog of the eastern district, the latter was dying, and if it hadn't been out of the black iron fog in time, she would have died long ago.

But even so, Mrs. Liv’s health has been greatly harmed. Acute respiratory distress syndrome, myocarditis, liver damage, sepsis, pulmonary embolism, etc. are caused by long-term overdraft of the body and living in a dirty environment. And the hidden dangers caused by it all broke out...

Fortunately, when Aitris discovered her, she immediately poured a bottle of vitality-stimulating potion for her, and finally rushed to the Harvest Church before her death, and Emlyn, a professional pharmacist, saved her life.

At this time, the plague caused by the heavy smog has spread, and many believers developed by Bishop Utravsky, and even desperate unbelievers, poured into the Harvest Church to ask for medicine, making Emlyn and Harol busy. But come.

Seeing this, out of gratitude, Daisy and Freya volunteered to stay and help Emlyn make potions.

As for Aitris, he went home to confirm the situation of his parents.

"Prior White, ten minutes are here." Daisy reminded, glanced at the wall clock on the wall.

Emlyn nodded, scooped up the black liquid inside with an iron spoon, and suddenly frowned.

Because the quality of this potion was surprisingly good, it was at least 30-40% more effective than his usual configuration.

"Could it be that this church has the blessing of Mother Earth?

"But the mother goddess is the **** of harvest and life. It seems that he doesn't have the authority of'pharmaceuticals'?"

He murmured a few words, but didn't think deeply. He only put the potion in the pot into the glass bottle and glass next to him, and then ordered the two girls in front of him to send a bottle of dark green liquid to the hall.

In the hall, most of the prayer seats were torn down, and the floor was covered with tattered quilts. Inside, there were plague-infected people who were lying or slumbering or groaning in pain.

After Father Harou and Utravsky each took part of the potion, the four cooperated and distributed from several directions.

In fact, after the smog, Congressman Maht wanted to take his daughter home as soon as possible, but Harouer refused.

After accepting the teachings of Mother Earth, she couldn't stand indifferently watching the innocent life pass away.

"Cough! Cough! Pastor Macht, thank you so much, I think I am much better." A young female worker lying in a shabby quilt coughed gratefully.

Just as soon as she finished speaking, she said with a sad expression: "It's a pity that my parents didn't even make it to the church and they fell... ahem!"

Harou pursed her mouth when she heard the words, feeling sad for these people who had suffered innocent disasters.

She didn't know the inside story of the Great Smog, but only listened to Emlyn saying that it seemed that a certain high-sequence witch was performing a ritual or seeking to play.

The witch... it's another witch! This reminded her of the ball that caused her to lose her arm. If it were not stopped in time, I am afraid that the casualties would not be small at that time...

"It's a pity that the'Hero Detective' left Backlund, no other heroes had foreseen the disaster beforehand..." Hazel thought of Abner, and while sighing, he recalled the dream that he had one night last week. Quickly shook his head, let go of his thoughts, and continued to distribute the potions.

After ten minutes or so, after everyone took the potion, Haruer glanced at his pocket watch, and just wanted to say hello to the Freya sisters who surrounded Ms. Liv, so that they should not forget to prepare for the evening’s "Holy During the meal, he suddenly saw Emlyn coming out of the kitchen behind him, sneaking up to Bishop Utravsky.

"'The mist dissipates, the Moonlight Knight returns'..." Emlyn whispered to the Bishop Half-Giant.

Bishop Utravsky was silent for a few seconds after hearing the words, and then smiled: "The Mother God already knows and will reward you.

"Whether it's your previous message or now helping these innocent lives, it has all been affirmed by the mother god."

Emlyn rushed to the Harvest Church from the kinship residence to complete the mission of "The Fool", and after seeing the tragic situation of so many civilians, although his face was disdainful, he took the initiative to stay and prepare the medicine.

At this moment, he sighed after hearing the priest's words:

"I'm not interested in Mother God's award..."

Although I have often copied the holy scriptures of the Mother Earth in recent months... He added a bit resentfully in his heart, and then casually said: "Father, I have found a solution to the psychological hints, and maybe I will leave here soon. ."

Father Utravsky lowered his head kindly, looked at him and said: "In fact, if you wait for a while, the psychological hint will be lifted by yourself... It does not force you to convert, but it just makes you go back to church every day. , I hope you can fully appreciate the preciousness of life and the joy of harvest."

"The only effect of that psychological suggestion is to get me back to the church?" Emlyn's expression was sluggish, and he moved slowly and mechanically to look back at the altar, and at the holy emblem of "Mother Earth", as if it changed in an instant. Become a doll.

Then why do I pray to the Mother Earth God more and more religiously? ! I obviously believe in the moon!


Byam, aromatic manor.

When Abner stepped on the stairs of the underground workshop, Elaine and "Lion" Leon had just returned from the outside.

——Of course, in the eyes of the servants, the host and his maid finally opened the bedroom door.

Leon "Lion" spotted him for the first time, so after getting out of the sight of Mr. Butler, he took the initiative to cancel the phantom of "Ebner" and became a lion invisible to ordinary people.

Seeing this, Abner also showed his figure, replacing the original seat beside Elaine.

Elaine also found something wrong at this time. She turned her head and glanced, and then said in surprise: "Detective Breen, you are back!"

"Your contract is about to expire. You have promised to honor Leon's terms, and I will naturally have to come back." Abner smiled and replied.

"You remember." Leon wrinkled his nose in dissatisfaction.

"Contract..." Elaine's face was in a trance, and months of easy life had almost made her forget about it, if it hadn't happened at the extraordinary party just now.

——The reason why she and Leon just went out was to act as "notaries" and "identifiers" at the extraordinary gathering of "Fragrant Leaf Bar".

After instructing the servants to prepare Abner casually talked about his upcoming trip to Intis, and asked Elaine if he would like to go with him.

Elaine looked at Abner who was satiating, and hesitated and said: "At the extraordinary party just now, someone from Tracy was offering me a reward...

"And clearly pointed out that I might be someone's maid..."

Offering a reward at the "Fragrant Leaf Bar" party? Although it's a plot that happened in the original book... But thinking about it, it's a little funny...

Abner stopped the knife and fork, gave Elaine a weird look, and asked:

"So, what about your decision?"


On the other side, on the "Black Death" hundreds of nautical miles away from Byam, "Lieutenant General Illness" Tracy held the ceremony alone in the room, but failed to get the expected response...

"Since chasing that Baron Larry into Backlund, she has had no news for nearly three weeks...

"Did something happen?

"No... she's an "old witch"...

"If she wants to escape, it will be difficult to be left behind.

"Or she doesn't want to tell me Elaine's whereabouts, and is deliberately avoiding me?"

In Tracy’s heart, there is actually no deep affection for her mother, Katerina. The "old witch" has lived long enough, and most of the time, she maintains her youthful mentality by interacting with young people. Children who are interested in giving birth are often enthusiastic for a period of time and indifferent most of the time.

However, at this time, Tracy discovered that although she hated her and blamed her, she still unconsciously relied on her and didn't want her to have an accident...


In the underground jail rebuilt by the Intis Embassy, ​​Special Envoy Owen looked at the witch suppressed by the sealed object, pinched her chin, and smiled:

"Do one thing for me and let you go completely."

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