Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 897 Who is the murderer

Three days later, Wen Rensheng placed Liu Jian's ancient tomb in an unexpected place.

Then he retracted the puppet and looked at the empty blood island in front of him.

There is still some unfinished bloody smell on it.

The man in black, the three great alien races, and the dark world have all turned into passing clouds.

It was dull, and my heart was empty.

It's like watching a series of cartoons when I was a child, or playing a game after I grow up.

"Are you bored?" Ahandeb appeared again at this time.

"You saw Liu Jian's battle, can you tell me something about it?" Wen Rensheng asked casually while sitting at the gate of the castle.

"Okay, when you cast the first sacrifice, he lost a hand, and then he was attacked by two black-robed kings with gold medals, but he was very strong, unexpectedly strong, he broke out all The anger of the two people sucked the souls and alien species of the two into his body."

"Actually, you can come out thanks to his sacrifice. Otherwise, even if you want to find an exit at the bottom of the blood pool, you may not be able to come out."

"You thought you could at least save the people around you, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be the other way around."

The last sentence, at this time, I still don't forget to attack my own defense, it really is a 2B.

In fact, he was not very sad. After all, for Liu Jian, this was seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence, transcending and sublimating.

Besides, there is no real death, but it may be more painful than death.

Wen Rensheng shook his head: "He is very brave, he surpasses himself."

"Actually, I didn't believe that he would sacrifice himself. He could have escaped, or given up the alien species to escape, but he didn't. This is why I like to observe you, and you can always give me a little surprise at some point." Ai Handbu laughed.

Dead people are insignificant to a monster like it.

Just like how many people will shed tears when they see the death of a character in a TV series?

Everyone only cares about whether the conflict is intense enough and whether the scene is exciting enough.

Wen Rensheng was stunned for a while, then was interrupted by a voice:

"Master, what are you doing here in a daze? Get it done quickly, let me go in and play."

Besides Xiao Huan, who else could have such a playful guy?

Wen Rensheng laughed suddenly, then patted his clothes, stood up, walked into the gate of the castle again, and came to the dark world.

At this time, the world was empty, and no monsters appeared anymore.

This guy Xiao Huan suddenly appeared beside him, then curled his lips and said:

"Bare, nothing, it's not as fun as the one I saw last time, wait for me to bring some toys in." She said so.

The next moment, many blue-robed and red-robed priests appeared here.

"Oh, great God, have we come to the Kingdom of God?" Someone immediately praised.

It's almost like coming to hell.

Wen Rensheng thought to himself.

"Okay, there is nothing here, you send a few people back to prepare materials, and leave a few people here to design the playground." Xiao Huan said to her toys again.

This is the first time Wen Rensheng has seen her communicate with the priests. It turned out to be like this. She doesn't know what it means to pretend or cover up.

Didn't these priests grasp its hobby in the first place?

"Yes, great God."

Then some priests disappeared.

Wen Rensheng didn't care about this plaything, but said to Shi Shi: "Now that you have a place that is most suitable for your cultivation, what do you want to do?"

"Oh, I'll just discuss it with my sister."

That being the case, Wen Rensheng is not going to take care of her anymore, after all, the promotion of the Illusory Seed does not require him to upgrade.


Time flies, more than half a month has passed.

Wen Rensheng naturally returned home, practicing and going to class every day, very peaceful.

Xiao Huan is playing in the new playground, Shi Shi is making a new toy for his sister...the connection is quite good.

On this day, it was Thursday, and Wen Rensheng received a small task, which was transferred by the inspectorate, in Dongshui City, and asked him to go and have a look.

The scene is in the wild, next to an ancient well.

Security officers have cordoned off the scene.

The victim, a young man, died in the ancient well, which was discovered by tourists.

There are currently two suspects, one is a pretty woman in business attire, and the other is a slightly honest female lecturer in a university.

According to the suspect's statement, the three of them went out to play together, and after lunch, the man invited the two women to have a heart-to-heart talk...

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he really had nothing to say.

Doesn't this man know old sayings? Two people don't look at the well, and three people don't lift the tree.

Wen Rensheng had seen the corpse under the white cloth, he was still a handsome man, dressed luxuriously, and should have a good fortune.

After investigation, there is no immediate family member, which is probably one of the reasons why the other party can play so well.

First use the spirit summoning technique, and go back to the scene to have a look.

Wen Rensheng did it when he thought of it, and began to draw the ceremony on the spot.

Then a phantom appeared in front of everyone.

The two suspects didn't seem to panic, but just watched curiously.

Outside the blockade, there is a circle of melon-eating tourists. It is the nature of the world to watch the excitement, and it is the same in ancient and modern China and abroad.

"It has appeared, it has appeared, this is the mysterious power! It's really worth going out for a walk this time." Someone said in surprise.

Soon there was the sound of the phone taking pictures.

No one stopped them. Anyway, the mysterious knowledge has been released a lot now.

"Looking at that scene, it seems to be the scene of the deceased before he died!" Someone then shouted.

That's right, in the phantom at this time, a young man appeared, who was the dead man under the white cloth.

With a smile on his face, he took the hand of the university female lecturer, sat beside the ancient well, and talked intimately.

What do you love me, I love you, I want to sell rice for you...

However, at the next moment, a scene that frightened the melon-eating crowd appeared.

I saw that the female lecturer didn't know why, maybe she didn't sit still, maybe she was too excited, she turned over and fell into the ancient well.

When the young man was looking down in panic, he found that the female lecturer stood up from the well, drenched all over.

It turned out that the water in the well was not deep, only half a meter, and it was raining water, but the bottom of the well was still very deep, with a height of two or three meters.

Only then did the young man laugh, and wanted to reach out and grab the woman.

But the next moment, he seemed to hear some voice, and actually said something to the well, and then ran away in a hurry.

If this is the case alone, the people who eat melons will not be afraid.

What is frightening is that the moment the young man ran away, the water in the well surged, submerging the female lecturer...

In other words, the female lecturer who appeared in front of them is not a person!

"Hurry up and arrest her!" Someone exclaimed and pointed at the honest female lecturer.

"Yeah, it doesn't look normal."

The female lecturer finally lost her composure, she hurriedly shouted: "I, I'm fine, the person in there is not me."

Wen Rensheng looked her up, but didn't speak.

The security guard next to him was fine.

The illusion continued, and the perspective quickly changed from the ancient well to a small forest.

In the woods, the woman in business attire appeared, and it turned out that she was calling for a man just now.

The man came over and pointed fingers at the woman in professional attire.

Only then did everyone know why the man ran away from the ancient well just now.

He must have wanted to temporarily hide the female lecturer at the bottom of the well, and then cheat on the other party. This is really courageous enough.

"Deserve it." Someone said sourly.

"Hmph, it's only natural that the hatchet ends." Someone else echoed.

Outside the cordon, there are more and more people. It seems that someone shared the location and put it on the Internet. The nearby residents and tourists all came here.

I'm really not afraid of death...

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