Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 328: sea ​​battle

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The words of the American people on the cruise ship naturally drifted into the ears of Wen Rensheng and others.

Hearing those words, most of the remaining psychological barriers of the two girls disappeared.

"Damn, it turns out that they are really a group of robbers!"

"Yeah, they came to grab the things we worked so hard to get without shame!"

Wang Wenwen and Zhao Hanyi spoke one after another in indignation.

"Don't be surprised, this is their traditional art, from the era of great voyages to the present." Wen Rensheng said as usual.

Just before his reincarnation, those who claimed to be civilized were still robbing them in broad daylight.

And who dares to come here to take risks, who can be a gentle person?

You must know that the explorers of the Great Voyage Age have the attributes of pirates, rogues, rogues, and scum.

"What should I do now?" Wu Shanshan stared at Wen Rensheng and asked.

Wen Rensheng didn't answer. He had already picked up his mobile phone and started to call the island base where he came from.

"I'm Wen Rensheng, and I ask you to send a fast frigate to support."

"Well, thank you."

"Teacher is so powerful that a warship can be dispatched to **** him with just one phone call?" Zhao Han was extremely surprised.

Only then did she understand Wen Rensheng's true power. With just one phone call, a military battleship could be dispatched. What kind of status would that be?

"It's very common. Even if an ordinary sea ship is attacked by pirates outside, it will arrive in time after it sends a signal. The Eastern Ocean and the Southern Ocean are our traditional spheres of influence." Wu Liansong said normally.

At this time, the people on the cruise had been arguing for a long time, and finally five people decided to fight.

However, when they finally reached an agreement, when they came to grab it in a speedboat with guns, Wen Rensheng and others had already boarded a boat collectively again.

They looked at each other, but no one dared to approach the wreckage, the living people, they still had the courage to deal with them, even if the other party was an alien.

After all, people will be soft-hearted, people will hesitate, and there are many weaknesses... But those ghost ships that are elusive and incomprehensible are the ones they dare not approach at this time.

Wen Rensheng and others boarded a modern ironclad ship with a displacement of 8,900 tons and rust spots. It was powered by a huge steam boiler. This was a battleship at the end of the 19th century.

"Hey, there is a name on it, Zhenxi Ship," Wang Wenwen said excitedly, touching the 305mm cannon barrel, "I remember it was during the Hundred Years' War. In 1878, China and the European coalition fought a decisive naval battle in the Persian Gulf. , As the main battleship, it went forward bravely and sank three enemy main ships in one fell swoop. It was also seriously injured and lost power. In order to avoid being captured, it took the initiative to open the sea valve and chose to sink itself."

At this time, how can she still feel the discomfort of killing someone just now?

"I didn't expect it to appear here, it's really amazing." Of course, Zhao Han also knew this history, and he was also rubbing the cannon tube with a look of excitement.

Wen Rensheng was a little speechless when he saw it, the pictures that the two had concocted were too clear and strange.

Because the battleship sank on its own, it still maintained a front-up attitude at this time, so everyone could stand on the deck stably.

One of the indicators of China's manufacturing of battleships is to have strong survivability and thick armor, which is 20% thicker than that of battleships of the same level.

The result is that the speed is not enough, which is helpless. After all, it is impossible to open up the generation gap in terms of technology.

However, China has a huge army, and the navy and the army cooperate closely and can exert greater power, forcing the opponent to launch an active attack.

On the defensive side, thick armor and little mobility are tolerable.

It didn't take long for it to feel the arrival of the personnel. The iron-clad battleship also started slowly, heading towards the foggy sea area farther away.

"It's incredible. A thousand-ton sailing warship can start automatically, and a nearly 10,000-ton iron-clad warship can also start automatically. What is the driving force for them?" Zhao Han asked incessantly.

The speed of her reply from the incident just now was faster than that of Wang Wenwen.

Wen Rensheng stared at the two women, thinking secretly.

The recovery of these two people is so fast, of course, it is impossible for them to be all due to the academic achievements of their great teaching. That thing can only be used for a while.

If he guessed correctly, this is the subtle psychological influence of the xenogeneic species.

Someone attacked, counterattacked and killed. In their subconscious, the whole thing was like a mosquito sucking blood, and a person slapped a mosquito to death.

Mosquitoes don't come to **** blood, and they won't go to the wild to kill mosquitoes.

Although their conscious education and self-cultivation make them feel that killing is a very bad thing, even if the opponent is a bad guy.

But subconsciously, their cognition has been changed.

That is ordinary people and aliens, not one kind of life.

It is a big thing for people to kill people, but it is very common for people to kill beasts.

Two innocent girls can recover so quickly, which shows the strong influence of alien species.

Just thinking about it, Wen Rensheng saw the ironclad ship under his feet, which had entered the foggy area.

Then came a voice.

"Anchor, pressurize, set sail... Target, Sea King!"

A roar woke the crowd.

Then Wen Rensheng felt a heat flow between his chest and abdomen.

A lot of knowledge and skills seemed to emerge from his mysterious seed, all about the repair and maintenance of 19th century battleships.

He instantly understood how this sea cemetery quickly increased the skill level of the aliens.

It turns out that knowledge is directly infused, first infused into the alien species, and then the alien species is fed back to the human brain. In a very short period of time, people can quickly master the corresponding knowledge and skills.

He had worked as a damage control officer on a destroyer before, but this time he was also a repairman...

Can't you give yourself a captain's post?

Damn it, a genius like me can only do this kind of low-end work?

Indignant, he saw the entire battleship look brand new, as if it had just been launched. And one by one sailors, running quickly from the side, each took their place.

And Wang Wenwen is running into a main turret, very skillfully playing the role of the artillery commander, that is, he is responsible for aiming at the target and providing shooting Zhu Yuan, this position is very important, can let the deadly main artillery shells, more smashed A few times the enemy ship is hit, and most of it depends on her...

Well, just now this guy thought killing people was unacceptable, but now her hands and feet are much faster than her brain.

As for Zhao Han, he was in the middle of a group of shadowy sailors, still doing the work of moving and filling cannonballs...

Others also have their own positions. A 19th-century battleship needs hundreds of people to operate, and 9 people are more than enough to arrange, so there is no need to worry about everyone finding a suitable position for them.

What surprised him was that his father and mother ran into the command room inside the bridge and began to play the role of auxiliary staff.

This old man is stronger than he imagined...

It should be the role of can play a great role in the battle, the simplest, such as determining the incoming torpedo, to avoid it in advance.

The threat of torpedoes to battleships is great.

There were no aircraft in the 19th century, and there were very few weapons that could really hit a battleship, and torpedoes were one of them.

Just like the Dadonggou naval battle, there was a huge gap in the preparations in the early stage. Under such a huge disadvantage, the two ironclad ships were heavily scarred and still did not sink. This is the strength of battleships.

As Wen Rensheng thought about it, he brought a team of damage control personnel to prepare for rescue.

The inspection of fire-fighting equipment, the preparation of emergency maintenance tools, the water pump, the water pipe... He dealt with it in an orderly manner according to the knowledge that emerged in his mind and the previous studies.

The naval battles of the Persian Gulf in the history of this world also appeared in his mind one by one.

As a result of the battle, the Shenzhou side retreated, and the European coalition took control of the sea, but at the same time, on land, they were defeated again and fled all the way to the Balkans.

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