Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2023 Pay tuition

Meeting among the three of them.

Or Xiao Huan as a telephone line.

The head was lying on Zhao Han's side, and the feet were dangling on Jia Rong's side.

As scary as it gets.

Zhao Han quickly told the other two about the capital's information.

In fact, the court discussions at this time did not have a good sense of secrecy at all.

Only in the military and in the harem, there is a sense of secrecy.

Jia Rong sneered and said, "Even if they knew they were attacking east and west, they had to transfer troops from the south."

Jia Lian nodded and said: "That's right, whoever refuses to transfer troops is disloyal to the emperor, this is a big problem."

"Hey, the feudal dynasty killed people." Zhao Han shook his head.

Sure enough, this is the army of Qin Wang from all over the world gathered in the capital.

Yet the First Fleet hit and run.

Now the army was dumbfounded.

At this time, the Second Fleet finally dispatched troops, stabbing at a vital point.

Send troops directly into the mouth of the Longjiang River to block the water transportation, and the grain in the south of the Yangtze River cannot be shipped immediately.

King Qin's army had no food to eat.

The north has not had enough commodity grain for a long time.

There is no such thing as Jiangnan, but Huguang is familiar with it, and the world is full.

Huguang's food is transported to the mouth of the Longjiang River by the Longjiang River, and then transported to the north through the Grand Canal.

This is the channel of life.

Without Jiangnan water transportation, it is impossible to hold on.

After two months, King Qin's army was ordered to return, and then they only distributed food for two days, but they collapsed halfway.

Turn into a bandit.

Sweeping around the capital.


In history, the late Ming Dynasty was even more exaggerated.

The civil officials couldn't find food, so in order not to bear the food and grass of King Qin's army, they took advantage of the loopholes in the deployment of troops.

The loophole is that the army has just arrived in a place, and it is customary to eat its own food and grass on the same day, and it will be supplied by the local county the next day.

So they mobilized the soldiers back and forth, so that the team only stayed in one place for half a day, arrived in the morning, and left in the afternoon.

Play tricks, that is called a shrewd.

But King Qin's team didn't have so much food, and the food was exhausted soon, and some soldiers starved to death. In this case, there were still a large number of soldiers who did not rebel, but just collapsed.

Under this kind of tossing, in the end, they were only killed by peasant uprisings, instead of being captured by soldiers, and soldiers rioted like the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

The control of the army by the imperial power and the system can be said to have reached its peak.

It has to be said that the soldiers of the feudal dynasty are really resistant to pressure, and the internal friction index is very high.

However, as soon as King Qin's army left, the company's fleet went north again and came ashore to attack again.

This time, the people above learned to be smart. They didn't let so many people come to serve the king. They only used 30,000 people to station on the main roads to prevent the capital from being raided.

However, the water transportation was cut off, not only the soldiers had to eat, but also the ministers and the common people.

Soon the price of rice in the capital rose to 3 taels of silver per stone!

And it's still rising.

At the same time, the company fleet was recruiting refugees outside the gate of the capital.

Just hit the court's face on the ground!

Starve to death, or go overseas?

This is not a multiple choice question.

No matter how terrifying the sea is, it is no more terrifying than Yizi and Eating.

Before the common people did not go to sea, most of them had no channels, and they would die if they could not get to the sea, and most of the inland people did not know that there was still a way to make a living by going to sea.

Now Rongyao sent people to put this road in front of them.

They sent a cavalry team with a little food to lure the refugees to the seaside by cooking gruel.

All of a sudden, lured by food, a large number of refugees came to the beach, cleaned up and boarded the boat.

A ship can hold 100 tons of grain, and a person can live for a month with ten catties of grain.

One month is enough to reach the southern island.

This time, Eiyaku took out its secret weapon: a steamship.

This has already begun to be built in the West, but it is still not widespread enough because of the high cost and imperfect equipment.

But the steamship can move forward when there is no wind, which is the biggest advantage.

That's enough to live 40,000 people.

In this case, the refugees boarded the boats and went to sea one after another.

Some people wanted to go home when they were full, but after returning home, they were killed by bandits and made human meat jerky.

As soon as this kind of thing is publicized, many refugees will know to be afraid.

In the end, there was no food to eat if they didn't board the boat.

Anyway, if you do big things, you can't be soft-hearted.

Just like being chased by the enemy, people must be sent to stay behind. The team in charge of staying behind means being abandoned, but if you don't do this, the whole army will be wiped out.

In war, it is impossible to talk about ordinary morality.

At the same time, the Second Fleet sent troops to land.

Two fortresses were built, Jiangnan Fortress and Jiangbei Fortress.

Use the bastion system.

The imperial court hastily issued an order to prohibit all counties from distributing goods to Rongyao Company.

For a while there was a great loss.

However, at this time, they have other options, which is to snatch the county government and rule by themselves.

At the same time, they threatened the county government to trade by force.

And they can be self-sufficient with food from overseas, at least for another two years.

But it is not bad if the court can persist for a year.

Rongyao Company had already stocked up enough gunpowder, cannons, iron ore, saltpeter... and other war materials.

After the construction of these two fortresses, the construction continued.

There are only 1,500 people in the area, and this kind of fortress can resist more than 10,000 people.

It is suitable for elites like them, but there are few people.

And they built their forts in commodity production areas.

Guarantee the production of commercial materials.

They mainly occupy the vast countryside.

Cities at this time are rarely producers.

Only a few cities have a large number of handicrafts.

Such as the land of Suzhou and Hangzhou.

As for Rongyao, they have established many steam factories overseas long ago.

All they need is the origin of the ingredients.

Such as the origin of tea, raw silk, and porcelain.

They don't care about those heavily guarded cities, they just need to occupy the countryside.

In rural areas, the imperial court has no soldiers, and it is impossible to send troops to guard them.

Relying on the forested fortresses, they occupy the most important raw material producing areas in the southeast.

In this way, there is food overseas and trade goods on land, so there is no fear of confrontation with the imperial court.

In this case, they already have a strategic advantage.

It can be said that this is the power of the traverser.

In other words, diseases, accidents, one's own will and executive power are the great enemies of the traversers.

As long as there are no problems in these three aspects, if you want to rebel, the probability of success is not small.

The three of Zhao Han are not lacking at all.

The court was completely panicked.

Hurriedly sent a large army to the south of the Yangtze River, including 8,000 cavalry.

Want to rely on cavalry to crush the opponent.

Unfortunately, cavalry cannot cross the river.

You must face the Jiangbei Fortress first.

The pirate fleet blocked the Yangtze River, and the court panicked.

The emperor then decreed to restore Prince Teng.

Wang Ziteng said that he was seriously ill and could no longer lead troops.

The emperor personally sent people to go around Bashu, cross the Longjiang River from the upper reaches, and come all the way to Jinling, which has not yet fallen, to check on Prince Teng's illness.

But Wang Ziteng sat at home in good condition, surrounded by servants.

"My lord, you are deceiving the emperor!" The eunuch said in shock.

"Your bullying, I will let you know what bullying is right now!"

"The emperor regards his ministers like pigs and dogs, and his ministers regard his emperor as an enemy!"

As he spoke, he asked his servant to pour a bottle of poison into the mouth of the eunuch!

The eunuch struggled for a while, dying as if waiting for a chance!

"Today is finally the end of this troublesome incident!" Jia Lian couldn't help but say something from the original book after learning about it.

"Hmph, the emperor seems to be high above, but he is so fragile. As long as someone pushes you, you will fall!" Wang Ziteng looked at the letter from outside.

This is about pirates rebelling and besieging the capital.

This let him know that the court was very weak.

Pirates in the area can't be dealt with, so they can only let the pirates come and go freely.

Before on land, you can rely on soldiers to deal with it, but now it is at sea.

The sea depends on the size of the ship, the number of guns, the speed of the ship, and the excellent sailors, and it has nothing to do with the number of people.

Not long after, news came from the capital.

Queen dies of illness...

Concubine Yuan was promoted to imperial concubine.

Well, this time it's the Queen's turn to die of an illness for no apparent reason.

After the Jia family heard the news, there was a burst of joy.

However, Jia Baoyu knew that Concubine Yuan was rescued from the harem by a group of men in black long ago, and she disappeared.

Actually went to an island somewhere.

The palace is not so strict.


three months later.

Jiangbei Fortress.

To the north is an army of 50,000, known as 200,000, densely packed.

It's just that they soon discovered that this fortress was too difficult to chew.

They used a lot of Shenwei cannons to bombard the fortress.

However only some simple destruction.

Behind this fortress is Longjiang.

The pirate fleet controls water control and is ready to resupply.

If a fort is constantly supplied, it can hold for a long time.

Because not only supplies can be replenished, but also soldiers can be replenished.

That is, the two sides will fight to see who will go bankrupt first.

Obviously, the supply route is short, and the side that uses sea transportation for supply has an advantage.


At this moment, a red-haired merchant ship watched the two sides fight at the mouth of the Longjiang River.

The cannon roared, and another shock failed.

The captain and first mate are all red-haired men.

After watching it with the binoculars, the captain couldn't help but regret: "It seems that the Eastern Dynasty is about to come to an end, why can't we do this?"

The first officer said: "It's very simple, Jiapitan, because we don't look like the locals."

"Is it that simple?" The captain couldn't believe it.

"Yes, it's as simple as that, because they look different, so we can't make them obey us sincerely, and we won't treat them as the same kind, everyone has a different mind." The first mate said.

"Just because they look alike, they can conquer this eastern dynasty? I still can't believe it's such a simple reason." The captain shook his head.

"The reason is actually as simple as that. If we don't look the same, we can't really blend in with these people. We are here to make money. We don't look the same as them, so we lack a sense of substitution for their ethnic group, and we don't want to be among them. A sense of accomplishment, so we don't think about leading them to gain honor." The chief mate is obviously a cultural person, very powerful, and he must be a philosopher.

He was quite right.

Until the 21st century, the appearance of a person still determines the stability of an ethnic group.

"Can you tell me more about it?" the captain asked curiously.

"It's okay, for example, people from the Rongyao Group treat refugees and treat them as the foundation of their own rule. Will we do this?"

"No, we don't trust them, even sleeping together." The captain thought for a while and shook his head.

"This is the key. It's not an excuse to say that the distance is too far away or that we have too few people. The key is that they look different. We can't treat them as our own."

"I understand that the people in Rongyao Company are just like them, so the key is to convert the manpower of Dongfang Dynasty into the people of their company on the spot." The captain finally understood.

"That's right. If we choose to transform these people into our own people, then if we work so hard for so long, isn't that the same as working for them?" The first officer shook his head.

"Yeah, we are here to make money, not to send money to them. And these people in Rongyao Company, they are here to rule, the main purpose is not to make money, but to gain power, gain glory, and acquire this ethnic group reputation in China." The captain fully understood.

He also felt very sorry.

Because of what Rongyao Company did, many of them have understood it over the years.

That's exactly how they colonized.

Introduce your own people, then open up the land, and kill the natives.

The only difference is that it is too difficult for them to introduce their own people.

"Yes, our colonies can only introduce a few thousand people at a time, while their colonies have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people at a time, and they can expand to a million people in two years. This is what we can achieve in decades .” The first officer shook his head.

"This is the root of their victory. With the same technology and the same approach, but with a larger population, they won the right to rule this huge eastern dynasty. I am really not reconciled." The captain shook his head.

The first mate smiled and said, "That's right, so we can't just watch when we come here. Captain, which side do you think we should stand on?"

"We must stand on the side of the imperial court. They don't understand business and can give us a chance to monopolize goods. The imperial court will not have commercial competition with us, and the Rongyao Colonial Company, they are a bigger Colonial group," said the captain.

The first mate nodded: "That's right, we have to help the imperial court to restrain the Rongyao Company. They have taken away many places from us on the entire southern islands because of their own advantages, because the colonial population they can bring is more many."

So the red-haired captain decided to go to Beijing.

They secretly bypassed the fleet of the Rongyao Company, arrived at the imperial court, and met with the Holy Majesty.

After bowing down, the emperor was overjoyed when he heard that they were willing to use the fleet to help the imperial court gain superiority in the sea.

Rongyao Company is actually not that strong, the key is that the fleet is too powerful.

To build such a fleet, the imperial court needs more than five years to buy ships.

And time waits for no one.

This is the strength of the navy. Once you are ahead, it will be difficult for you to catch up in the war.

Unless your industrial strength is strong enough, your opponents cannot destroy your industry.

The emperor decided to seal the captain of the red-haired man as Marquis of Dinghai.

And gave them a lot of gold and silver to help them buy warships.

a month later.

The red-haired captain returned home happily with two million taels.

He decided to retire.

Yes, he was lying to the court.

There's no way, he really wanted to help the other party, but who made them write so badly that he paid the full amount directly.

Then why would he risk going to war?

Isn't he good at running?

However, the emperor still has a big harvest, and the harvest is: ocean trade, no business and no evil.

Never give full money without seeing the goods; likewise, never give full money without seeing the silver.

The tuition is worth it.

Sorry, forgot to update, make up

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