Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 233: The big secret treasure exists!

"Mystery: Paradox Path(

"Ms. Sierra, did you talk about classmates before?" Snow signed his name on the two single-books that Sierra had taken, and then asked in a chatty manner.

"Well, I just graduated this year, but my parents actually asked me to go to work in my family's company. Oh, my God, I'm obviously an archaeologist! If I want to be a manager, haven't my four years of books been read in vain?" Sera looked at Snow's almost perfect face and said with great enthusiasm:

"Fortunately, I usually spend money frugally, and I have saved a lot of money, which is enough for me to take a good look at this familiar and unfamiliar world! I have already visited the former residence of Emperor Roselle in Intis. , I visited the magnificent Dusk Hall in Feysac, I also ate the traditional food of Fei Nepot, and listened to the academic discussion of Lenburg... Next, I plan to go to Bayam, the capital of generosity, to see the legendary Pirate story..."

Snow listened to Serra's talk, and his predecessor's habit in memory began to recover. He forcibly interrupted his thoughts of trying to comfort and guide the other party, and warned in a more serious tone:

"Oh, ma'am, although I am very grateful for your trust, I still want to remind you that when you are alone, some words cannot be said casually! After all, in this sea, order is limited to the powerful."

Serra heard Snow's reminder, showed a smile with a shallow dimple, patted her waist lightly, and said softly:

"You have to trust the self-preservation ability of a lady who has traveled alone for half a year."

Snow laughed inwardly, although he couldn't see the specific path of the other party, but from a spiritual point of view, it was only about Sequence Eight, which would kill the newly promoted Sequence Seven. not bad.

It's just that although this level is not too low for a wild Beyonder, it is obviously not enough to venture into the Sunia Sea.

Snow played with the coin in his hand lightly, and suddenly tossed it up casually. Looking at the coin with its back up, he turned off the idea of ​​reminding the other party, and said casually:

"Then we have enough self-defense Ms. Sierra, what are you going to see in the Sunya Sea? Although Bayam has a great reputation, IMHO, it's not worth visiting for a lady. The place."

"Hey!" Sera blinked slightly, and then said in a small voice:

"That, Mr. Snow, do you know the great secret treasure of Emperor Roselle?"

"Big secret treasure?" Snow frowned slightly, remembering the legend of the sea in the original book, but it was only mentioned in the original book, and he had no relevant information, so he simply made a blank expression.

Sera saw Snow's unexplained appearance, and the "good teacher" inscribed in human DNA began to explode. She showed a "I'll tell you, don't tell anyone" expression, squinting. road:

"It is said that Emperor Roselle once had a period of traversing the four seas. During that glorious period, he not only discovered a new channel leading to the Southern Continent, but also obtained many treasures, and he brought some of them back to the Causeway. Tis became the background of his later management of Intis, and the other part was hidden by him in the Sonia Sea. Later, Emperor Roselle secretly dispatched his cronies to the sea several times as evidence."

"..." Snow listened to Serra's serious remarks, and shook his head slightly. Although this was indeed in line with the personality of Roselle, he knew very well that those who went to sea were there to build graves—and Covered near the abyss.

Seeing that Snow didn't believe it, Sera seemed to be stimulated, and said very seriously:

"What I say is true! Although many legends about treasures at sea are false, this one is absolutely true! I found a manuscript in an ancient library in Rmburg, which records Rose The specific information of the treasure left by Emperor Er the Great——

Emperor Roselle did not directly leave the treasure to future generations, but made four stone tablets and scattered them in the sea. Each stone tablet recorded a coordinate. Through those coordinates, four islands can be found. The four islands are marked on the chart to connect with each other, and the place where they meet is where he buried the great secret treasure..."

"???" Snow's lazy eyes suddenly converged. If he didn't believe it before, now, he believes 100%!

That's right, not 70%, not 80%, but 10%!

Because of this kind of operation, people who have not seen One Piece will definitely not be able to do it!

Since Roselle didn't copy One Piece, this historical text increased the combination of secret treasures, and only a few people could come up with it, and it was obviously impossible for them to make such a move in Roselle's name.


Snow let the coin spin at his fingertips again, and with a bang, the coin landed in his palm again——


"Interesting." Snow let the coins roll over and over at his fingertips, as if his previous actions were just habitual He adjusted his expression slightly, making himself seem to be starting to become interested In general, and then thoughtfully said:

"There's no reason for you to share such important information with a stranger, right? Even if you're a fan of my books, there's no way to prove that I'm really 'Snow', right?"

"It's actually not secret information!" Sera showed a mischievous smile and said in a slightly apologetic tone:

"The first stone tablet fell into the hands of the Queen of Mysteries more than ten years ago. This is something that almost all treasure hunters at sea know."

"So what? Don't you tell me that you plan to **** the treasure with the four kings?"

Coin chose to ask questions, but Snow still had to follow the most basic logic. Hearing Snow said this, Serra shook her head decisively:

"How is that possible! I just want to experience the feeling of treasure hunting, I don't need to find them all, as long as I can find one stone tablet is enough! And according to the knowledge of geometry, in fact, I don't need to find all the stone tablets, just find two of them, You can try your luck by connecting two locations, and if you find three pieces, just move along the line connecting the three coordinates, and you will definitely find your destination!"

"Is this how geometry is used? You are an Extraordinary after all, so you never thought about the possibility of extraordinary power in these coordinates?"

Snow groaned inwardly, and tossed the coin again, looking at the lion pattern on the front and back, he decisively showed a heartwarming smile:

"Then wish Ms. Sera can find the legendary treasure."

After speaking, he stood up, the gentleman paid for the drinks for the two of them, and then walked towards the room without looking back, leaving only Sera with a confused face——

"What's the matter, shouldn't he ask me why I'm looking for him?"

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