Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 889 Betrayal

"Let go of me, my own people don't hit my own people!" The crocodile begged for mercy to Altman.

"It's our own people!"

Altman ignored it, punched and kicked directly, venting his anger to his heart's content.

The crocodile struggled hard, released fog for a while, and poisoned for a while, but it was all to no avail, so Altman couldn't help it.

However, all the flowers, plants and trees around it were devastated and withered.

The crowd of onlookers took many steps back again.

The scene in front of them seemed funny, but if they went up, it would be the crocodile's food, the kind that could only be stuffed between the teeth.

"Damn it, I'll give you all those source crystals, don't fight any more!" The crocodile couldn't resist and could only accept it.

"Just give it to me, how many people have you eaten these days?"

"I've never eaten people, I'm just working hard." The big crocodile defended.

"Oh, what school are you from?"

"I don't have a school, I'm a casual cultivator."

"Say something I don't understand."

"It's just that no one wants it, so I can't pass the exam." The crocodile said decadently.

"Then how did you get here?"

"I came here by application. There was a school looking for cheap labor to work here, so I followed."

The crocodile answers every question. Of course, the conversation between it and Xiaohuan is incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Everyone can only see their Ultraman angels, gaining the upper hand.

This increased their piety by more than ten percentage points, and some people who were dubious at first also believed it thoroughly.

Not a god, how could it be possible to suppress such a huge monster so easily?

A giant crocodile that is more than ten meters long can emit fog and poison. This is a scene that only appears in disaster movies.

Professor Malley looked at the colossal angel, and his heart moved slightly.

These days, he is always looking for ways to obtain mysterious power.

And those colossus priests do possess divine power.

This made him very envious.

These powers are not available to him now. Although he has helped the Federation to do a lot of things, he is only an assistant.

An inexplicable thought arose in his mind.

He thought for a while and said, "Ronnie, we should break into this disaster, no, the inside of this colossus. Only in this way can we better cover the development of our new base."

"Well, that's a good point, but what should we do?" Ronnie didn't object to him, after all, there were many such things in the movie.

"I want to be the priest of the Colossus God." He said directly.

Miria looked back at Professor Malley, but didn't speak.

"Isn't that dangerous? I heard that priests have to communicate directly with the gods." Roni said worriedly.

"According to my observation, the mind of the Colossus God is only about six to nine years old." Professor Malley said suddenly.

"Ah? How did you come to this conclusion?" Ronnie's pretty face was full of surprise.

She couldn't imagine that such an incredibly powerful monster had the mind of a child?

"Yes, I have several reasons. One is that it likes all kinds of lively scenes, and the other is that the angel it sent today will be Ultraman. The third is that it has never had any goals in doing things. Do what comes to mind. Fourth, it can't control its temper at all..."

In fact, he just said these words to perfunctory his two companions.

After all, these things may also be illusions, who can really understand what the calamities want to do?

Can people understand the mind of monsters? People can't even understand their own thinking, let alone monsters.

"I see. I didn't expect the professor to make such a major discovery after just observing for such a short period of time." Roni said with sincere admiration.

"But isn't this more terrifying? Because it means that there must be more mature and powerful monsters behind it." Miria said suddenly.

"Yeah, that's why we need someone to go in. I believe that Eagle Fort has sent many people here, and we can't fall behind."

"Are you really going to do this?"

"Yes, I have made a decision. There is a saying in Dongzhou that if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? Some things have to be done." Professor Malley had a righteous face.

"Uh, I seem to remember that the words came from Tianzhu, and Dongzhou people have always believed that I will not go to hell, let you go to hell." Ronnie corrected.

A good family education allowed her to surpass the professors of science and engineering in terms of language.

"It's almost the same, maybe I remembered it wrong." Professor Malley's heart had already settled down.

He can no longer touch around like this, after all, he is going to be 70 years old this year, and he doesn't have many years to live, so he has to grasp a straw that he can see.

In fact, he had studied these two colossi for a long time, and found them to be the few objects that were easier to live with. This is also the root of Eagle Castle's business with them.

After all, he is not the only smart person, he can see it, and others can also see it.

But he believes he is uniquely valuable.

At least better than those priests who only have a high school degree, right?

Milia sighed, then took out a small rabbit pendant from her pocket, and handed it over: "Thank you professor for your help all the time, this is a protective talisman, you can take it."

"Thank you, Mia, I believe we will continue to cooperate in the future." Professor Malley understood that his true thoughts may have been seen through by this clear-eyed girl.

"Most definitely."

While the few people were talking, the situation outside the car changed again.

I saw that the crocodile suddenly became smaller, shrinking from more than ten meters long to only seventy or eighty centimeters long, and was pinched by Ultraman between his fingers.

"The monster has surrendered, long live the Ultraman Angel!" a priest shouted.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

Dongzhou culture is strong, including the celebration slogan of long live, which has also been spread to the west.

【Too powerful, this is the power of monsters, it is impossible for human beings to defeat this doomsday on their own. 】Professor McLeary thought to himself.

He knew very well that if the crocodile just now was eliminated by the Federation, it would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

The huge toy-like Ultraman seems to be able to suppress it easily, but if it is replaced by humans to deal with it, the sacrifice will be too great.

Missiles, cannons, and tanks are useless against disasters. They can disappear quickly and then appear anywhere.

Only the same power can restrain them.

Professor Malley has studied a lot of things related to mysterious power during this period, so he is very clear about this.

It takes too much time for human beings to develop to defeat these monsters.

Although the alien species appeared along with almost the entire human civilization, human research on it, just like the research on the entire universe, is insignificant.

This also caused many aliens to collapse at the touch of a powerful catastrophe monster, and only had the ability to escape.

Only a very small number of strong people, a very small number of people who can truly exert different powers, can defeat those monsters.

In Professor Malley's mind, the people outside were celebrating again.

And the priests also organized an on-site celebration in time to praise the Ultraman Angel.

Music, dance, and even sports competitions take place in this wilderness.

While admiring these activities, the Ultraman angel ordered some priests to dig caves and dig out those crystals.

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