When Governor Wang learned of this, he was taken aback.

"This Wu Xun is so difficult to deal with, and he was defeated so easily?"

He was unbelievable.

"In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. In the south of the Yangtze River, this kind of method has long been known to everyone, but in the northwest, the people are simple, there are few scholars, and everyone is afraid of bureaucrats." Wen Rensheng wrote lightly.

"So that's the case. I also heard that in the south of the Yangtze River, if something goes wrong, scholars will often gather in groups and go to the yamen to block the door. Even the magistrate of the county will avoid the edge." Governor Wang nodded.

Wen Rensheng nodded.

In fact, the other party still underestimated the ability of Jiangnan scholars.

Governor Wang didn't know how powerful the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River were, and how powerful their latent power was.

They can manipulate the public opinion of scholars, and even decide the matter of scientific research!

Who can win the exam, who can become a scholar!

"Rescission" organizations also appeared.

This is the ability of Jiangnan scholars.

Although what they do is still hypocrisy, it is still for their own benefit, wearing a layer of Confucian morality.

But in terms of its fundamentals and operation, in fact, there was already a form in which the gentry recommended local self-care in the late Qing Dynasty.

Manipulating the imperial examinations, manipulating the hearts of the people, and manipulating the officialdom, although most of them are doing things out of selfishness.

There are very few people who really have a public heart.

However, under this form, after all, it is impossible for scholars to openly allow the massacre of common people.

Too greedy and too ugly things should not be done in public.

Of course, the filth behind the scenes abounds.

And if you bully him like that, you really lose your face.

Although their form is rotten, it is much stronger than the extremely oppressive, hacking and killing, and very vicious governance model of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

In the end, Governor Wang said: "Very good, very good, you have done a good job with nephew."

"By the way, I want to clean up the acres of land in the city recently, and I need some old accountants who are good at calculation, hardworking, and not afraid of powerful people. Help me find some."

Wen Rensheng said with a smile: "This matter is simple. You can go to the tents of some retired shopkeepers and gather them together. I will identify them one by one. Be sure to select reliable people."

"Well, I'll leave this matter to you. If you can clear up the land that is due to the country, it will be a great achievement, and I will definitely recommend it to you." Governor Wang also gave a formal reward.

Li Hao is very powerful, but in his hands, he can only perform in a small town. If he can enter the Ministry of Officials and recognize the officials in the world, then he will be able to use him.

It's just that the Ministry of Officials is the most powerful, and a doctor or chief officer must be in the top two, and only those with background can take office after a few years.

He is well aware of the difficulty, and can only sigh.

It would be great if Li Hao became a Jinshi, became a Hanlin, and could become someone close to the emperor.

Thinking of this, Governor Wang decided to recommend it to the emperor after a while, after making great contributions.

Since ancient times, it has been the most difficult to know people.

Especially for Ming Jun, knowing people is the most powerful skill.

Suddenly, Governor Wang was a little scared.

What if a person like Li Hao is recruited by some ambitious people, or becomes self-reliant...

Impossible, he laughed inwardly again, the other party is only a scholar, a literati.

Since ancient times, how can literati rebel against successful people?

As long as the opponent is not contaminated with military power and does not directly control the military, there will be no problem.

A glass of poisoned wine at most can solve it.

At this time, Wen Rensheng also cupped his hands and said, "Uncle Shi, you are being too polite. The student is really ashamed."

Afterwards, the two talked about their family affairs, and then Wen Rensheng said goodbye and left.

Governor Wang looked at the back of the other party and shook his head again.

Li Hao certainly has no rebellious intentions, otherwise, why should he expose his ability to know people to himself?

Can't you just sit quietly?

However, he also wanted to write a letter to a few friends in the middle of the capital to make a preliminary preparation in advance.

Otherwise, if something happens to him, he will become Sima Yi or Zhuge Wuhou in the future.

As long as someone else knows what he is capable of, then don't worry.

In fact, it doesn't matter, after all, what makes many powerful people convincing is their knowledge.

He thought for a while, then shook his head again.

I still think about it.

Wen Rensheng naturally knew what Governor Wang would think.

He never counted on the integrity and moral bottom line of feudal bureaucrats.

How could it be possible without soldiers?

Any history lesson clearly says:

No soldiers, no roots, no soldiers, no power.

He then returned to his temporary residence.

The three adoptive sons were always by his side.

As soon as he got home, he saw Xie Changgeng waiting at the door.

"Come in." Wen Rensheng said directly.

After Wen Rensheng entered the study, Xie Changgeng knelt on the ground.

"Thank you, my lord, for worrying about the villain. As soon as Wu Xun left, Hu's experience was immediately changed and he bought the house. Now my family is fine."

"Oh, it's a pity that another family has been harmed. When you send another letter later, just say that I said it. You have to leave a way out for others when you do things. Even if it is leeks, you have to leave a finger high." Wen Rensheng said flatly.

"My lord is kind, and the little man is grateful. This is the land deed and house deed of the villain, and all of it is dedicated to the lord." Xie Changgeng presented a stack of official deeds with both hands, and he was really grateful at this time.

Before, it was just out of fear and awe, but now I have three points of sincerity in my heart.

As for seven points, that's impossible.

After all, the two sides have only met a few times.

"That's the end of this matter. You will manage the store well in the future, and I still have some things to ask you." Wen Rensheng sat down on the chair, and didn't want those contracts, and didn't ask Xie Changgeng to get up.

Xie Changgeng knelt on the ground and replied.

Wen Rensheng remembered the agreement of the Golden Armor God and Man, not to use the knowledge that crossed the era, and of course he couldn't avoid kneeling and making everyone equal.

"I have a few suitable people here, and I will arrange them in your shop."

"It's a villain's job, we must arrange it well to satisfy the adults." Xie Changgeng naturally knew that it was mixed with sand, so he watched him.

To prevent him from making money but crying poor.

"Tomorrow, you will call the whole store to the courtyard, and I will take a look and find out who is available."

"Yes, my lord." Of course Xie Changgeng would not have the slightest objection.

Because at this time, he has already regarded the shop as Master Li's, and he is just a big shopkeeper.

He originally planned to donate all of the two grain stores, but now the other party only wants a little money from him, just to arrange manpower.

This is a normal time.

That night, Xie Changgeng ordered the business to be closed for the next day, and called all the staff in his shop.

Early the next morning, everyone bathed and cleaned up.

Make sure there is no bad smell all over your body.

After all, Xie Changgeng came from a businessman background, and he was used to serving officials.

From these few meetings, I knew Rensheng's preferences.

It has to be clean, absolutely clean.

There must be no odor on the body.

Wen Rensheng didn't say this, but he could see it. It can be said that it was not a fluke that he was able to avoid the family ruin this time.

Otherwise, who would think of asking for a new staff member in the governor's office?

Who would have known that the other party would dare to continue, and even be willing to overthrow Wu Xunyan for a small business like him?

In fact, he already knew that there was a conflict between the governor and the governor.

So looking for a way to break the situation, I thought of using strength from the governor.

However, he has never burned incense before, so how can he worship Buddha at this time?

I had no choice but to find a new staff member with the mentality of giving it a try.

The reason is also very simple. The new staff members, who haven't eaten money yet, will be bold and want to make contributions.

Sure enough, he figured it out.

The new staff really dared to do it.

The next morning, Wenren was promoted to the hospital.

The main personnel are the big shopkeepers of the east and west stores, and there are two second shopkeepers.

The second shopkeeper, who runs outside to collect grain.

I usually have friendship with some small farmers and small and medium landowners.

The best way to sell food is to find acquaintances, at least there won't be too many pitfalls.

Xiao Dou can also discuss one or two things, and won't be too ruthless.

If you go to a merchant, you will inevitably be killed.

In short, farmers are the worst, especially small farmers who have no bargaining power.

In addition, there are two accountants, four assistants, and six thugs.

Anyone who runs a grain store must have thugs. Without thugs, how can they deal with those barbaric people?

Sometimes you go to the countryside to collect grain, and there are also some arrogant households who force you to take away a small amount of rotten grain.

In short, this is a Sheda world.

There are no complete rules and principles. As long as you are in a disadvantaged position in a certain environment, you will inevitably suffer.

No exceptions.

Wen Rensheng asked Xie Changgeng to the study after a brief questioning and careful identification.

Tell him that the second shopkeeper of the West Store is suspected of serious corruption.

Others also had a few unclean hands and feet.

Xie Changgeng was very angry.

He stares at it every day, and there are still people who can eat inside and outside.

Yes, he was angry with himself.

Not a guy who crawls around.

Because eating inside and out is normal.

He knows this very well.

Which door does not accept gifts?

Then Wen Rensheng asked Li San's father and mother to work in their shop.

Just do some ordinary sweeping things, and the normal wages are enough.

After Xie Changgeng went back, he asked the thugs to bring shopkeeper Xier here, and after a beating, shopkeeper Xier told everything.

Don't look at Xie Changgeng's submissiveness in front of Wen Rensheng, when he was bought, he was like a mourning concubine.

But in front of these hired workers, he is also a majestic and majestic boss.

No one would sympathize with this shopkeeper's insanity.

Not to mention that he is now ingratiating himself with the people in the governor's yamen, even if shopkeeper Xi was killed, it would only be a report of a sudden illness.

Just give some silver taels to their families to appease them.

This is also the scene of the end of the dynasty.

Because officials are unwilling to work, it is better to do less than to do more.

If it was in the early and mid-term, the officials would check it out. Generally, noble families cannot easily kill hired people.

Who cares now?

There are many refugees who die by the roadside, and they can't be controlled.

It's a big check.

It turned out that the second shopkeeper had a family property of four thousand taels of silver!

And according to the other party's dividends and wages, the net worth is at most 500 taels!

Well, his master only has 20,000 taels, and a shopkeeper has 4,000 taels.

The other party has to be in the store every day, and there is no other work.

This must be something that can only be obtained by poaching the corner of the master's house.

He didn't even notice.

The other party confessed that they lied about the price when harvesting grain, colluded with Xiaomin, and overreported the purchase price by tens or hundreds of dollars, and gave Xiaomin a little of it, so that when he came down to check, everyone had the same caliber.

He, the shopkeeper, couldn't find out either.

It is impossible for him to stare at the countryside every day.

The countryside is hard work, and there may be bandits.

In this way, the mouse pulled the turtle and took away his property.

After Wen Rensheng learned of this, he was not surprised at all.

It would be strange if this were not the case.

Those professional managers in later generations paid themselves high wages and high dividends.

In fact, the listings they manage are almost bankrupt, all relying on forging good-looking financial statements to deceive shareholders and shareholders.

After a few years, he resigned and left.

So some people say that the professional manager system seems to be advanced, but in fact it is not necessarily reliable.

Because as long as a professional manager has bad character, or is about to retire and wants to make a fortune, he has a lot of ways.

For example, you can hand over the company's business to a company that you control.

After a few turnovers, the benefits are easily transferred.

This kind of thing is too much.

How can there be such a good thing if you want to count on being a shareholder who does nothing and only waits for dividends?

When buying a house for rent, you will encounter tenants who do not pay a deposit, let alone a company?

As a shareholder, you must be proficient in business and must supervise the company's operations. As long as you are lazy, someone will benefit from your laziness.

You don't have to make decisions, but you must be able to supervise.

This is common sense.

Therefore, many large companies are still family businesses and do not employ professional managers.

It's not that they don't know about family issues, the problem is that you may not be reliable if you hire a manager.

Anyway, the family is rotten in one pot.

Of course nothing is perfect in the world.

When shareholders are responsible, checks and balances can be formed in a timely manner, and problems can be resolved in a timely manner.

There are no perfect systems and no perfect people.

Just keep adjusting and balancing each other.

After Xie Changgeng went through some cleaning up, Wen Rensheng arranged for him a few capable and loyal people.

Xie Changgeng was naturally very grateful.

"For the kindness of an adult, a villain can only repay one or two if you make filial piety every year."

"Okay, okay, you can follow the usual practice." Wen Rensheng said, "And you have to remember to store more grain in the future, replace the old grain with new grain, and ensure that the warehouse has 10,000 shi of grain in stock."

When Wen Rensheng said this, he couldn't help but think of making military dry rations.

Dry food for military use in later generations can be preserved for 50 years!

As long as it is dry enough, high in salt and sugar, and sealed, 50 years is normal.

If this kind of dry food is made, the food will be enriched every year, and it will be much more convenient to train the army if something happens.

It's a pity that he can't do it. He must use the method of military dry rations that already exists in this era.

Like fried rice or something.

Xie Changgeng said: "Yes, my lord, I will immediately build more warehouses and guarantee to store 10,000 shi of grain."

"Okay, let's go."

After Wen Rensheng finished his work, he started looking for a tent for the governor.

He also handed over this matter to Xie Changgeng.

The other party found 20 old tents.

After Wen Rensheng tested, he finally found three hard bones.

Hard tempered.

Rather bend than bend.

I would rather offend my boss than stick to my principles.

In one of the old tents, the owner was lured to eat, drink, and rape, and asked for money at will.

But he insisted on refusing to give it, saying that he would only give it if there was a profit at the end of the year. This was an order from his old club.

As a result, he was fired directly.

Then, this club will undoubtedly lose.

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