Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 886 Another Daily Life

McCann, Colossus State.

A peaceful scene, with bread in the shop, firewood in the house, and oil in the car.

Of course, life is much more difficult than before. All kinds of offal that were thrown away casually in the past are now sold as food.

The second-hand furniture that was thrown away casually in the past can no longer be thrown away casually now.

The habit of wasting at will has also been corrected.

Vagabonds cannot be vagabond, because the priests said that the Colossus God hates seeing dirty vagabonds.

In this way, this place has become a refreshing place.

"Why does it feel like this is not the scope of the jurisdiction of disasters, but a bit like the sanctuary of God?"

A woman's voice sounded in a car.

This is Professor Mailey driving a car, leading Milia and Ronnie, on a street in the Colossus State.

"It's ironic. God has never controlled people's life and death, but the devil began to correct people's bad behavior." Professor Malley said.

At this point, he quickly apologized: "Sorry, Mia, I forgot, you are still a nun."

"It's nothing, I believe in light and love." Miria said indifferently.

It is the light alien in the body that gives her strength, not the Lord who created it.

This, she understood after activating the alien species.

She still maintains her status as a nun, simply because in this land, believers far outnumber unbelievers.

"Well, but now I understand why the people in Eagle Fort would compromise and bow their heads so easily. When encountering a mild disaster, they naturally don't want to take the risk of inexplicable death to resist and fight." Professor Malley Scanning the crowd on the street.

Many people had smiles from the bottom of their hearts, as if they had never known the horror of disasters.

"Yeah, I heard the comments on the Internet that people in the Colossus State don't need to struggle and don't need to use money to prove their worth. The only thing they have to do is to entertain the two Colossi. Sports, movies, paintings... every day When you are full, you can study various arts and entertainment methods, basically nothing to consume." Roni continued.

"This is the dolphin raised in the circus, enjoying leisurely and free swimming every day, but no longer has the freedom to swim to the sea." Professor Malley said sharply.

He doesn't envy this kind of life, but he doesn't judge those who enjoy it either.

After all, most people are ordinary people who just want to live a good life.

"We are here, it is difficult to find allies, but as long as we work hard, we can develop a secret base." Miria said.

After these years of fighting, she has grown rapidly. After all, she has a different species, which is still a rare type, and she has great power herself.

There are many people gathered around to give her advice, and she usually yearns for Joan of Arc in history, but Joan of Arc is too stupid.

Joan really believed in God, but she didn't, she believed in her own strength and belief.

"Well, it's quite stable here. It's not as chaotic as outside. Supplies of materials and manpower shouldn't be a problem." Roni nodded.

Ronnie is still a little naive, but not stupid. She comes from an elite family, and she still has some knowledge.

It is a common principle to have a stable rear base in combat. Without this, it is impossible to persevere.

Now that Eagle Fort has voted, their Calamity Joint Elimination Association needs to open up a new place if they want to continue to operate.

Fortunately, Eagle Castle did not betray them, but cut off the financial subsidy in the open account, but the help and support in the dark is still there, of course, it has turned several corners.

For example, by default, those big local tyrants continue to spend money to invest in their disaster federation projects.

It is impossible for them to blatantly continue to support the Elimination Society, but they will never cut off the other party's sources of funds and manpower.

Unless they are asked to do so.

The three of them drove the car, visited several places, and finally chose a base.

This is a small town on the border of the Colossus State, and the residents are very simple.

They were Aboriginal people who lived on farms and ranches, the kind of people who could live their lives in isolation.

With the advent of disasters, they even closed their communication with the outside world, except for a few supplies that need to be purchased from outside, such as medicines, and other things, all of which are self-sufficient.

For example, they make their own clothes out of leather. It can be said that every household in this small town is an expert in wilderness survival.

As for farming, they have also degenerated from mechanization to the level of animal power.

The reason is not to go outside to buy diesel and gasoline, and the farmland is all natural. Unlike most of McCann’s farms, which rely on pesticides, fertilizers and genetically modified seeds to maintain high yields, their farmland yields are very low, even lower than those of other farms. The output of the ancient farmland in Shangdongzhou.

After all, they don't have that much labor to tend the fields.

They were able to enter this closed town because of Miria's status as a nun. They still believed in God, but they didn't know that God's servants no longer believed.

"Welcome, please come here to take a break, is it still chaotic outside?" An old woman greeted the three of them attentively, and came to her home.

There are three other people in her family, her husband, a rigid old man.

When two young men and women, her son and daughter, received the three of them, the family was having lunch.

Lunch is beef tacos, scrambled eggs with sausages, roast chicken...every food has a lot of cilantro.

"It's even more chaotic outside. People are either already in pain or heading towards pain." Professor Malley shook his head while drinking a glass of milk with a strong fishy smell.

"Oh, this is God's punishment for people. Endless greed and demands finally lead to the end." The old woman babbled.

"Yeah, only if everything is original like ours, without chemical fertilizers, gasoline, or pesticides... can God be satisfied." The old woman's son said in a strange way.

Obviously, he is a guy who is very dissatisfied with his current life.

But Professor Malley didn't like this guy, because he could tell at a glance that this guy could only slap his mouth, and really let this kid go out, but he didn't dare to go out.

"Okay, Jon, don't embarrass your mother anymore. God has favored us so much that we can live in peace until now. Too many people have died outside." The old man who was eating beef rolls taught his son road.

Jon stopped talking, his eyes fixed on the beautiful and fashionable Ronnie.

Although Milia was also very beautiful, she was a nun, and she gave off an inexplicable sense of threat, like an ordinary person standing in front of a tiger.

"Do you want to come and settle here with us? Outsiders are not welcome in the town, and we need the joint names of many people to allow outsiders to settle down." Jon hinted.

He is saying that he has a way to get many people's joint names.

His sister, a young girl with freckles, looked at her troubled brother with disdain, and the smell of hormones was almost on the nose.

"There is another way to settle down in the town. As long as it is a doctor and a carpenter, you don't need many people to jointly sign, as long as you get the consent of the mayor and the residents of the two households." The freckled girl deliberately made it right for her brother.

"Oh, Your Excellency the nun is a very good doctor." Professor Malley said immediately.

"That's really great. The old turtledove is a bastard. His eyes are broken. Last time I recovered from a cold and couldn't stop coughing. He even prescribed laxatives for me. I didn't dare to go out for a few days." The old man said happily .

In a closed town, the demand for doctors is the most urgent need.

Soon with the help of Jon's father and sister, Professor Malley and the three established a foothold in this closed town-they were allowed to live in the church.

Anyway, the priest has been dead for many years, and now everyone takes turns to clean the church, and the mayor presides over the service.

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