Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 335: repeat history

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Two Americans, one black and one white, soon boarded another nearby battleship, a huge battleship.

That's right, the Battle of Mara in South America in 1931 was a decisive battle between battleships and aircraft carriers.

However, it turned out that the battleship formation of the Bald Eagle and John Bull defeated the aircraft carrier formation of the South American coalition...

The backward weapons, on the contrary, defeated the advanced weapons.

There is only one reason, people who use weapons can't.

Then, in Wen Rensheng's eyes, the battleship slowly straightened, then started, and took the lead from the wide shipping route to the foggy right sea area.

Wu Liansong glared at the battleship, still very angry: "Why are these **** so thick-skinned? There is no basis at all, even if they don't check, they will frame us for nothing!"

Wen Rensheng was emotionally stable, because the face of the other person in the previous life was ten times, no, a hundred times more abhorrent than this.

What's even more hateful is that there are still a large group of flies who take the initiative to help and ridicule their own people. It's really cheap.

Of course it could also be a business.

"It's alright, just kill this guy who can't learn to handle human affairs. There's no need to get angry, and you don't need to think about convincing them."

Wen Rensheng said calmly, "You must know that these bald eagles, if there is a point where they can be unreasonable, they will definitely not be unreasonable."

Wu Liansong was shocked when he heard the words, but there was some kind of great wisdom hidden in the seemingly ordinary words of the other party.

Yes, if you think about history, you will know that the Celestial Dynasty has a tributary system, seeking face and etiquette, and will reason with the vassal state, and even make concessions in many aspects.

The bald eagles don't have this system. What they focus on is colonization, plunder, and truth can only be found in cannons.

Even the so-called **** ally, as long as there is a conflict of interest, if they turn their face immediately without discussion, they should be killed.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and said, "This time we must teach them a lesson!"

"It's not easy to teach them a lesson this time. In this game of chicken, our teammates are a bunch of pig teammates." Wen Rensheng reminded.

"That's true, aircraft carriers can defeat battleships, I'm really convinced, and there are such **** guys?" Wu Liansong suddenly had a headache.

While he was having a headache, the aircraft carrier under the two of them had already started slowly, and was also heading towards the foggy sea on the right.

Looking at the activated aircraft carrier, Wu Liansong frowned and said, "What role do you want us to assign this time? It can't be a pilot or a sailor, right?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the role of China's military advisor." Wen Rensheng deduced.

"Well, yes, some consultants were sent over at that time, but unfortunately, these South Americans, all flinched, they only knew that they hid in well-prepared ports, and abruptly used mobile weapon aircraft carriers as land airports. Look at this. A piece of history really leaves people speechless." Wu Liansong was depressed.

Isn't this normal?

Wen Rensheng thought to himself that the Magino line of defense in his previous life was a typical sit-in war.

A soldier's training and will to fight largely determine which tactics to use.

Great depth, mobile warfare, interspersed encirclement... all require extremely high morale and a firm will to fight, which means that the enthusiasm for fighting should be high.

This is the same as normal work. There is no hope and no enthusiasm. Of course, everyone is working hard every day. Who is willing to actively develop?

After all, the achievements that have been developed are not owned by you, but instead you need to work more to cause trouble?

On the contrary, staying still and engaging in passive defense is the most comfortable for soldiers, and the risk seems to be the smallest, but in fact it is not small.

But now that he wants to change this situation, he has to use ruthless moves.

Fortunately, he has the means.


A huge battleship formation, 8 main battleships, all with a displacement of 50,000 to 60,000 tons, as well as one-water destroyers and cruisers.

Black Albert and white Charmian were on the lead battleship, resting in a sailor's cabin.

"It's the background of 31 years now. The aircraft is quite developed. This battleship is already behind. Can we beat other people's aircraft carriers? They can fly kites to kill us as long as they keep a distance." Black Able particularly worried.

At this time, he, where there is no rage just now, is completely stern and sullen.

"Judging from the progress of the Marathon Sea Battle, the South American coalition did not want to make progress. They just wanted to rely on three imported aircraft carriers to scare us and return to the negotiating table, which determined their failure." White Chami Peace of mind has the path of success.

"But now is different from history. Now they have two intruders on their side, and they will definitely find a way to reverse this historical process." Black Albert shook his head.

"Don't worry, the South Americans are also taking advantage of the Shenzhou people. They just want to use their momentum to balance us America, but they are wary of them and dare not let them let go. No matter how good a strategic plan they propose. , those lazy and stupid latin guys who only know football and samba can't execute it." White Charmian explained.

The black Albert nodded and said: "I'm relieved, thinking about it too, those Latins don't seem to have won any influential war victories, they only know that they are living on the isolated southern continent without any progress. Hearts, they deserve to be ruled by us."

"Yeah, it is precisely because they are in such a good position, far away from all kinds of conflicts, that they cannot be found in the world war, so they are not tempered and can only be reduced to the bottom." The white Charmian disdainfully said.

"This is a resource trap. The better the geographical environment is, the less it will develop, because they have no need for development, as long as they rely on the sky to eat, it is enough." Black Albert echoed.

"Yeah, although our resources are equally rich, our development depends on the Hundred Years War and the transfer of capital and technology from the European Union. This is a miracle that cannot be replicated. This is the result of those wise men."

The two were talking, and the battleship formation began to divide. One team started with 5 battleships and went straight to the port of Mara in front.

The two immediately stepped onto the deck and looked towards the distant port.

I saw three huge aircraft carriers in a military port, and there were still many planes on them, and it seemed that there was no defense.

"There is no submarine blockade, and there is no aircraft patrol and reconnaissance, so we are within tens of kilometers. This distance is almost reaching the range of naval guns. Have they entered a state of war?" The white Charmian shook his head.

"It seems as you said, they just want to scare us, and they are not mentally prepared for war at all," said Black Albert excitedly, "It seems that we can repeat history."

"Well, repeating history." The white Charmian responded, but there was a haze in his heart.

If the action is too smooth, it will make people feel uneasy.

Fortunately, it was like this in history. The huge battleship formation easily approached the garrison area of ​​the opposing aircraft carrier formation.

This is simply unbelievable, but thinking of the xenogeneic factor, it seems that it can be explained again.

Those weak South Americans should not have the ability to detect the approach of the battleship formation.

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